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Romney & Son Investigated For 8 Billion Ponzi Scheme

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Show me one theory paul lives by. Gold standard? Does he get a paycheck in fiat dollars or gold? The MSM is in the tank for the left period. They don't show any republican unless they're fucking up.

    And for the last part? Because he doesnt' have to.
    Paul doesn’t believe in deficit spending. So if his campaign was going into the red he would suspend it. He doesn’t participate in the congressional pension plan and he returns part of his budget every year.
    The right wing MSM has been sucking up to Romney for the last year and the fact that they all but ignore Paul or when they do talk about him it is to try and slander him. The fact is they have been completely disrespectful of him.
    No he is just to scared to because he wouldn’t have the other candidates to hide behind.
    Last edited by cyclonescott; 05-04-2012, 11:19 PM.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Not really weak, showing he doesn't have experience. Even the things he believes strongly in, he doesn't actually do himself. It's always for the people, not the leadership. Why didn't he try to show his ideas in the state, where according to the 10th amendment, the power lays
      Are you really trying to argue these points? I'm really beginning to think you don't understand a lot about how politics work. No one can just yell "10th Ammedment" and completely bypass Federal Law. I bet you think the 10th also leads to a doorway for Texas to secede.


      • #48
        Speaking of consistency, I place Romney voters right up there with Obama voters since you'll still wind up with the same end result.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Denny View Post
          Are you really trying to argue these points? I'm really beginning to think you don't understand a lot about how politics work. No one can just yell "10th Ammedment" and completely bypass Federal Law. I bet you think the 10th also leads to a doorway for Texas to secede.
          Actually, our declaration allows that. I understand how politics work quite well and if someone was at the helm of Texas and doing what Arizona is doing and actually using the 10th, it would show leadership. Paul wants to go to the big house without first proving he can run a small one.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #50
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            Actually, our declaration allows that. I understand how politics work quite well and if someone was at the helm of Texas and doing what Arizona is doing and actually using the 10th, it would show leadership. Paul wants to go to the big house without first proving he can run a small one.
            i hope you are not saying texas can succeed?
            ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


            • #51
              Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
              You're right he will look like the fool he is compared to Paul.
              Some of you guys have really drunk the Kool-Aid! LOL!

              RP barely beat Santorum in some states, and he's G-O-N-E.


              • #52
                Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                i hope you are not saying texas can succeed?
                To answer that I will offer you a question of my own. Did the states create the federal government or did the federal government create them?
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #53
                  Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                  i hope you are not saying texas can succeed?
                  "Secede"? We are already pretty successful as a state.


                  • #54
                    And have the constitutional authority to do so. It just takes the military might to enforce the move
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      To answer that I will offer you a question of my own. Did the states create the federal government or did the federal government create them?
                      So you're saying that you don't know... Hint: the answer is NO

                      I bet you think the Civil War was about slavery too. It was actually a bunch of states wanting to secede. You bet your ass that any attempt will yield the same results. The Federal Govt will not let any of their revenue go.


                      • #56
                        Denny, you should know me better than that. No, the Civil war was about states saying they wanted out and the fed deciding they couldn't. The Declaration and Constitution reserves the right to leave the Union. Thing is, you also have to have the ability to protect that right.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                          Some of you guys have really drunk the Kool-Aid! LOL!

                          RP barely beat Santorum in some states, and he's G-O-N-E.
                          Well you have been drinking the "Brawndo" [ame][/ame]


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
                            Well you have been drinking the "Brawndo"
                            Why? Because I don't think Ron Paul is the new "messiah"? LOL! A life-long politician who knows nothing about how to run a business and has awful foreign policy idea's? I've voted in presidential elections since 1980, and have a pretty good idea about someone pissing on my hat and calling it rain.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                              Why? Because I don't think Ron Paul is the new "messiah"? LOL! A life-long politician who knows nothing about how to run a business and has awful foreign policy idea's? I've voted in presidential elections since 1980, and have a pretty good idea about someone pissing on my hat and calling it rain.

                              Ron Pauls foreign policy follows what the founding fathers put fourth. You are drinking Brawndo because you are just following what the media tells you about Romney.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
                                Ron Pauls foreign policy follows what the founding fathers put fourth. You are drinking Brawndo because you are just following what the media tells you about Romney.
                                I don't give a damn about Romney. He's the ONLY guy that has a chance to beat Barry, and that's all I care about at this point. Barry has got to go.

