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Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops

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  • #16
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    Does ANYONE outside the group of politicians think cutting military pay is a good idea?
    what i still find ironic was all of..."those people" who just COULD NOT WAIT to vote for obama that are/were in the Navy with me in 2008. No matter how much i tried to make them understand that he would end all of our nice 2.8-3.5% pay raises we have enjoyed (biggest pay raise was under Clinton/Republican congress in 00 btw...4.4%), but they just would not listen. they were too caught up in the hoopla of voting for a "black" guy and for "hope and change".

    well fuckers here's your change. thanks.
    2011 Mustang GT


    • #17
      Mother Fuckers...


      • #18
        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        Oh what the hell you talking about. Your idea of fixing them is to increase taxation so that the programs have MORE money. We're talking about letting only those who are worthy/deserving be on them.


        • #19
          You only get an extra $7.50 a day in the military if in a hostile environment? On top of the normal commission, I used to get $5 for every tire I sold in the car business. Fucked up man.
          "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


          • #20
            That $225 sure eased the pain of being away from family.

            I know EASILY 50 people that BO has had a negative effect on. I cannot name A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL that barack obama has had a positive effect on. Not a single person. not one.


            • #21
              Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
              That $225 sure eased the pain of being away from family.

              I know EASILY 50 people that BO has had a negative effect on. I cannot name A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL that barack obama has had a positive effect on. Not a single person. not one.
              shit, what are you talking about. He makes lots of people $$. he scratches the backs of those who've scratched his...


              • #22
                Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
                That $225 sure eased the pain of being away from family.

                I know EASILY 50 people that BO has had a negative effect on. I cannot name A SINGLE INDIVIDUAL that barack obama has had a positive effect on. Not a single person. not one.
                Uh, dude...we need to go have a beer - then you'll know me. Then when I say fuck it and leech off the system, you'll know 1.
                Originally posted by MR EDD
                U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
                  Ease up there, bud.
                  No. They all have a hand in it. Why not say, "U. S. government pulls combat pay?"
                  ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by StanleyJustinTaliwhacker95 View Post
                    Oh what the hell you talking about. Your idea of fixing them is to increase taxation so that the programs have MORE money. We're talking about letting only those who are worthy/deserving be on them.
                    Shut the hell up, you ignorant fuck.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Yale View Post
                      No. They all have a hand in it. Why not say, "U. S. government pulls combat pay?"
                      Fucking this.

                      And I have to say the first sentence in the article is pretty moronic.

                      "President Obama’s latest policy outrage makes no attempt to hide his contempt for our military"

                      The idea that our President holds any contempt for the military is just ludicrous. Every man, woman, and child in the US(that supports the US) holds no disdain for our armed forces. These cuts aren't coming because there is a dislike of the military. They are coming because there is no money to hand out anymore.

                      I don't mind journalists expressing their disdain for the President and his decisions. But don't try to equate costs cuts for the military enforced by the entire government to the President hating the military.

                      I am not saying I like the President, but I am saying I can't stand when people make these stretching comments to further their own political agenda.

                      Give me a fucking break.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                        Fucking this.

                        And I have to say the first sentence in the article is pretty moronic.

                        "President Obama’s latest policy outrage makes no attempt to hide his contempt for our military"

                        The idea that our President holds any contempt for the military is just ludicrous. Every man, woman, and child in the US(that supports the US) holds no disdain for our armed forces. These cuts aren't coming because there is a dislike of the military. They are coming because there is no money to hand out anymore.

                        I don't mind journalists expressing their disdain for the President and his decisions. But don't try to equate costs cuts for the military enforced by the entire government to the President hating the military.

                        I am not saying I like the President, but I am saying I can't stand when people make these stretching comments to further their own political agenda.

                        Give me a fucking break.
                        I'll agree to this, and I may be alone also in saying that the system of combat pay needed reform. If it's "hazard pay," then it should be reserved for just that. Also, for the example where someone stated that a unit would wait until after the first of the month to leave so they'd get the full month hazard pay, that's exactly the reason an overhaul was needed. That's the same type of crap that everyone on here blasts people for when they abuse the welfare system.

                        Now, that only applies if it's hazard pay. The real issue is that the money should be converted over to standard pay and not hazard pay. Then, it truly would be payroll (that is deserved) and thus wouldn't be cut. Just my .02.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Yale View Post
                          No. They all have a hand in it. Why not say, "U. S. government pulls combat pay?"
                          Good god Yale, I sincerely hope you didn't miss my sarcasm there. And because it doesn't suit his agenda to say so.


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                              Shut the hell up, you ignorant fuck.
                              Says the libtard lol. You mad brah?

                              Looks like you've finally come to the end of your not so witty responses.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                                The idea that our President holds any contempt for the military is just ludicrous. Every man, woman, and child in the US(that supports the US) holds no disdain for our armed forces.
                                Yes and no. There were some articles in the American Legion magazine I read that more or less said the Clintons thought the military were a bunch of retards. They also tried to make their SS detail more like servants as opposed to what they were there for and so on.

                                I feel no politician will come out and say it, but I think some dislike the military as a whole. Due in some part to the military leadership too probably. Some General pisses of the POTUS...etc

                                At least as long as I've been old enough to understand it, the Dems seem to really cripple the military. Maybe it's a ying/yang thing, but I remember serving under Clinton's Army and not having mechs and various other things.
                                Originally posted by MR EDD
                                U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.

