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NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless

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  • NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless

    NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s food police have struck again!

    Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.

    Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from Bloomberg’s food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.

    It’s the “no bagels for you” edict.

    “I can’t give you something that’s a supplement to the food you already have? Sorry that’s wrong,” Richter said.

    Richter has been collecting food from places like the Ohav Zedek synagogue and bringing it to homeless shelters for more than 20 years, but recently his donation, including a “cholent” or carrot stew, was turned away because the Bloomberg administration wants to monitor the salt, fat and fiber eaten by the homeless.

    Richter said he was stunned. He said his family has eaten the same food forever and flourished.

    “My father lived to 97; my grandfather lived to 97, and they all enjoyed it and somehow we’re being told that this is no good and I think there is a degree of management that becomes micromanagement and when you cross that line simply what you’re doing is wrong,” Richter said.

    But Mayor Bloomberg, a salt-aholic himself, was unapologetic.

    “For the things that we run because of all sorts of safety reasons, we just have a policy it is my understanding of not taking donations,” Bloomberg said.

    Told that his administration recently enacted the policy, the mayor was Grinch-like.

    “If they did in the past they shouldn’t have done it and we shouldn’t have accepted it,” Bloomberg said.

    Richter said that over the years he’s delivered more than two tons of food to the homeless. He said Mayor Bloomberg is eating away at his ability to do good.

    The ban on food donations was made by an inter-agency task force that includes the departments of Health and Homeless Services.

    Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels -- fresh nutritious bagels -- to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from the mayor's food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    We're from the government. We're here to help.


    • #3



      • #4
        It's just another step to make folks rely on the GOVERNMENT, and not Americans that want to help.


        • #5
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          We're from the government. We're here to help.
          My thoughts exactly. I remember the day when my response would have been "what the hell is wrong with these people?". Now, these antics are just a part of our daily life.
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #6
            Home of the free.....


            • #7
              Had a neighbor stop by yesterday, out of the blue, and start up a conversation on what are we doing when the shtf. Kinda threw me for a loop at first. Never would have thought 'normal' people would have been having those thoughts... lol


              • #8
                Government knows best! Can't have people that can't afford food, eating salty foods! Or people that shit in the street not getting enough fiber! That just makes so sense!

