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Black panthers put 10k bounty

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  • Well, well. Now there's reports about his twitter and facebook accounts coming out. He was no angel afterall, and he had recently been suspended from school for 10 days. Seems like he had a little violent streak.


    • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Not as far as the are concerned. They want you to be a nice little stooge and depend on them to look after you no matter the harm to you or others
      Thats always going to be the case no matter how the laws are written or regardless of the circumstances...and I'm pretty sure you know that as well as I do. Using the Castle Doctrine as a defense for shooting someone inside MY home vs. using it to shoot someone walking down the street looking in windows is a bit of a stretch.


      • Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
        Thats always going to be the case no matter how the laws are written or regardless of the circumstances...and I'm pretty sure you know that as well as I do. Using the Castle Doctrine as a defense for shooting someone inside MY home vs. using it to shoot someone walking down the street looking in windows is a bit of a stretch.
        Not when that person looking in the windows climbs up on you and starts smashing you in the face. And the injuries on the back of his head imply that Martin popped him from behind. I can follow you all I want. I can even cat call and taunt but you touch me, only then has a crime been committed.
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • All these idiot "celebrities" posts are funny.

          Celebrities from Spike Lee to Big Boi to Wanda Sykes have expressed outrage over the Trayvon Martin shooting.

          Celebrities, who often help raise awareness on the issues they champion, are as vocal as ever—and many have taken to Twitter to express their anger.

          Here are 13 of their tweets.

          Spike Lee, filmmaker

          Spike Lee✔

          "@SpikeLee: Send a bag of Skittles to Chief, Bill Lee. Sanford Police 815 West 13th Street, Sanford, Fl 32771 #TrayvonMartin"

          21 Mar 12 Reply

          Lee called on his followers to send a bag of Skittles to Bill Lee, the Sanford police chief, whose department many have accused of bungling the evidence.

          Michael Moore, filmmaker

          Michael Moore✔

          Then the truth comes out. Exhibit A: They didn't play the whole 911 call yesterday. The shooter of Trayvon Martin said "f***ing c**ns."

          20 Mar 12 Reply

          Moore took to Twitter to point out that the suspected shooter, 28-year-old neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman, may have referred to Martin as a “coon” while on the phone with a 911 operator.

          Russell Simmons, hip-hop mogul

          Russell Simmons✔

          dear twitter fam. this is a must read by all people, but especially white people...

          20 Mar 12 Reply

          The hip-hop mogul urged his “Twitter fam” to read a Global Grind article on race and the problem of "looking suspicious," and has continued to be a leading voice in raising awareness of the alleged injustice in the case.

          You can follow all top tweets about Trayvon Martin by watching the hashtag #TrayvonMartin or mentions of his name on Twitter.


          • Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
            Thats always going to be the case no matter how the laws are written or regardless of the circumstances...and I'm pretty sure you know that as well as I do. Using the Castle Doctrine as a defense for shooting someone inside MY home vs. using it to shoot someone walking down the street looking in windows is a bit of a stretch.
            Castle Doctrine covers you in your home. Stand your Groubd law extends beyoń your home, and situations like this is the very reason it exists.
            Originally posted by BradM
            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
            Originally posted by Leah
            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


            • Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
              Yes I do...but theres a bit of difference between being out on the street and being in my house.
              What's the difference? The only reason they tell you that is to remove any legal liability from the dispatch office in civil court.
              "It's another burrito, it's a cold Lone Star in my hand!"


              • ram57ta seems to have bitten a gigantic piece of ? off the plug.

                What fits best?


                • Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                  but, what if the mexican got out of his truck and provoked the hood rat?
                  Dude Mexican American is the preferred nomenclature.....

                  ... sorry to ruin your Black Panther party


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                    • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                      ram57ta seems to have bitten a gigantic piece of ? off the plug.

                      What fits best?
                      If you say so. I don't. The debate can go on forever and forever...I wasn't weren't there...and only the guy who shot the fatal bullet will know if the death could have been prevented. One thing is for sure....whether he was legally entitled to kill the kid or not....his actions have brought a lot of very negative attention to the topic of concealed carry and the castle doctrine. I really don't want the government to restrict our right to carry and defend ourselves...but everytime something like this happens it fires up the debate again and I fear that someday they might take that right away from us.


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                        • ...

                          Originally posted by mikec View Post
                          The tide is now changing...

                          "Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin was suspended from school in October in an incident in which he was found in possession of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary tool,” The Miami Herald has learned.

                          Trayvon, who claimed that an unnamed friend had given him the jewelry, was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald.

                          A lawyer for the dead teen’s family acknowledged Trayvon had been suspended for graffiti, but said the family knew nothing about the jewelry and the screwdriver, calling the information in the report an attempt to “demonize” the youth.

                          According to the report, on Oct. 21 staffers monitoring a security camera at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School spotted Trayvon and two other students writing “W.T.F.,” an acronym for “What the f---,” on a hallway locker, according to schools police. The security employee, who knew Trayvon, confronted the teen and looked through his bag for the graffiti marker.

                          Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described the screwdriver as a burglary tool."

                          Read more here:

                          So, Obammy was right. That could be his kid.


                          • On the flip side, does Zimmerman have a record?


                            • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                              Answer my question? Don't change the subject. Is your stance that the guy should have just let the other beat his ass and hope he stopped before he killed him?
                              Zimmerman followed and confronted him not the other way around. Is this wrong or right?
                              04 GT
                              91 LX


                              • If Zimmerman was the man placed in charge of security, isn't it his job to confront suspicious people?

