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Ron Paul running as an independent?

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  • #91
    But you don't look like a hypocrite when you say you believe in the value of life, then turn around and say glass over any country and millions of innocent people that don't go along with what we order them to do?


    • #92
      Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
      But you don't look like a hypocrite when you say you believe in the value of life, then turn around and say glass over any country and millions of innocent people that don't go along with what we order them to do?
      Valuing human life and actions engaged in war are different. I value American life above all others and if glassing a country saves even one American, I'm all for it. And I'm not saying one thing and doing another. I am very up front about that.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #93
        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
        Valuing human life and actions engaged in war are different. I value American life above all others and if glassing a country saves even one American, I'm all for it. And I'm not saying one thing and doing another. I am very up front about that.
        meh.. war is overrated
        ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


        • #94
          Ron Paul is a lot more popular than some of y'all would like to believe.. he could win this if votes really mattered and the media wasn't so biased
          it is a shame how corrupt our political system is.
          ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


          • #95
            Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
            The reason your candidate was absolutely annihilated was that foreign policy. You have to clear your head out and realize this. He gets 3% of his targeted voters and you're attempting to make a case for him? Seriously.
            God damn, you can make me rage.

            You think that undeclared, unconstitutional, and PERPETUAL war is good. We've been at war for more than 10 FUCKING YEARS. You know, invading Iraq was planned BEFORE 9/11 even occurred. Why do you think war is so amazing? Do you have a hard on for killing innocent brown people?

            The total cost of the war on terror is around 6 trillion, that's including GI benefits, etc. Are we any safer than we were pre 9/11? I *HIGHLY* doubt it. Now think of what we could have done with that money? Shit, we could have had Gingrich's stupid ass moon colony for cheaper.

            The reason Ron Paul has been declining is because of OUTRIGHT fraud in the caucuses, COMPLETE and UTTER media blackout, and fucktards like you listening to Rush Limbaugh saying how Paul is good on everything except foreign policy, which is completely false. MOST PEOPLE WANT TO END THE WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN. This is exactly what Paul wants to do. Paul will support legal wars to defend our rights as Americans, as he has said MANY times.

            So all you fucking monkeys that regurgitate Limbaugh, grow a fucking brain and start thinking for yourself.

            So, please admit you were wrong. Foreign policy did NOT kill Paul's campaign.
            Last edited by majorownage; 04-14-2012, 04:54 PM.
            Full time ninja editor.


            • #96
              CJ has a legit point of view, but I don't you're going to sway him over with that kind talk.


              • #97
                Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                CJ has a legit point of view, but I don't you're going to sway him over with that kind talk.
                Foreign policy didn't kill his campaign. That's 100% false.

                Listening to these Limbaugh parrots is fucking annoying. They are literally regurgitating without any though processing at all. My dad used to and some of the guys I work with. I can spot a Limbaugh listener because they all sound the same.
                Full time ninja editor.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by majorownage View Post
                  Foreign policy didn't kill his campaign. That's 100% false.

                  Listening to these Limbaugh parrots is fucking annoying. They are literally regurgitating without any though processing at all. My dad used to and some of the guys I work with. I can spot a Limbaugh listener because they all sound the same.
                  With anyone BUT a Paulbot, his foreign policy DID kill his campaign. Well that and the libs spun his 10th amendment views as he's for legalizing heroin. For someone who's been in politics for 30 years, you'd think he'd be ready for questions on his ideology and not look like a nutty old man
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by majorownage View Post
                    God damn, you can make me rage.

                    You think that undeclared, unconstitutional, and PERPETUAL war is good. We've been at war for more than 10 FUCKING YEARS. You know, invading Iraq was planned BEFORE 9/11 even occurred. Why do you think war is so amazing? Do you have a hard on for killing innocent brown people?

                    The total cost of the war on terror is around 6 trillion, that's including GI benefits, etc. Are we any safer than we were pre 9/11? I *HIGHLY* doubt it. Now think of what we could have done with that money? Shit, we could have had Gingrich's stupid ass moon colony for cheaper.

                    The reason Ron Paul has been declining is because of OUTRIGHT fraud in the caucuses, COMPLETE and UTTER media blackout, and fucktards like you listening to Rush Limbaugh saying how Paul is good on everything except foreign policy, which is completely false. MOST PEOPLE WANT TO END THE WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN. This is exactly what Paul wants to do. Paul will support legal wars to defend our rights as Americans, as he has said MANY times.

                    So all you fucking monkeys that regurgitate Limbaugh, grow a fucking brain and start thinking for yourself.

                    So, please admit you were wrong. Foreign policy did NOT kill Paul's campaign.
                    As someone who's actually been there, I can say we didn't only kill brown people. In case you didn't know, I ran into a white kid with red hair and green eyes speaking Arabic. There's all colors there. Darkie isn't the only one who we've taken out because they attack us. We're pretty equal opportunity on that. Woman with a bomb vest? Shoot first. Kids with grenades? Two in the chest.

                    You're an idiot if you think anyone has a hard on for killing 'brown people.' Hell, Obama has killed more brown people in the US and Egypt and Libya than the entire US military has in AFghanistan and Iraq combined
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      As someone who's actually been there, I can say we didn't only kill brown people. In case you didn't know, I ran into a white kid with red hair and green eyes speaking Arabic. There's all colors there. Darkie isn't the only one who we've taken out because they attack us. We're pretty equal opportunity on that. Woman with a bomb vest? Shoot first. Kids with grenades? Two in the chest.

                      You're an idiot if you think anyone has a hard on for killing 'brown people.' Hell, Obama has killed more brown people in the US and Egypt and Libya than the entire US military has in AFghanistan and Iraq combined
                      1 million dead in Iraq. My point wasn't that we are unjustly killing brown people, it was that we are in a war that was PLANNED IN ADVANCE, and there just needed an climactic event to get the people behind it.

                      Yea, I do bet Obama will end up causing more death in Libya. WE FUCKING BOMBED THEIR WATERWAYS. The son of a bitch will burn in a very special pit in hell for his crimes.

                      But, remember, it was kinetic peace action, humanitarian in nature. War is peace.
                      Full time ninja editor.


                      • Originally posted by majorownage View Post
                        1 million dead in Iraq. My point wasn't that we are unjustly killing brown people, it was that we are in a war that was PLANNED IN ADVANCE, and there just needed an climactic event to get the people behind it.

                        Yea, I do bet Obama will end up causing more death in Libya. WE FUCKING BOMBED THEIR WATERWAYS. The son of a bitch will burn in a very special pit in hell for his crimes.

                        But, remember, it was kinetic peace action, humanitarian in nature. War is peace.
                        Just a million? I guess they had better stop shooting at us long before we got to that point. 4500 US troops, 1 million of them. Should just call us Spartans.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                          Just a million? I guess they had better stop shooting at us long before we got to that point. 4500 US troops, 1 million of them. Should just call us Spartans.
                          Except Spartans were defending their country, not invading one.
                          Full time ninja editor.


                          • Originally posted by majorownage View Post
                            Except Spartans were defending their country, not invading one.
                            And, they were defending their freedom to raid their neighbors, enslave them, subject their women to second-class citizenship, and generally behave the same way the Persians were intending to, had they captured Sparta.
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • Why is it that Paul is such a fucking idiot, yet he still has 68% of this poll?


                              • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                                Why is it that Paul is such a fucking idiot, yet he still has 68% of this poll?
                                It also may show that Romney would get 69% of the vote if RP is NOT on the ballot. See how I did that? It's a great example of how poll numbers are skewed to show what we need to support our sides.

