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Pelosi Says Archdioceses Don’t Represent Catholics in Fight Over Religious Rights

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  • Pelosi Says Archdioceses Don’t Represent Catholics in Fight Over Religious Rights

    Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, a veritable poster for lapsed Catholics, said the other day that 43 Catholic groups suing the Obama Administration over its unconstitutional demand that they offer health insurance coverage of abortions, sterilizations and contraception don’t represent the church.

    Pelosi, whose politics are about as far away from Catholic teachings as can be, said of the organizations that include archdioceses and Catholic universities, “Those people have a right to sue, but I don’t think they’re speaking ex cathedra for the Catholic Church.”

    Besides showing her contempt for fellow Catholic, church teachings and freedom of religious conscience, Pelosi is betraying some serious ignorance of her own church.

    It would be strange indeed if anyone other than the pope spoke “ex cathedra” for the church. Ex cathedra, which means “from the chair,” is a tenet invoked by the pope only when a position expressed by the Vatican is absolutely non-negotiable in order to be considered a Catholic — the so-called papal infallibility doctrine.

    Presumably she’s trying to weasel out of responsibility for upholding church teachings on abortion, which are not ex cathedra dogma but are considered definitive teachings of the church rooted in natural law. The pope has described abortion, sterilization and contraception as “intrinsically evil” acts. Leftist “Catholics” like Pelosi often fall back on the perceived “ex cathedra” loophole to excuse their abysmal behavior.

    There is an unfortunate breed of so-called Catholics who have for generations infiltrated the church with Marxist ideology and a Leftist political agenda. Pelosi is one of those, right up there with the guy I once saw come to church in a Che Guevara T-shirt.

    Meanwhile on Friday, hundreds of Catholics in Obama’s hometown of Chicago marched to protest his anti-religion doctrine and bring attention to the coming Fortnight for Freedom.

    Similar protests were held in several other cities from coast to coast.

    When asked if she supported her church’s teachings on sterilization and abortion, Pelosi said, “You know what, I do my religion on Sunday in church. … I don’t do it at this press conference.”

    Or when it stands in the way of her liberal agenda.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    I do think the popey pope should lift the stupid ban by the church on contrcetpion . It would ease a lot of pain and suffering in the world given the sheer number of catholics . talk to any mexican . Theyll tell you all about how its against their religion . And of course we all know how many kids they have .


    • #3
      That's the church's stance and he shouldn't lift it. He should however, excommunicate Pelosi and anyone who stands with abortion
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #4
        So in other words (and in teh popes own words) "Its a sin to knowingly keep the poor, poor. Oh and by the way poor, dont do something tha would play a key role in you no longer being poor"


        • #5
          Actually, more like "If you're not married, dont' have sex or put it some place she won't get knocked up." Unless you're talking forced sterilzation if you're on welfare, which I'm good with. Want a check? Sign here.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
            So, in other words (and in the popes own words), "Its a sin to knowingly keep the poor, poor. Oh, and by the way poor, don't do something that would play a key role in you no longer being poor"
            No, that is the stance of the democratic party.


            • #7
              Its also the stance of the church apparently

              Its most likely cause they realize they need the poor or their base will dwindle rapidly . So like the democrats they say one thing, but do another


              • #8
                What a surprise, Pelosi doesn't know the tenets of her own professed church, just like she didn't bother (along with many other esteemed congressional representatives) to educate herself on all of the details of the health care reform law she championed.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                  Its also the stance of the church apparently

                  Its most likely cause they realize they need the poor or their base will dwindle rapidly . So like the democrats they say one thing, but do another
                  Actually, Christ said "The poor will be with you always." To believe the church wants people to stay poor is to not understand how they work. Catholics create hospitals that treat the poor for free, have food pantries and kitchens and there's that important thing.....what was it...

                  Oh yeah, the Catholic church makes money off of donations and tithes which if you're poor isn't much. So they prefer you make money so you can tithe 10% of that more money
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    Meh, the wife still uses BC and I know plenty of other Catholics that do.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                      Meh, the wife still uses BC and I know plenty of other Catholics that do.
                      My wife is catholic and she does (well, not at the moment, she's with kid 2). The issue before us isn't the church, but rather the Constitution. Pelosi doesn't speak for the Catholics, hell she supports abortion
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

