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Do you give any credence to the prepper stuff?

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  • Do you give any credence to the prepper stuff?

    Just curious. It's become mainstream enough to generate a show that halfway makes fun of it, but at the same time lends it credibility.

    Personally, never been much for it, but do think that shit happens, and that nothing can be predicted with a great degree of accuracy.

    So, do you think that "X" can happen? Are you making any plans at all? Or is it the same old bullshit that we've always heard about politicians being corrupt, the man is going to get you, the Mayan calendar, Y2K, etc etc?
    Preparedness is key to survival
    Prepping is a waste of time
    Caught in the mine field out in the middle

  • #2
    If it's my time to go, it's my time to go. Gonna die sooner or later. I'm not sure about you, but if the world was ending and only 1,000 people survived, would you REALLY want to be one of them? I sure as hell wouldn't.
    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


    • #3
      Same here. Just worry about my wife and kids.


      • #4
        Being prepared IS key to survival but I don't think that we are going to see a large world changing event in my life time. I do see us experiencing short term disasters Katrina for example.

        I keep stocked with enough stuff here to survive out of the house for about a month. If I needed to I could go in my room and in a few minutes be out the door with enough gear on my back to get to a Bug Out Location west of here on foot. I'd drive the car first but if for some reason I couldn't get out in a car I could walk it.

        A lot of that stuff on the show seems over the top but it's those people's money and time so they can do whatever they want.

        There is a happy middle ground. Either extreme isn't good though being over prepared is better than not prepared I guess.

        How many people around the US can say they even have more than a few days food and water on hand? Suppose supply lines stop for some reason? 3 days. That's the widely accepted time frame until stores are mostly out of essentials. I'd rather not have to deal with people (scared animals when shit goes down again look at Katrina) when I could have stuff here in my house already.

        but if the world was ending and only 1,000 people survived, would you REALLY want to be one of them? I sure as hell wouldn't.
        I would.

        Edit- I've been doing this since I lived in the Barracks back in 2003/4. I sat though one hurricane shutdown of the base, locked in the barracks with no where to go and MREs to eat. Longest one was 2 and a half 3 days. I started stocking my own stuff then. Used to be two weeks then I bumped it up to one month just to be safe and it's been like that since then.
        Last edited by Downs; 03-28-2012, 04:25 PM.
        2004 Suzuki DL650
        1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


        • #5
          Originally posted by Downs View Post
          Being prepared IS key to survival but I don't think that we are going to see a large world changing event in my life time. I do see us experiencing short term disasters Katrina for example.

          I keep stocked with enough stuff here to survive out of the house for about a month. If I needed to I could go in my room and in a few minutes be out the door with enough gear on my back to get to a Bug Out Location west of here on foot. I'd drive the car first but if for some reason I couldn't get out in a car I could walk it.

          A lot of that stuff on the show seems over the top but it's those people's money and time so they can do whatever they want.

          There is a happy middle ground. Either extreme isn't good though being over prepared is better than not prepared I guess.

          How many people around the US can say they even have more than a few days food and water on hand? Suppose supply lines stop for some reason? 3 days. That's the widely accepted time frame until stores are mostly out of essentials. I'd rather not have to deal with people (scared animals when shit goes down again look at Katrina) when I could have stuff here in my house already.

          I would.
          Then you're a masochist.
          How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


          • #6
            YOu're talking 1000 (one thousand) people on the whole planet. I'll take that. No one to bother me plenty of space to move out into.......yeah sounds pretty horrible and painful.
            2004 Suzuki DL650
            1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


            • #7
              Originally posted by Downs View Post
              YOu're talking 1000 (one thousand) people on the whole planet. I'll take that. No one to bother me plenty of space to move out into.......yeah sounds pretty horrible and painful.
              On second though, maybe you're onto something.
              How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


              • #8
                Preppers seem pretty short sided and don't grasp how awful it would really be. Most of their plan revolves around their own comfort and not going Jeremiah Johnson. I tend to believe the pioneer spirit is dead and most Americans couldn't learn fast enough to live like a huge portion of the existing population currently does.


                • #9
                  I'm all for it. Prepping isn't just about the end of the world. It's about surviving things that happen. Riots in Dallas because of this Martin/zimmerman thing? Can't get to the store? May have to live on stuff in the house for a bit. Flash flood? Grab a Snickers.

                  If nothing happens, big deal, you have food you'll eat and water you'll drink. If things do happen and you have nothing? You're dying in a slow and painful way. If there is only 1,000 people on the planet and I'm one of those, I'm okay with it. Ever seen I am Legend? I'll be blasting through the highway with a Cobra
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    2004 Suzuki DL650
                    1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Downs View Post
                      I don't understand people who don't prep. Do you think you'll always have what you need on hand? Always be able to get to the store when you need something, that your water will never have interruptions, that riots and blackouts don't occur? Think you'll never need bandages or a storm shelter? Never going camping?
                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #12
                        One thing you have to understand is odds are that 99.9999999999999999999999% of any disaster isn't going to be world ending, or even nation ending. Even in the worst case scenarios where governments are taken down and replaced, there is usually some kind of law and order (though not always much). Governments and leaders typically do everything they can to protect themselves and their interests, so odds of the world going Mad Max on us is slim, but regional disasters are still a threat. For anyone interested in reading a book based in reality, I recommend this; the author lived through the Argentine economic collapse and wrote about his experiences. It is a very realistic book on what to expect and how to prepare with some common sense (in other words it is the exact opposite of that disaster that James Wesley Rawles calls a novel).


                        I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                        Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                        • #13
                          I totally agree with Lantirn.

                          Don't think that prepping only means getting ready for TEOTWAWKI. Or The End Of The World As We Know It. It also means being ready for even local short term disasters.

                          About a year ago when all those tornadoes rolled though as soon as I heard the Tornado sirens I had my BOB and other gear ready to go in the Bathroom (tub as protection kind of thing) along with my flack jacket and Kevlar for PPE. I felt better knowing that if my house did get hit and I survived along with my BOB I'd be good to go long enough to get to some help/family and then some. No worrying about if the local .gov was going to be there to help me. I knew I could take care of myself and others to a limited extent.
                          2004 Suzuki DL650
                          1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


                          • #14
                            Another in the camp of short term disaster.
                            "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                            • #15
                              I grew up Mormon; it is in my blood.
                              Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.

