As we speak, thousands of illegals are coming across the border with their children for "The American Dream". Thank you Mr. President.
No announcement yet.
dictator Obama
"The American Dream for Dummies"
Now en espanol!
Speaking of low priority issues...wasn't it just a couple of years ago the government was going around repo'ing Nissan Skylines that were acquired 100% legally because they lacked modern day safety features?"Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson
Originally posted by bcoop View PostNo, you're right. That argument is silly, and void of logic. Everyone in America (aside from American Indians), is, in fact, an immigrant. The difference is, those that immigrated from other countries way back when, did so legally. That's the whole concept that people don't get these days. There is a proper and legal way to do things. They avoid that way, and do it illegally. Which costs them more money, sometimes their lives, etc. Then they want to cry about how we are all immigrants. completely sidestepping the issue of doing it legally vs illegally.satisfaction is the death of desire...
its still "We the people"...right?
Hessan Osama is such a POS. If my parents robbed banks and got sent to prison for 50 years thats just my tough luck for my parents making a bad choice, but the democrats( AKA Commies) give the Mexicans everything they need paid for by US citizens. They know if you rob Peter to pay Paul you can always count on Paul's support
Originally posted by bcoop View PostNo, you're right. That argument is silly, and void of logic. Everyone in America (aside from American Indians), is, in fact, an immigrant. The difference is, those that immigrated from other countries way back when, did so legally. That's the whole concept that people don't get these days. There is a proper and legal way to do things. They avoid that way, and do it illegally. Which costs them more money, sometimes their lives, etc. Then they want to cry about how we are all immigrants. completely sidestepping the issue of doing it legally vs illegally.
Over the years, additional immigration acts were passed that were supposed to limit the burden of invalid immigrants on public finances. This summary of the 1891 immigration act really rings true with what, I feel, most people on the board would agree with today:
The 1891 Immigration Act was a revised version of the 1882 Immigration Act. As in the 1882 Immigration Act, this act declared that certain classes of individuals were unfit to become American citizens. Those classes included idiots, insane persons, and paupers. Any person who could become a public charge on society was also not allowed to enter. The immigrants who came to the United States carrying a contagious disease were also not permitted entry. Anyone who had been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or any other crime such as any activity deemed contrary to the beliefs and standards of society such as polygamy were not granted citizenship. Any person whose ticket was paid for by another was not allowed to enter into the country as well. The United States wanted only those who could care for themselves with out the assistance of others.
Upon arrival to the United States each individual was inspected by the Commanding Officer or agents. The immigrants were required to supply their name, nationality, last residence, and where they were planning to go in the States. They were not allowed entry to the land until they supplied the necessary information. Once on land they had to submit themselves to a medical examination. If any diseases were found they were immediately sent to quarantine or sent back to their country of origin. If an immigrant entered into the United States illegally they were sent back to their home country on the ship in which they arrived. If an immigrant came illegally it was the responsibility of the shipping company to take them back at their own expense as well as pay a fine of $300 per offense. (source) 1891 Immigration Act (pdf)
Ever since, immigration issues have become more complicated and more difficult to regulate, but the basic tenants remain. The spirit behind Obama's intent jives with historical opinion: People who aren't drains on society should be allowed. He'll beat that drum all the while ignoring that he just told millions of illegal aliens that it is acceptable to break the law as a means to an end.Men have become the tools of their tools.
-Henry David Thoreau
Funny how they capped the order those Hispanics under a certain age. He knows that's his targeted base and he's hoping to get enough of them to show up to vote under the premise that if you are there, you must be eligible to vote and therefor allowed to. In states like Texas, this could very well pay off especially in counties that barely hold a republican edge.
Was just watching Wfaa, such b.s. Go hit up their poll, they just showed it on their news.
[QUOTE=BERNIE MOSFET;723171]I was curious about how far back into our history that we regulated immigration, and as far as I can tell, it wasn't until 1882 that we first started applying entry criteria on alien residents. Namely, The Chinese Exclusion Act (which did just as the name implies) and the 1882 Immigration Act (pdf), which levied a fee of 50 cents upon entry into the US and barred immigrants "who appeared to be convicts, lunatics, idiots or unable to take care of themselves." (source)
Over the years, additional immigration acts were passed that were supposed to limit the burden of invalid immigrants on public finances. This summary of the 1891 immigration act really rings true with what, I feel, most people on the board would agree with today:
And so on. Here's more for anyone interested:
To bad we don't enforce the rule anymore. Can you imagine how far the Country would have advanced if we didn't have to support all the 3 world savages. We would have cities on Mars by now
Originally posted by Machx2 View PostWas just watching Wfaa, such b.s. Go hit up their poll, they just showed it on their news.
74% 258
Fully support
22% 77
Not sure how I feel yet
3% 12
No opinion
1% 2
Thus far..."Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey
Originally posted by Vertnut View PostThe stupid bastard already has 61% of the hispanic vote. What an egotistical prick we have for a president. Pisses all over the law AND congress. All you Bush haters can just kiss my ass. The man was a Prince compared to this ass-clown.
As for lezbo nepolian,i hope someone shanks her ass on live tv.
The 1891 Immigration Act was a revised version of the 1882 Immigration Act. As in the 1882 Immigration Act, this act declared that certain classes of individuals were unfit to become American citizens. Those classes included idiots, insane persons, and paupers. Any person who could become a public charge on society was also not allowed to enter. The immigrants who came to the United States carrying a contagious disease were also not permitted entry. Anyone who had been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor, or any other crime such as any activity deemed contrary to the beliefs and standards of society such as polygamy were not granted citizenship. Any person whose ticket was paid for by another was not allowed to enter into the country as well. The United States wanted only those who could care for themselves with out the assistance of others.
Upon arrival to the United States each individual was inspected by the Commanding Officer or agents. The immigrants were required to supply their name, nationality, last residence, and where they were planning to go in the States. They were not allowed entry to the land until they supplied the necessary information. Once on land they had to submit themselves to a medical examination. If any diseases were found they were immediately sent to quarantine or sent back to their country of origin. If an immigrant entered into the United States illegally they were sent back to their home country on the ship in which they arrived. If an immigrant came illegally it was the responsibility of the shipping company to take them back at their own expense as well as pay a fine of $300 per offense.92 LX 5.0
This was a political move in order to secure reelection by cornering the Hispanic vote!! plain and simple! This shit pisses me off. He will stay in office because no one else is gonna beat him when he pulls shit like this.,5944090.storysigpic
Originally posted by fordracer2 View PostThis was a political move in order to secure reelection by cornering the Hispanic vote!! plain and simple! This shit pisses me off. He will stay in office because no one else is gonna beat him when he pulls shit like this.,5944090.story
I'm under the belief now that if Ron Paul is not elected at the end of the year that this country will be fubar'd over the next 4 years whether Obama is re-elected or Romney is somehow elected."Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson