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Malkin Unloads on Liberal ‘Hannity’ Guest Over F&F: ‘The Blood Is on Your Hands!"

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  • Malkin Unloads on Liberal ‘Hannity’ Guest Over F&F: ‘The Blood Is on Your Hands!"

    Man I love me some Michelle Malkin.

    Vid is in the link. Good Stuff.

    Last week, Michelle Malkin stoked the conservative fire after she challenged Juan Williams for calling her “just” a blogger. But if that was stoking the fire, what she did Wednesday night on “Hannity” to liberal Tamara Holder was torching the place with napalm.

    Malkin was a guest along with Holder on a segment talking about the day’s Fast and Furious news (Obama granting executive privilege and Holder being held in contempt). About three minutes in, Holder tried to use the liberal talking point that the entire operation was really started under the Bush administration (the “blame Bush” mantra is really popular these days). That’s where things first got tense, after Holder scolded Hannity who tried to make a point and told him, “No no, let me finish. Give me the same amount of time you give all your Republican friends.”

    But after Holder continued to try and use the argument, Malkin eventually had enough.

    “Can I just go back to this, the tiresome blame Bush card, because I don‘t think that Tamara knows what she’s talking about when we talk about the difference between Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receiver and Project Gunrunner,” Malkin said.

    “Excuse me!” Malkin shouted back when Holder tried to interrupt. “This is not a partisan thing!”

    Holder, clearly offended, took a shot at Malkin: “Sure, sure, I don’t know what I am talking about. No no, to be attacked and say that I don‘t know what I am talking about just because I’m not a New York Times best-selling author–.”

    Hannity stepped in and let Malkin finish, who delivered another blow: “For some of us the core issues of national security, Second Amendment rights, integrity in government actually matters, it is not just some sort of TV game debate for us, Tamara.”

    Holder did not appreciate that, and there were plenty more raised voices before Malkin pointed out that Wide Receiver was “planned, controlled delivery and retrieval“ and that ”they got those guns back,” but that didn’t happen in the Obama administration because there was “underlying gun control agenda that is clear in these documents.”

    “Clearly they are the ones with the ideological zealotry that caused bloodshed in this country. The blood is on your people’s hands, Tamara!” she said passionately.

    “No, actually we‘re all Americans and it’s on all of our hands,” Holder responded, before saying these things just “take time” to figure out and that the contempt charge is too soon.

    Malkin interrupted, and when Holder objected Malkin shot back, “No, I’m not going to let you get away with that lie!”

    Watch the segment below. The setup starts at about 3:30, but the fireworks show begins about two minutes later:

  • #2
    Direct link to vid.


    • #3
      She is one bad bitch!

      Did holder come across to any of you guys as a dumb bitch?


      • #4
        Tamara Holder is a joke, I listen to her debate almost daily on his radio show and she always does the same thing. You make a legitimate point, she changes the subject. If she gets pigeon holed she will cling to a fucking ridiculous explanation without any common sense. There are some liberal commentators that hold their own and are intelligent. She is not one of them.
        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


        • #5
          Tamara Holder is a dumbass.


          • #6
            WTF does Pat Tillman have to do with it? Laughable how the dumb bitch was trying up to the end to change the subject.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mikec View Post
              WTF does Pat Tillman have to do with it? Laughable how the dumb bitch was trying up to the end to change the subject.
              She was side stepping.

              Ever argue with your wife, she has a valid point (rare) and you have to think quick and say something like "look, don't be jealous that the hooker blew me 'on the house' because of your saggy tits" when the entire discussion was about staying under budget on groceries?


              • #8
                Originally posted by mikec View Post
                WTF does Pat Tillman have to do with it? Laughable how the dumb bitch was trying up to the end to change the subject.
                It is the same bullshit every lib pulls when you have them cornered on a 0bama fact, it is the "but Bush did", "but Bush said", "but Bush went"...

                It is the next-to-last defense they use when they cannot put up a decent retort or rebuttal, right before they start calling you a racist for disagreeing with the Great Empty Suit.

                Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                She was side stepping.

                Ever argue with your wife, she has a valid point (rare) and you have to think quick and say something like "look, don't be jealous that the hooker blew me 'on the house' because of your saggy tits" when the entire discussion was about staying under budget on groceries?
                No, that is when I rattle the chain I beat her ass with after we got married.

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                  She was side stepping.

                  Ever argue with your wife, she has a valid point (rare) and you have to think quick and say something like "look, don't be jealous that the hooker blew me 'on the house' because of your saggy tits" when the entire discussion was about staying under budget on groceries?
                  You use the same diversion I do, what are the odds?
                  "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                  "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CJ View Post
                    You use the same diversion I do, what are the odds?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                      Tamara Holder is a dumbass.
                      Though I wouldn't mind a little "leftist"/Asian sandwich. Hmmm....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                        Though I wouldn't mind a little "leftist"/Asian sandwich. Hmmm....
                        I'd kick that Sarah Jessica Parker horse-lookin' bitch to the curb and licked Asian reporter Trisha Takanawa all night long.

                        Then made her Thai red curry for breakfast the next morning.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

