Check out, click on videos, seminars, Dinosaurs and the Bible - Seminar Part 3. Watch it. Excellent video. Tons of proof in that video and it's thoroughly interesting.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
If anyone has a real question or inquiry about creation's argument, I highly suggest a trip over to Glen Rose (not too far from here) and visit the Creation Evidence Museum.
Creation Evidence Museum of Texas located in Glen Rose Texas. See Dinosaur fossils, Noah's Ark, the Creation Model and evidences supporting an inteligient creation as opposed to the evolutionary theory.
That is, if you are really wanting to hear each side instead of just looking for an argument.
If anyone has a real question or inquiry about creation's argument, I highly suggest a trip over to Glen Rose (not too far from here) and visit the Creation Evidence Museum.
Creation Evidence Museum of Texas located in Glen Rose Texas. See Dinosaur fossils, Noah's Ark, the Creation Model and evidences supporting an inteligient creation as opposed to the evolutionary theory.
That is, if you are really wanting to hear each side instead of just looking for an argument.
Does this museum explain the dinosaur fossils in the park just down the street?
If anyone has a real question or inquiry about creation's argument, I highly suggest a trip over to Glen Rose (not too far from here) and visit the Creation Evidence Museum.
Creation Evidence Museum of Texas located in Glen Rose Texas. See Dinosaur fossils, Noah's Ark, the Creation Model and evidences supporting an inteligient creation as opposed to the evolutionary theory.
That is, if you are really wanting to hear each side instead of just looking for an argument.
So he saw human footprints next to dino ones and thought "this had to have occurred at the same time"?
bottom line......if everyone lived their lives the way the bible says that Jesus did then the world would be a much better place......
isnt that what really matters??
No. That is not what matters. What matters is the we have grown people running around living their lives based on a work of fiction. This is obvious to most of the people I associate with.
I was taught right from wrong by my Parents and other role models. Not from a book that was pieced together from word of mouth and secondhand accounts.
If it is so reliable...why has it been picked at and things omitted since it's introduction? Hmm...maybe to fine tune it to justify the editor's will? It's like finding an article on the internet and basing your whole life around it. Kinda putting all your eggs in one basket...ya think? I won't even get into all of the "@Luke - This happened"...."@Mark - Oh this is actually what happened".... "@John -No seriously...this is what went down". Too many holes and contradictions to be more than a horribly written game of telephone. That's not even getting into the old testament...which is I guess just not as cool as the new testament.
How other grown people "run around living their lives" lol really isn't any of your concern. Worry about yourself before presuming that you're qualified to preach to others their way is wrong, because honestly speaking, your e-argument skills just aren't that good.
How other grown people "run around living their lives" lol really isn't any of your concern. Worry about yourself before presuming that you're qualified to preach to others their way is wrong, because honestly speaking, your e-argument skills just aren't that good.
That wasn't meant to be argumentative. It was meant to outline how foolish it is to lean on the bible for life lessons. But hey, I guess if your into having slaves and persecuting women then that's the book for you. Ignoring the bad and hailing the good as Gospel is just plain ridiculous.
Not really concerned with my e-skills. Unlike your faith, my opinion on religion does not define me as a person.
What is foolish to you is limited to just that, you. I continue to find professed non-believers e-obsession with other people's religion humorous, especially when said obsessed individuals display so little knowledge of what they arguing against (as in your case for instance).
What is foolish to you is limited to just that, you. I continue to find professed non-believers e-obsession with other people's religion humorous, especially when said obsessed individuals display so little knowledge of what they arguing against (as in your case for instance).
You tell him while I pat my foot. That's pretty presumptive to think he has all the answers when he obviously hasn't even read enough of the Bible to make an informed argument.
There isn't anything in the Bible that says that we are all alone and that there is no other intelligent life on other planets. Ezekiel saw a wheel in the air, and it could well have been an alien transporter.
I don't know for sure that there is a God, but I believe there is. And I would rather believe He does exist and be wrong, than believe He doesn't exist and be wrong.
You tell him while I pat my foot. That's pretty presumptive to think he has all the answers when he obviously hasn't even read enough of the Bible to make an informed argument.
There isn't anything in the Bible that says that we are all alone and that there is no other intelligent life on other planets. Ezekiel saw a wheel in the air, and it could well have been an alien transporter.
I don't know for sure that there is a God, but I believe there is. And I would rather believe He does exist and be wrong, than believe He doesn't exist and be wrong.
This is funny. Haven't read the bible? I did 10+ years of bible study you jackwagon. This is when my brain kicked in and I started to see it for what it was. A means of control. Keep your small minded absolutes and wasted prayers. You'll be worm food eventually...just like me and all of the other people who out grew fairy-tales and nursery rhymes.
This is funny. Haven't read the bible? I did 10+ years of bible study you jackwagon. This is when my brain kicked in and I started to see it for what it was. A means of control. Keep your small minded absolutes and wasted prayers. You'll be worm food eventually...just like me and all of the other people who out grew fairy-tales and nursery rhymes.
I'm glad you believe "just in case". lol
OK Mister Ermey, I call BULL----. I'd like to see your transcripts!
The only way for you to "study" 10+ years of the Bible, without believing in God, is to go into it trying to disprove God, in which case you went into it with a "Hardened Heart". In that case, you wasted 10+ years of your life, and no one would be that stupid.