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Ron Paul was on fire tonight in the debate....

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  • #46
    Originally posted by stevo View Post
    I'm pretty sure that Russia isn't controlled by a group of religious zealots that fundamentally believe every word in their holy book, which was written 1400 years ago and tells them to convert everyone to said religion or kill them, is supposed to be followed down to the exact word.
    I am also sure that Russia hasn't made a threat recently to destroy our country.
    But hey, I could be wrong.

    It wont fucking happen. Have you served? Have you been in country boots on the ground interacting with Muslims? No? I have. Just saying, what do reference do you have to back this they hate us and want to nuke us talk, besides fox news etc? I'm not trying to start shit. I am just sick and tired of all this, all Muslims hate us talk.

    If we get nuked by Iran, and we are still alive, ill buy you some beers and you can laugh in my face. Deal?
    ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


    • #47
      Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
      It wont fucking happen. Have you served? Have you been in country boots on the ground interacting with Muslims? No? I have. Just saying, what do reference do you have to back this they hate us and want to nuke us talk, besides fox news etc? I'm not trying to start shit. I am just sick and tired of all this, all Muslims hate us talk.

      If we get nuked by Iran, and we are still alive, ill buy you some beers and you can laugh in my face. Deal?
      How long did you serve in Iran? I really have to know, since you know so much about what goes on there, and didn't get the information from news sites or other people. No I haven't served, but I can read, and I can hear what other people say, others that have been in Iraq and Afghanistan, others that personally know and speak to Iranians that no longer live there, and people (including myself) that have daily interaction with muslims that have left countries in the middle east. As far as your Fox News comment, I have not sat down and watched a single thing on Fox in at least 5 months, and have read probably 5 articles from their website, and those were ones linked to me or ones I have seen posted on this site.

      You can try to bullshit and deny the "muslims hate us" all you want, but it is the truth that they ARE told to convert or kill every non-muslim by their holy book and by those that enforce its religious laws. You can try to bullshit and deny the actual threats that they have made to the US and Israel, But they happened. You can try to bullshit and deny the fact they (again) are trying to develop weapons-grade nuclear materials, but they are. You cannot deny that any of what I just listed isn't true, and you don't have to watch Fox News to get that info.

      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • #48
        I am always provoked when seeing comments sections under Ron Paul related articles that include statements like:

        Ron Paul supporters are so naive', Paul wants to return to the thinking of the early 20th century.

        Paul's Isolationist agenda would have us return to the isolationist ways of the last Century, which is why WWI and WWII happened.

        Paul is crazy and would have us leave all of our "interests" in a vacuum that would have others step in...that's isolationism and that is what caused the second world war!

        What a bunch of malarkey!

        Try this for niavite....1900...Age of coal ends, age of oil begins. England had been a major supplier of European Coal. Oil is discovered in Mid East. Technological advancements in refinement and petro chemicals make it a much more attractive energy base than coal given costs of production a relative energy extracted per monetary unit.

        Germany, needed oil for it's evolving industrial production. During the age of Coal, Germany was an industrial powerhouse which was putting England to shame both technologically and competitively. Given the change, and given it's lack of previous century Imperial possessions with known oil reserves, it enters into an agreement with Turkey to extend the Orient Express (Berlin to Istanbul) to the Oil fields of Iraq...benefitting the Austria-Hungarian, Germanic, and Ottoman societies and trying to do an end run around having to rely on England(US..wink...wink) as its supplier.

        Fearing further loss of economic competitiveness, England begins to stir turds with Russia over the circumstances and in order to engage existing treaties to help in their efforts to stymy German industrial goods production, stirs the turds in the Balkans and low and behold, Ferdinand is assassinated enabling England to point fingers at the nasty Huns as the instigators of war as it calls in all chits.

        England deploys it's first divisions...not in Basra, Iraq. It nabs hold of the oil fields and ensures it's control over Iraqi oil. The Majlis government of Iran, a recently established government resulting from a constitutional revolution that overthrew the Qajar Dynasty, enters into agreements with England for it's newly discovered oil (Gee I wonder why given 5 divisions on it's southern border...) This "arraingement, which has England paying Iran 1/20th of what the oil was worth to England, keeps this "arraingement" with Shah Reza Khan Pahlavi who is placed as supreme leader by the Majlis in 1925.

        England then proceeds to attempt dismantle it's competition in the vineyards of France thereby ensuring it's perpetual control over the mid-eastern oil. Problem is, she and her allies weren't up to the effort and needed help.

