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What's going to happen in Syria???

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  • What's going to happen in Syria???

    Things keep getting more interesting/worse. We know Iran is throwing money in there, Russia is selling arms to Assad's regime, China may be doing the same, and we are selling to the opposition. We already have Green Berets there too. With the incompetence of the obama cabinet I see this only getting worse.

  • #2
    Maybe France should handle this one. After all, they did so well in Libya against another regime that was doing nothing against us.


    • #3
      Originally posted by The King View Post
      Maybe France should handle this one. After all, they did so well in Libya against another regime that was doing nothing against us.
      The French have been there every time they've needed us! I once bought a French military rifle that had never been fired and only dropped once. LOL!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
        The French have been there every time they've needed us! I once bought a French military rifle that had never been fired and only dropped once. LOL!
        Was it dropped? Or thrown in retreat?


        • #5
          Vietnam part 2?


          • #6
            The funny thing about the French is they don't like to stir the pot... the best you get out of them is the French Foreign Legion - if the ffl screws up, the politicians can take the stance of " its a bunch of foreigners, if the ffl succeeds, the French take the credit.


            • #7
              This says China isn't supporting Syria, at least anymore.

              DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security. DEBKAfile Exclusive Report April 22, 2012, 10:56 PM (GMT+02:00) ? Beijing has decided to distance itself from the Assad regime of…

              China steps back from supporting Assad, parts ways with Russia

              Beijing has decided to distance itself from the Assad regime of Syria. Notice of this policy shift came about in a secret exchange of messages with the Obama administration, revealed here exclusively by debkafile’s Washington sources. The latest message received in the latter half of last week said: China will no longer be a problem for America in dealing with Assad. That leaves only Russia.
              This change of face surfaced at the UN Security Council on Saturday, April 21, when after voting for another 300 observers for Syria, the Chinese delegate Li Baodong made an unusual speech:
              “We also call upon the international community to continue its firm support for Mr. Annan’s good offices’ efforts and consolidate the results achieved, and we strongly oppose any word and act aimed at creating difficulties for Mr. Annan’s good offices.”

              Li went on to say: “China always maintained that the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria as well as the choice and the will of the Syrian people should be respected.”
              Western sources stress that, with this speech, the Chinese ambassador stepped*aside from Russia’s uncompromising backing for the Syrian ruler. Moscow remained the only world power acting to limit the UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan’s powers and the effectiveness of the UN monitors by denying them proper equipment and authority for overseeing an end to the violence in Syria.
              The shift in Chinese policy was noted by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on April 10 when, after visiting Beijing, he remarked: “China is not in the same position as it was before. It is shifting away from full support for Assad’s regime.”
              debkafile’s Washington sources believe that the Obama administration can count this change of face as a return on its policy of nuclear appeasement of – and rapprochement with – Tehran.

              A senior US official said that what concerns Beijing most is the US oil embargo on Iran and its effect on the Chinese economy. Now that the Chinese see signs of a possible loosening up of sanctions especially in relation to Iranian oil exports in the wake of evolving US-Iranian deals, they are breathing a deep sigh of relief and*prepared to be more accommodating to the US*in its policy on Syria.

              The approaching easing of sanctions against Iranian oil was signaled Saturday, April 21, by an announcement in Tehran that new purchasing contracts for the whole of 2012 had come in from the Asian refineries which*were in*trade relations with Iran.
              Beijing is reported by our sources as having turned down an appeal from the Assad regime to purchase tens of billons of dollars worth of Syrian government bonds to tide it over its economic distress for the duration of the war. Last week, Assad was revealed to be so cash-strapped as to start dipping into the national gold reserves held in the Syrian state bank and selling the precious metal on financial markets in Dubai.
              China’s defection will not immediately bring Bashar Assad crashing down, but it is a vote of no-confidence by a key world power in his survivability. It leaves Tehran and Moscow as the only props of his regime and may well inspire second thoughts in either or both of his champions.
              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


              • #8
                The only thing I think is that we need to get paid in advance for anything we sell them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                  The French have been there every time they've needed us! I once bought a French military rifle that had never been fired and only dropped once. LOL!
                  If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang.

                  Originally posted by SSMAN
                  ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                  • #10
                    Who gives a shit?
                    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                    • #11
                      It will only get worse.


                      • #12
                        Glass factory baby!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                          Vietnam part 2?
                          I thought we already had that in the Middle East?

                          Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                          Who gives a shit?

                          I wish that everyone having to foot the damned bill would. That means all of us.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                            Who gives a shit?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jewmadbro? View Post
                              This is why this country is going to shit.
                              ازدهار رأسه برعشيت

