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Texas GOP convention

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  • Texas GOP convention

    Kicked off today at the Fort Worth convention center. Seemed like sort of a low turnout, I think they said there were 3,xxx delegates present and around 900 alternates. I expected there to be more, but who knows. I do know they had every alternate seated in our SD caucus and there were still a few empty seats left. The morning was just a bunch of speeches with Rick Perry and Gregg Abbott being the two big names. Perry had everyone cracking up when he said, "Running for POTUS and being the front runner was the most exciting 3-hours of my entire life." Then he got booed/Cruz when he brought up his endorsement for Dewhurst. Perry seems like a goofball that would have been the life of the party back in his college days.

    Many older folks in the crowds, but there were also a ton of under 40 people too. Kind of funny to just people watch at times. There were a lot of Ron Paul people walking around. Probably a 10-1 or greater ratio of Paul signage/bumper stickers vs anyone else in the convention hall and in the parking lots. Only a handful were wearing mo-hawks or spiked hair... I honestly didn't see but one Romney t-shirt and one bumper sticker. The highlight of the day was a 45-minute Ron Paul speech in the afternoon. I missed the majority of it because our SD kind of had their heads up their ass and ran over the allotted time frame for our caucus. The part near the end I caught it was one standing ovation after another and the crowd seemed to love it. I watched it online and he had a great introduction by Donald Huffines and the crowd went nuts when Ron came out.

    I'm optimistic about the rest of the week and anxious to see how the committees end up and how the voting turns out especially for the national delegate positions. IMO there is little doubt that the party in TX has started to realize that the Liberty movement is for real and it isn't going away anytime soon. Every speech was filled with the buzz words "liberty" "grassroots" "constitution" from all of them that stood up and spoke. I still think the 60+year old electric scooter mafia roaming around believe everyone who even says Ron Paul is a dope head who just wants to steal their medication so they can get high off of it. And many of the chair positions don't want to rock the boat for fear that these old folks will quit sending in the portion of their SS checks every few months and instead go play bingo or slot machines. Something I find odd is that Romney was in town this week and isn't even scheduled to make an appearance. Maybe he feels it isn't necessary, but I would think a quick stump speech would help to whip up the base and get some more $$$ flowing into the party.

  • #2
    Who gives a fuck about the GOP? They are a bunch of selfish, lying, two faced, corrupt bastards, just like the Democrats. I don't give a rat's ass about what went on at either convention because it is all a bunch of pathetic partisan nonesense.
    I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

    Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


    • #3
      just waiting for ol vertnut to come in here and tell everyone paul is crazy or some other bs
      ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


      • #4
        Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
        just waiting for ol vertnut to come in here and tell everyone paul is crazy or some other bs
        Here I am! Rand Paul formally endorsed Mitt Romney last night on Hannity's show on Fox. It's obvious that, 1) Barry needs to be defeated, 2) Mitt Romney is the only guy to do it, 3) some of you need to quit crying.


        • #5
          I have to admit guys i dont feel like romney can beat obama . I mean look at how much all the libs love their savior . Theyll defend him and their cries of racism to no end . But how much love do you see out there for romney ? Not a whole lot . Im not saying the great semi black kenyan cant be beat but i dont think romney is the one to do it . He just looks and sound so weak lol


          • #6
            Evidently Bill Clinton and other dems love Romney's job creation history. Obama is trying to do damage control
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              Rand Paul endorsement for Romney explained.
              Two things to note. First, the established GOP seeking Rand's endorsement is a sign of the "movements" power. It is now clear that the strength is there regardless of the numbers and that without the Paul people on-board the party is afraid of the consequences. Second, Rand just moved past a significant political hurdle without sacrificing his principles.

              The convention ended up going very well and we were able to get some really great delegates selected to go to the national convention. We had one alternate selected from our CD that was really well liked by everyone and she will be outstanding in Tampa. Some CD went in with deals where we were able to horse trade for positions to simply guarantee a smooth/painless process. Some of those were pretty funny because the caucus chairman had to stand up and endorse a legit Ron Paul person and the reactions were interesting to say the least. I know of one CD that went 100% by brute voting force. That is three full blown delegates and three alternates. The at large delegates are still being sorted out, but that is where we were able to get some of our best people who have really put in their time selected as national delegates. Some of those people were literally in tears. I think the overall behavior of the majority of Ron Paul people present paid off big time.

              Now that the convention is over the strategy can be fully explained. The party sent out an e-mail a few weeks ago warning all of the delegates that the Ron Paul mafia had managed to get a bunch of delegates into the state convention and that they were all planning to pull shenanigans. I don't know if that was ever a legit plan, but the general idea was instead to conduct ourselves on our best behavior. This was intended to help win over the ones who were told that it would be chaos and instead would find that even though we support Ron Paul, we still have the same ultimate goal. We then decided to spread ourselves out when possible and strike up conversations with as many "establishment sheep" as possible. I spoke to about three different smaller groups who were either wearing Romney propaganda or just looked the part. All of them were excited to see so many younger faces getting involved and agreed that they were the future of the party no matter what. The one man I talked to with a Romney shirt/hat/sticker admitted to me after I revealed that I was a Paul supporter that he had watched all of the debates and agrees with Paul the most. Another older lady I sat with said she decided to go see Ron Paul speak in the main arena and was completely blown away. She said she was yelling with all the other Ron Paul people in the crowd and now thought it was great how people were so fired up. She ended up voting for and helped get elected the alternate in our CD caucus.

              The RPT conducted a very fair convention and they should be proud to be able to pull that off with so many people. I encourage anyone wanting to get involved in the Republican party to participate in the process if they ever get the chance.


              • #8
                In other words, Vertnut was right when he said Ron Paul is not the only man that can save the country. I have said time and again the RP would carry some stroke in the party, and the Tea Party is stronger than ever. The republican party is changing as radically as the dems did a few years ago. It's almost a polarizing effect: the farther left the dems go, the further right the reps go. It's beginning to look like 1980 all over again. If so, Barry is in for an ass-whipping of monumental proportions.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                  In other words, Vertnut was right when he said Ron Paul is not the only man that can save the country. I have said time and again the RP would carry some stroke in the party, and the Tea Party is stronger than ever. The republican party is changing as radically as the dems did a few years ago. It's almost a polarizing effect: the farther left the dems go, the further right the reps go. It's beginning to look like 1980 all over again. If so, Barry is in for an ass-whipping of monumental proportions.
                  From your mouth to God's ears
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    My wife and I stayed at the Omni Hotel this weekend, didn't even know this was going on right across the street until we got there. I did grab some pictures of the "protesters" on the way in to the hotel, I will post them up tomorrow.
                    "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
                    -Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson

