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Official: Fed's goal to devalue dollar by 33%

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  • Official: Fed's goal to devalue dollar by 33%

    The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) has made it official: After its latest two day meeting, it announced its goal to devalue the dollar by 33% over the next 20 years. The debauch of the dollar will be even greater if the Fed exceeds its goal of a 2 percent per year increase in the price level.
    The Fed has announced a course of action that will steal -- there is no better word for it -- nearly 10 percent of the value of American’s hard earned savings over the next four years.
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

  • #2
    Crazy, this should be an RP topic in the next debate. Of course people will still think he's crazy...


    • #3
      Wow so buying gold/silver is still a good idea. lol


      • #4
        They will have to do this and more if they want to reduce the federal debt. It is nothing they haven't done before. Just make sure you don't have your money in something dumb.
        Originally posted by racrguy
        What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
        Originally posted by racrguy
        Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


        • #5
          it's cool, I don't have any money.
          I do in my 401k, but I wrote that off as a loss in 08.


          • #6
            The Fed projection is around the historic mean, but 2% is bit low for a 20 year span when
            looking at inflation by decade and comparing to the mean.
            The y-o-y inflation has historically been around 3% per year since the early 1980's.
            I think this could be a leak of their projection that US economic growth is going to be slower
            going over the next 20 years.

            It's easy for them to quote their historic activites/effects. It will only surprise younger folks
            that don't know much about the Fed.
            On the upside, it's good to get the news out to the new generation and get their expectations set
            "Your USD's will erode over time, so you need to keep it in action growing, and don't pay much
            attention to the periods of deflation that you may experience. As the FED will not allow protracted
            periods of that under any circumstances."
            And while your at it, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

            The FED takes a stance that they can control inflation but, with the recent unpleasantness and the
            Fed's current policy resulting in dollar profligacy, I don't think the FED will have a handle on inflation
            on a y-o-y basis.
            The USD expansion has created a monster, the largest currency monster in the history of history.
            It's currently snoozing so things look tame. See how opinions might change when it wakes up.
            Controlling it will not be easy, and certainly not precise. An over or under shoot of controlling
            measures will change the fiat by hundreds of billions in USD and the standard time lag
            for response results.

            It will be interesting to see how the nation, and the world, will navigate the inflationary flop-sway.

            Jay Johnson
            Jay Johnson
            Car hauler for hire

