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Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops

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  • Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops

    Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops

    by admin on February 6, 2012 · 0 comments Print This Post Print This Post

    President Obama’s latest policy outrage makes no attempt to hide his contempt for our military, as he is ordering that our troops serving overseas in war zones overseas are not to receive combat pay unless they are being shot at, or at risk of being injured by hostile aggression. A Marine who lives in Florida(also currently serving in Afghanistan) has just posted a note on Facebook which stated that he received a letter from his MyPay account that he would only be receiving his Hazard pay (Imminent Danger Pay) if he is actually in a hostile area and at risk of being shot at.

    So I just got a letter from MyPay (the way we get paid in the military), saying that I will only reason Combat Pay while deployed for the days that I take fire or am in a hostile area. Now, as an Infantry Marine, I’m constantly in a combat zone…it may not always be popping off, but for them to take that away from us is bullshit. Now, the aviation tech who sits on Camp Leatherneck, sure, I can see him not getting Combat Pay, but to take it away from the grunts, the ground pounders, the front line of defense…come on, Uncle Sam. You let the Liberals win a big one here… Marine from Florida (We are not posting his name for obvious reasons)

    According to, and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (H.R. 1540-7 Sec 616) as of February 1, 2012, this new measure went into effect, and soldiers who are to receive the additional $225/mo. combat pay ‘must’ be in immediate risk of harm. The measure is very specific in its criteria for receiving the additonal pay.

    The rules for Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger Pay have changed. Service members will now receive imminent danger pay only for days they actually spend in hazardous areas. This change went in effect on February 1, 2012.

    A member of a uniformed service may be entitled to Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger pay at the rate of $225 for any month in which he/she was entitled to basic pay and in which he/she was:

    Subject to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines;
    On duty in an area in which he was in imminent danger of being exposed to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines and in which, during the period he was on duty in that area, other members of the uniformed services were subject to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines;
    Killed, injured, or wounded by hostile fire, explosion of a hostile mine, or any other hostile action; or
    On duty in a foreign area in which he was subject to the threat of physical harm or imminent danger on the basis of civil insurrection, civil war, terrorism, or wartime conditions.

    The last bullet point speaks volumes as to the sheer stupidity of this measure. The whole point of going to Afghanistan and Iraq was for combat operations- Afghanistan still is a hostile warzone, and both U.S. and NATO forces continue to suffer losses in and out of combat hot zones. Insurgent attacks have accrued throughout areas that have been deemed ‘safe’, and in areas where hostilities were not foreseen.
    (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    This is some fucking bullshit.


    • #3
      If it's a part of the NDAA, it's not Obama alone. Almost every Republican congressman and senator voted for it, as well.


      • #4
        well, to be honest, for the forward deployed troops (iraq, afghanistan, africa, etc) this more than likely will not effect them, as they will be paid $7.50/day or a maximum of $225/month. so if theyre in this location for a month then they get the full amount they would've received anyway.

        this is a pro-rated pay. what this is designed to do is prevent the guys like me, who we stop and drop the troops off in Iraq (logistics squadron) and because we were there for the one day, we get the whole month. under the new rules, if we stay there for a day, we get a whole $7.50...two days, $15.

        this started back in 2009...i thought it might have fallen off the grid, but apparently not. its just another cost cutting tool on top of reducing manpower.

        i got this email today too, btw.
        Last edited by KungFuHamster; 02-06-2012, 06:43 PM.
        2011 Mustang GT


        • #5
          Originally posted by Yale View Post
          If it's a part of the NDAA, it's not Obama alone. Almost every Republican congressman and senator voted for it, as well.
          Ease up there, bud.


          • #6
            I am going to look for other cases but it seems more like an S1 error than his hazard duty pay being pulled along with other service members in the same AO.

            "A member of a uniformed service may be entitled to Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger pay at the rate of $225 for any month in which he/she was entitled to basic pay and in which he/she was:

            Subject to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines;
            On duty in an area in which he was in imminent danger of being exposed to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines and in which, during the period he was on duty in that area, other members of the uniformed services were subject to hostile fire or explosion of hostile mines;
            Killed, injured, or wounded by hostile fire, explosion of a hostile mine, or any other hostile action; or
            On duty in a foreign area in which he was subject to the threat of physical harm or imminent danger on the basis of civil insurrection, civil war, terrorism, or wartime conditions."

            It says right there he is still entitled to it as he meets the criteria outlined in the last sentence.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #7
              Originally posted by KungFuHamster View Post
              well, to be honest, for the forward deployed troops (iraq, afghanistan, africa, etc) this more than likely will not effect them, as they will be paid $7.50/day or a maximum of $225/month. so if theyre in this location for a month then they get the full amount they would've received anyway.

              what this is designed to do is prevent the guys like me, who we stop and drop the troops off in Iraq (logistics squadron) and because we were there for the one day, we get the whole month. under the new rules, if we stay there for a day, we get a whole $7.50...two days, $15.

              this started back in 2009...i thought it might have fallen off the grid, but apparently not. its just another cost cutting tool on top of reducing manpower.

              i got this email today too, btw.
              I remember watching RIFs when units would try to stick around until after the first of the month to catch the full month of hazard duty pay.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                I remember watching RIFs when units would try to stick around until after the first of the month to catch the full month of hazard duty pay.
                exactly. now, under the new rules, if that occurs, that get $7.50 for that day.
                2011 Mustang GT


                • #9
                  Frankly, I'd rather see the abused programs in the states fixed/discontinued before touching a military member's pay.

                  If you're in country, you should get the pay. Having been there, as a civilian on the CG's base (which should be safer than most) - most days it was not that safe. It just went downhill from there. (Talking Iraq here)
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                    Frankly, I'd rather see the abused programs in the states fixed/discontinued before touching a military member's pay.

                    If you're in country, you should get the pay.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      Agreed as well. Unfortunately, service members live their lives in the government system and it makes them, their duties, and their pay much easier to track and thus easier to cut costs from in a pitchable way.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
                        Agreed as well. Unfortunately, service members live their lives in the government system and it makes them, their duties, and their pay much easier to track and thus easier to cut costs from in a pitchable way.
                        Does ANYONE outside the group of politicians think cutting military pay is a good idea?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                          Does ANYONE outside the group of politicians think cutting military pay is a good idea?
                          I blame it on you liberals!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
                            I blame it on you liberals!
                            Why can't we all hold hands, play guitar, smoke pot, and sing kumbaya?


                            • #15
                              holy shit politicians want a pay raise and want to cut hazard pay for our troops. WHAT THE MOTHER FUCK is wrong with this picture.... These are our defense for our country and they're getting fucked six ways from sunday.

