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Iran nuke work at bunker is confirmed

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  • #46
    Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
    keeping changing your posts.....
    I fixed a spelling error, chill out.


    • #47
      Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
      Speaking of vietnam? Did you watch the history channel Vietnam in HD. Bad ass. Also slammy you should do some reading on vietnam and korea....
      I missed it, I'll probably pick up the dvd.

      Originally posted by Slammy View Post
      The korean war ended in a stalemate. However we were winning...until china and russia got involved.
      Tell me again how we didn't attack them...

      Originally posted by Slammy View Post
      Thats why we never attacked north vietnam, didnt want a repeat.
      So, dropping over 900,000 TONS (yes, that is 1,800,000,000 pounds) of bombs on a country is not considered attacking it? Good to know.

      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • #48
        Originally posted by stevo View Post
        I missed it, I'll probably pick up the dvd.

        Tell me again how we didn't attack them...

        So, dropping over 900,000 TONS (yes, that is 1,800,000,000 pounds) of bombs on a country is not considered attacking it? Good to know.

        Man you really are dense! We did attack the north koreans and you are right about us pushing them back. Your story stopped right where the chinese entered the war and ONCE THE CHINESE AND RUSSIANS ENTERED THE WAR WE GOT PUSHED BACK AND THE ARMISTICE WAS PUT IN PLACE.

        Sure bombing is attacking but that wont win a war and it didnt win in the vietnam war. So again my question, WHY DIDNT WE INVADE AND WIN THE WAR?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Slammy View Post
          Man you really are dense! We did attack the north koreans and you are right about us pushing them back. Your story stopped right where the chinese entered the war and ONCE THE CHINESE AND RUSSIANS ENTERED THE WAR WE GOT PUSHED BACK AND THE ARMISTICE WAS PUT IN PLACE.

          Sure bombing is attacking but that wont win a war and it didnt win in the vietnam war. So again my question, WHY DIDNT WE INVADE AND WIN THE WAR?
          It doesn't matter what the fuck happened afterwards, you said we didn't attack either and we did. I fucking told you in post #37 why each war was stopped, my story didn't "stop" anywhere. Even if it did, you don't have to win a war for it to be considered to be attacking, look at the Axis Powers in WWII. Did Germany not attack because they were defeated? Did Japan not attack because they were defeated? How stupid do you have to be to not understand that? Do I need to type half of my post in caps to help you read it?

          Originally posted by SSMAN
          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


          • #50
            Right...its just cause we were pussies huh.

            Im sure the two nuclear armed countries joining our enemies side had NOTHING to do with it.


            • #51

              VIENNA (AP) — Diplomats on Monday confirmed a report that Iran has begun uranium enrichment at an underground bunker and said the news is particularly worrying because the site is being used to make material that can be upgraded more quickly for use in a nuclear weapon than the nation's main enriched stockpile.

              The diplomats said that centrifuges at the Fordo site near Iran's holy city of Qom are churning out uranium enriched to 20 percent. That level is higher than the 3.5 percent being made at Iran's main enrichment plant and can be turned into fissile warhead material faster and with less work.

              The move was expected, with Tehran announcing months ago that it would use the Fordo facility for 20 percent production. Iran began to further enrich a small part of its uranium stockpile to nearly 20 percent as of February 2010 at a less-protected experimental site, saying it needs the higher grade material to produce fuel for a Tehran reactor that makes medical radioisotopes for cancer patients.

              But with the time and effort reduced between making weapons-grade uranium from the 20-percent level, the start of the Fordo operation increases international fears that Iran is determined to move closer to the ability to make nuclear warheads — despite insistence by the Islamic Republic that it is enriching only to make reactor fuel. Its dismissal of findings by the International Atomic Energy Agency of secret experimental work on a nuclear weapons program also worries the international community.

              Iran recently threatened to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, an important transit route for almost one-fifth of the oil traded globally. Tehran also has been angered by the West's efforts to sanction Iran over its nuclear program, including a possible ban on European imports of Iranian oil.

              Fordo's location increases concerns.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Slammy View Post
                Right...its just cause we were pussies huh.

                Im sure the two nuclear armed countries joining our enemies side had NOTHING to do with it.
                Tell me one more time how we didn't attack either country....

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

