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Look at this $hit...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
    look at calderon's country! nobody is gonna listen to him because he is a failure and has no control over his country.
    I say close the border completely. you talk about a war on our homefront........


    • #17

      I like this reply that was posted on msnbc.

      An open letter to President Calderon of Mexico:

      Dear President Calderon,

      As a peace loving citizen of the United states, I would encourage you to look to yourself to solve problems at home before pointing the finger at others. The truth of the matter is that the weapons you are confiscating rarely come from the US.

      Since it is extremly difficult to purchase a fully automatic weapon in the US without going through a rigourous background check it is highly unlikely that the fully automatic weapons you are finding in Mexico come from our side of the boarder. In fact of the 7000 serial numbers that your government has sent to the BATF for tracing it was discovered that all but a small percentage came from your own military. Of that small percentage, even fewer started out here in the US.

      We would encourage you to stop the illegal flow of people from Mexico (or other countries that use your nation as a waypoint) into the US. One method would be to stop posting signs in various cities in Mexico showing people how to cross the Rio Grande and survive the cross country trek once they have done so.

      Upon doing that, we would encourage you to look to your own consitution and give your own citizens the right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves against thugs, both within and without your government (i.e. the prosicuter that was recently sent to prison for assisting the zetas).

      We would further encourage you to enforce the laws you currently have to prevent those that are known to be assisting the drug gangs in Mexico from doing so and make examples of them (i.e. long prison sentences).

      Mr. President, you are great at deflecting blame to the US, when your own government is highly corrupt and you have done practiclly nothing to prevent the flow of illeagls or drugs into the US. But have instead encouraged said flow.

      Sir, instead of demanding that the US change our laws and constitutional freedoms for your failures, we humbly suggest you fix your own problems.

      We ask the government of the US to deploy troops along the border of the US and Mexico, with the consideration that the illegal entry into the US by Mexican citizens and it's military should be considered an overt act of aggression and consitutes an act of war. Individuals crossing dressed in civilan clothing caught with contraband under the Geneva Conventions should be considered spies and treated accordingly.

      Now President Calderon, still think that sign was a good idea?


      • #18
        If the prez of that shitbag country is saying "No more weapons!", then I'm saying "More weapons! More weapons!" Someone should start a charity where lots of guns are just donated at random to the mexican people.


        • #19
          The easiest way to stem the flow of weapons into Mexico would be to toss the BATF and Eric Holder in jail.


          • #20
            Originally posted by StanleyJustinTaliwhacker95 View Post
            If the prez of that shitbag country is saying "No more weapons!", then I'm saying "More weapons! More weapons!" Someone should start a charity where lots of guns are just donated at random to the mexican people.
            im sure its next on the list, seing as they already get free healthcare,cell phones, housing, foreign country to live in...


            • #21
              Yeah but its the only one that ever should have been done. if your avereage mexican citizen had a gun, its not likely they'd be in the sorry state they're in today. Their joke government would have something to fear, unlike now where guns are banned in mexico.
              Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 02-24-2012, 05:28 AM. Reason: ashmoo


              • #22


                • #23
                  I like how Felipe Calderon takes no personal accountability on why his country is a drug-cartel shithole thats corrupt to the core. It was so before any drug laws, is now, and always will be a shithole.


                  • #24
                    Even if they stop the flow of guns from here in America and I mean every gun! They will just get them from other countries, Demand & Supply !!!
                    GOD BLESS TEXAS
                    August Landscaping
                    Seb's high class.
                    He'll mow your grass.
                    He'll kick your ass.
                    And while his kidney stones pass,
                    He'll piss in a glass!

