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dictator Obama

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  • dictator Obama

    how is he still in office with all this crap he pulls by going around everyone?!?

  • #2
    Although I agree with the premise, letting people who were brought here as children and raised American stay without having to go back to what for all intents and purposes, is a foregn country to them (like my ex gf). it needs to go through the right channels.

    A President signs into law what is made by both House and Senate. He has no right to make the law.


    • #3
      Proof that he doesn't need congress, and that a POTUS can do just about anything he wants to. A damn shame...


      • #4
        Here is some of what it says if you don't feel like clicking on it.

        The Obama Administration will stop deporting and issue work permits to as many as 800,000 young illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have never committed a crime, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said Friday.

        Napolitano said the change is needed to ensure enforcement resources are not expended on “low-priority cases” and are instead focused on people who “meet enforcement priorities.” But the move angered Republicans, who viewed it as an overreach by the administration on a matter that should be addressed legislatively.

        “Today, I am announcing that effective immediately, young people brought to U.S. by no fault of their own and meet several criteria no longer are removed from country or entered into removal proceedings,” Napolitano said in a conference call with reporters.

        The election-year announcement was met with surprise and question by GOP lawmakers, while raised by at least one leading Capitol Hill Democrat.

        “This is another example of executive overreach,” Florida Rep. Allen West told Fox News.

        West said he just learned about the policy change and that such a move should have come through legislation on Capitol Hill where it could be debated.

        “That’s how we do business in the United States,” said West, R-Fla.

        Read more:


        • #5
          Originally posted by sc281 View Post
          Although I agree with the premise, letting people who were brought here as children and raised American stay without having to go back to what for all intents and purposes, is a foregn country to them (like my ex gf). it needs to go through the right channels.

          A President signs into law what is made by both House and Senate. He has no right to make the law.
          I disagree. If you were brought here illegaly, you should go too. I understand it isn't your problem that you are here, but it is your parents for breaking the law and forcing you to break the law. We have no jobs right now, and he wants to give out work visas? Please, the guy is a grade A moron.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
            I disagree. If you were brought here illegaly, you should go too. I understand it isn't your problem that you are here, but it is your parents for breaking the law and forcing you to break the law. We have no jobs right now, and he wants to give out work visas? Please, the guy is a grade A moron.
            Agreed. This is way out of bounds for what any elected official should do without it following due process. I can't think of any other country in the world that would do this. Now those with work visas will end up with jobs but won't have to pay taxes for one reason or another. Instead of reinvesting their tax free earnings into our economy, they'll send it back to their home country to pay the way for more people to come over. You can't convince me that any elected official who supports this would win reelection. I hope like hell someone tries to bring charges against BO and that Congress repeals this crap.


            • #7
              So if I give my kid a SBR or machine gun can he keep it because it wasn't his fault?


              • #8
                If you're brought here illegally, you're still a criminal. Same as if you sit in the get away car while someone robs a bank. You committed a crime. Go the fuck home
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ALLAN View Post
                  So if I give my kid a SBR or machine gun can he keep it because it wasn't his fault?
                  No. Obama like illegals, not SBRs.
                  Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                  I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                  Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                  Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                  dont downshift!!
                  Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                  • #10
                    Dictator? No, this is business as usual for the executive branch. Despite the supposed division of powers, just because something is legislated doesn't mean it will be enforced.

                    It's not much different from someone breaking federal law, authorities finding out, and deciding not to pursue the matter because they have bigger fish to fry. It's a matter of directive. Administrative policy. Napolitano explains: "Prosecutorial discretion, which is used in so many other areas, is especially justified here."

                    This is of course all bullshit. He's pandering to the Latino community on an election year; selling out the legitimate middle class tax base, many of whom he knows won't vote for him anyway.
                    Men have become the tools of their tools.
                    -Henry David Thoreau


                    • #11
                      100% political move to try and secure the Hispanic vote ahead of Romney's VP choice of Rubio. It's illegal and he should be impeached or ousted for this, among many of the other blatantly unconstitutional policies he's supported and/or enforced.
                      How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                      • #12
                        Can someone please explain why there is always the argument that everyone in America is an immigrant, so who are "Americans" to say we shouldn't allow certain ethnicity into the country?

                        I don't see what this shit has to do with anything. If my ancestors are from Italy, I just can't walk into Italy and be a citizen. If I have ancestors in Mexico, I just can't become a Mexican citizen just because my great great grand father lived there hundreds of years ago.

                        Maybe this isn't the right thought process but that argument to me just seems silly.....
                        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
                          100% political move to try and secure the Hispanic vote ahead of Romney's VP choice of Rubio. It's illegal and he should be impeached or ousted for this, among many of the other blatantly unconstitutional policies he's supported and/or enforced.
                          The stupid bastard already has 61% of the hispanic vote. What an egotistical prick we have for a president. Pisses all over the law AND congress. All you Bush haters can just kiss my ass. The man was a Prince compared to this ass-clown.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                            Maybe this isn't the right thought process but that argument to me just seems silly.....
                            No, you're right. That argument is silly, and void of logic. Everyone in America (aside from American Indians), is, in fact, an immigrant. The difference is, those that immigrated from other countries way back when, did so legally. That's the whole concept that people don't get these days. There is a proper and legal way to do things. They avoid that way, and do it illegally. Which costs them more money, sometimes their lives, etc. Then they want to cry about how we are all immigrants. completely sidestepping the issue of doing it legally vs illegally.
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                              All you Bush haters can just kiss my ass. The man was a Prince compared to this ass-clown.
                              ^^no shit

                              I watched his press speach and then read this thread. I was picking apart his words as he stated them, then some dude enterupted him. The President spewed so much bs and I'm convinced he did the wrong thing.

                              I see this issue from two sides. Stay or go, both sides have good arguments. However, I am on the side of the taxpaying, appreciative for my citizenship, non-welfare recipient, side of this fence. The president stated that any number of these illegals have contributed. As children Mr. President, really? Cool, show me the numbers. The scale is tipped and we need to turn off the faucet. If he can't see this countries seriously screwed up economy, border policy, and and all the money we print and spew all over the globe, he needs to go as well. We need some better leadership.

