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Question for anyone here...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by mikec View Post
    Please elaborate. Many of us are all ears...
    I am sure youprobably already know about them . Such as using debit instead of credit in your plastic tansactions. Also you can do other things and make little sacrifices that would hurt if everybody would do it. Keeping a good sum of your money at you house instead of in a bank is another way. Just the little things. THey don't seem like much but if everyone was aware then...


    • #32
      If you read history, your answer will be there.

      The only way a "revolution" will happen is if the States succeed from the union. (Your not going to win anything UN-organized) And those States will get attacked by the remainder of the Union, just like the last civil war.
      And even if enough people wake up to do something, they will be consistently attacked and DE-humanized in the lame stream media, making it impossible to gather steam. If you will notice all the media now using the words "Home grown terrorists" And them telling people that DHS has a list of things to look for in a "Potential terrorist" Look at that list, you might be surprised to find yourself in the list of things to look for. They are getting ready for it now.

      Or you can spend 100+ years taking over the country one law at a time just like the communists have been doing.

      The other option is the country just collapses just like Rome for printing worthless money. Yes Rome minted gold coins, and over the years was putting more and more bronze in it, making it worthless in the eyes of the population. What is the base of our money? A promise from a private bank. ( the federal reserve)


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gtracer View Post
        With all of the threads latley regarding laws, how pissed we are or how wrong this is; who here truly thinks that one day our citizens will revolt in part? Who thinks "the man" is just slowly positioning himself to suspend the constitution? And finally, if there was a revolt, do you think it could be pulled off without one of these damn South American or M.E. countries trying to take advantage?

        <====plans on stocking up on guns....just in case
        Need to stock up on more than just guns.


        • #34
          Originally posted by kingjason View Post
          Thank you for adding your insight on the subject at hand. Your comment has increased the content of this thread greatly. In the case of your parents maybe it should have been one less than the number they had. Cooter realized where I was going with that even though it should probably be a different thread. I was just adding a comment based on what was said above me. I do believe there will come a time thru better education and less religious encouragement people will choose to have less children. On the other hand when you start saying people can not have kids on a financial basis you open a whole different can of worms, even though we as tax payers should have more of a voice then the non tax payers.

          I would gladly negotiate thirty of your "rights violating laws" to add in limiting the amount of kids people can have. Not because I want the government to control our lives but because you are retarded if you think the earth can sustain a continued huge population growth. Cooter is also correct in believing most intelligent people do not have an assload of kids. Most intelligent people could actually go thru life with no law enforcement and no government assistance what so ever. However for every intelligent person there is probably three idiots that think whats your is theirs and need a little direction in their lives.

          The argument about other forms of regulation does not hold water because we all know there may be fuzzy math in several global warming schemes but there is no guess work on what is needed to sustain life.
          I disagree with your position that the world is overpopulated.
          Full time ninja editor.


          • #35
            Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
            And yet, no one wants to address the overpopulation problem. I say we need 1 child limit in usa from now on.
            The whites are practicing it now in many cases. The problem is the hispanic population now in this country, they spit kids out like an easy bake oven....


            • #36
              Originally posted by ceyko View Post
              Only citizens would get stuck with that burden. All the illegals and such would still do what they are going to do.

              Fixing immigration problems will go much further than doing that. Also, although I only was planning on 1 child I got twins. I'd destroy anyone who tried to take either of them from me at anytime from the pregnancy until now.

              Not to mention, that's a bit against our culture.
              Its not really much of a burden. Actually if anything its the opposite. With only one child, many great burdens would be eased. Ally ou have to do is look out a window to see what having too many kids can do to a family. My none too bright sister is suffering greatly right now because of it, as is her husband. Financially as awell as psychologically. And its such a simple fix.


              • #37
                Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                Its not really much of a burden. Actually if anything its the opposite. With only one child, many great burdens would be eased. Ally ou have to do is look out a window to see what having too many kids can do to a family. My none too bright sister is suffering greatly right now because of it, as is her husband. Financially as awell as psychologically. And its such a simple fix.
                Kill the extra kids?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
                  Its not really much of a burden. Actually if anything its the opposite. With only one child, many great burdens would be eased. Ally ou have to do is look out a window to see what having too many kids can do to a family. My none too bright sister is suffering greatly right now because of it, as is her husband. Financially as awell as psychologically. And its such a simple fix.
                  Wow... you really think if we made some law that says "ONE KID ONLY!" That would be that?

                  What about illegals and people who just don't give a damn? If illegals who are at a severe disadvantage to start off with can acquire everything they do (SS cards, BCs, ...etc all forged), I'm sure they'll figure out a way to have all their kids too.

                  The trend that is happening now, I think is irreversible. Although I agree there should be some concern of overpopulation, I don't think making laws for kid limits is the answer.

                  I have twins, can afford them (had them in my 30s) and love having them. I just have to assume by your logic/laws, one would be terminated/aborted. Oh! Or maybe I could do 3000 pages in government paperwork, pay for permits and be allowed to keep both!

                  Your point those is that Idiocracy is real life with the kid having, and that's not reversible really. I'd assume reducing government aid would be a good start though.
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

