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Pelosi loses twice.. we lose once..

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  • Pelosi loses twice.. we lose once..

    Pelosi was supporting the tax cut deal and it just got shot down in the House.

    Pelosi also loses on the Dream Act that she pushed through the House. The Senate just shelved it. End of story..
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  • #2
    She might as well get use to the ass-whippings now. It won't get better after the first.


    • #3
      The dems are playing with fire, trying to strong arm this bill. They have become the party of "no", letting unemployment benefits expire while holding out for tax increases - playing political games rather than getting the county working again.

      I look forward to another dem rout in 2012.


      • #4
        Hypocracy at its finest.


        • #5
          Liberalism at it's finest....not enough room at the trough for all the "gimme my share" pigs.


          • #6
            Maybe this really is the planned outcome... did you ever think of that? You get Barry and Nancy to back the tax cuts, but get the rest of the Dems to stomp them. It makes everyone start to think Barry really is a good guy, and then people will start considering him for re-election too.

            Just watch this game is having its very expected outcome.

