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who dresses ron paul?

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  • who dresses ron paul?

    They should be fired. Gingrich is sharp,but romney is making him look like a crook. Santorum looks like a child and mumbles regurgitated stuff people want to hear. They arent letting ron paul talk at all.
    Last edited by JFurst; 01-26-2012, 10:58 PM.

  • #2
    Santorum signed a pledge to ban porn; the buck kind of stops there with that little bit of genius.


    • #3
      You can fuck with my freedom, but don't take my smutt!!!


      • #4
        RP actually had a good night. I didn't see the entire thing (missed the first 20 minutes), but I thought he did well, and a lot of the subject matter (health-care) fell right into his hands. He seemed pretty comfortable to me.


        • #5
          They are all full of crap to a certain degree, less full of it than the Potus though... Ron Paul doesn't stand a chance, well dressed or other wise!


          • #6
            At least he actually got some positive news out there, even on CNN...

            Paul plays the charmer

            While the rest of the candidates were battering each other with tough words and harsh accusations, Ron Paul killed them with kindness.

            Though he sometimes comes off as cantankerous and overly excitable, Paul was charming, witty and warm on Thursday. His sense of humor was finely tuned, even when criticizing his foes.

            Responding to Gingrich's space talk, Paul joked: "I don't think we should go to the moon. I think we maybe should send some politicians up there."

            When Blitzer asked the 76-year old Paul if he would release his medical records, Paul offered an enthusiastic yes.

            "I'm willing to challenge any of these gentlemen up here to a 25-mile bike ride any time of the day in the heat of Texas," he said, eliciting laughter from the rest of the candidates.

            He even managed to work in a plug a cookbook authored by his wife, "The Ron Paul Cookbook."

            However, Paul was certainly not just comic relief. He won cheers for promising to slash the budget by a trillion dollars and concisely delivered his arguments for reducing the size of Washington. It was one of his best debate nights in months.


            • #7
              Can't that man get a tailored suit?

              I thought about sending a donation to only be used for a suit. His jacket is falling off his shoulders making him look frail.

              I do appreciate the man though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                At least he actually got some positive news out there, even on CNN...
                Told ya!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                  RP actually had a good night. I didn't see the entire thing (missed the first 20 minutes), but I thought he did well, and a lot of the subject matter (health-care) fell right into his hands. He seemed pretty comfortable to me.
                  Shoot, even I was surprised at how well he handled himself last night.

