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Dem Rep: Jobless will vote for Obama to keep benefits flowing

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  • Dem Rep: Jobless will vote for Obama to keep benefits flowing

    At work and can't embed the vid.

    Dem Rep: Jobless will vote for Obama to keep benefits flowing

    Rep. Chaka Fattah’s assertion on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show last night has received plenty of derision. Instapundit calls it “banking on the moocher vote,” and Twitter pundit Keder derisively notes, “Democrats would rather give you freebie ‘benefits’ then do anything useful that might actually help you find a job. I know this may be hard for @TheDemocrats to understand, but the unemployed don’t want ‘benefits.’ They want jobs.” Unfortunately, that may all be true, but that doesn’t make Fattah wrong, either:

    “We’re headed in the right direction. Unemployment continues to drop and those people who are unemployed, they’re not going to be voting for the party who wants to cut their benefits, cut access to food stamps, cut job training,” Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-PA) said on MSNBC’s Al Sharpton program.
    “The idea that Republicans are trying to help those who are unemployed is nonsense and I think that on this election day, those who have a job can credit the administration for stabilizing our economy and those who don’t know that this administration is trying to put them to work,” he said.
    Hmmm … somehow, I think that “right direction” argument got just a wee bit weaker this morning.
    The problem is that there probably will be a “moocher vote,” and not just in unemployment benefits. Rather than call it a “moocher vote,” a better and more accurate term would be the “entitlement vote.” We’re heading toward a fiscal crisis on entitlement spending that makes the 2008 bubble crisis look like the House check-writing embarrassment. It could destroy our currency and leave us destitute, far worse than the Great Depression that spawned the entitlement spree in the first place. And yet Americans who say they want cuts in government spending that would barely dent the juggernaut blanch at the specific cuts that reduce their own take from the entitlement systems, even when those cuts come in the future rather than now. The entitlement vote is real, and it’s going to benefit Democrats in exactly the manner Fattah warns here.
    However, that’s only the bad news. The good news is that the entitlement vote has always been limited, and the crisis in 2008 probably made it significantly stronger than what it is now. Those legions of people on unemployment benefits have already run past the 99-week limit, and now they want jobs, not handouts. Republicans need to point to the generational lows in workforce participation rates and the millions of jobs lost that haven’t come back, thanks to the economic and regulatory policies of this administration. The entitlement vote does not have to be decisive in 2012, and almost certainly won’t be.

  • #2

    The mind of a democratic politician is amazing....


    • #3
      Obammy's teleprompter-assisted speeches should easily convince anyone without a brain that his policies are working for the good of America.


      • #4
        A democracy is the majority oppressing the minority.
        Full time ninja editor.


        • #5

          Communism at work.


          • #6
            And guess what, the biggest block of voters in the entitlement vote, by far, are the old people on social security. I differentiate them from the "moocher" vote with the moochers being a different subset within the entitlement vote. but, nonetheless, the old people are in there.

            Before someone says "they paid in" let me head you off. They didn't "pay in" to anything. The government spent that money immediately. It was just another tax. To me that means that they are owed nothing. That doesn't mean I think they should get nothing. They should be taken care of. I just mean there is no obligation to pay any specific dollar amount. If spending has to be cut then Social Security should be cut along with everything else considered "essential".

            The Social Security system should be slowly phased out until it goes away. Government shouldn't be running a Ponzi scheme.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