        To believe in any way that the financial powers here, are any different then the financial powers of England and by extension Western Europe, is ludicrous given the nature of capital and it's magnetic pull back to its owners. Therefore our owned government can always be relied upon to manipulate the public into war when needed to enforce control. The Lusitania we now know was that false flag event.

        So Germany is slain, and its people devastated, to the point of starvation, and the "Isolationists" (eyes roll) come in to finance it's rebuilding, albeit with many concessions. So the "isolationist" Brit capital and the "isolationist" American capital was used to re-build the devastated German industrial machine under new ownership/partnerships...much money was made and everyone was in the financial halls of power was happy.

        Hitler and his boys rise to power, and with "isolationist" financing arraigned through Brown Brothers Harriman and Prescott Bush (among other American luminaries) and he then redirects industrial pursuits to militarism and weaponry.

        Now, finance....happy with the new-fangled mechanisms of war existing in their midst, see that much more money can be made if a good deal of the existing personal property of Europe can be systematically destroyed thereby providing a new playing field for the deployment of a coming debt-based fiat currency attached at the hip to oil...which the "isolationists" control. They are happy with their choice of Herr Hitler and egg him on creating untenable circumstances for Germanic people in the Sudetenland. Hitler takes the bait.

        In 1941, England, unhappy with the Shah of Iran's now "isolationist" tendencies to stay neutral during WWII, and given that he was becoming less and less pliable to England's demands, invades Iran, deposes the Shah Reza Khan and installs his more "friendly" son Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi as supreme dictator. After the war, populist Mohammed Mosedeq is elected Prime Minister by the Majlis (Iranian Parliament) and Pahlavi, understanding his tenuous hold on office makes the appointment.

        The new administration introduced a wide range of social reforms: Unemployment compensation was introduced, factory owners were ordered to pay benefits to sick and injured workers, and peasants were freed from forced labor in their landlords' estates. Twenty percent of the money landlords received in rent was placed in a fund to pay for development projects such as public baths, rural housing, and pest control.

        On 1 May 1951, Mosaddegh nationalized the AIOC Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, cancelling its oil concession due to expire in 1993 and expropriating its assets. This pissed "England" off and they made a phone call to Washington. By 1953, the phone call ends in a CIA led coup, Mossedeq is imprisoned, the Shah reinstated...but this time as total dictator, and the oil assets are returned to Anglo control.

        Over the the years, both England and the US provide training and "other support" to the Shah's brutal secret police force SAVAK making vast friendships with the people of IRAN. Fast forward to 1979 and years of oppression by the Western-backed Shah...

        Now Britain (and by extension Standard Oil/The United Sates) has complete governmental/military control over Iraqi, Iranian and Saudi oil (otherwise and popularly known as" The Mid-East"). And for as long as stability of the indigenous population can be kept from reaching fruition, this paradigm would remain. But no worries, Balfour had already ensured that permanent instability.

        Ask yourself why you didn't know some of these tidbits of history. After all, you went to school right? You learned all about the first world war and Archduke may even remember the assassin's name...Gavrilo Princip. And you are SURE that "isolationism" is the world's greatest evil. All reasons for these conflicts are "Known" to you you and they are always the conflict of good and evil...those who would come to destroy your way of life.

        While the above is a rambling contraction of a myriad of circumstances that doesn't even touch on the financing and arming of Lenin, understand...There has NEVER been anything in written history that remotely approaches a paradigm of "isolationism"...especially as it has been puked into your lap by the "winners" (don't mistake this word for The American People) writing their own seemingly more palatable version of history (See John Taylor Gatto and Norman Dodd). Please think about that when voting.

        I recommend that everyone view Robert Pape's presentation of his Pentagon funded study on suicide terrorism. It is quite revealing if not down right surprising...although the past head of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, Michael Schuer, wouldn't be surprised. Then, just to hammer the information home, rent Swayze and Sheen's "Red Dawn" for a proper perspective on the values of our current activities on behalf of "Interests".

        I didn’t write this but it does a pretty good job of explaining why we are where we at now.

        Also the Koran was written at the same time as the Muslims were invading Jerusalem so I would think that has some influence on how it was written. Does not make it right that there are a few extremist out there that want to follow it but I don’t think it shows the majority of the people over there.


        • #49
          Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
          ...(giant wall of text copy/paste edited out)...

          Also the Koran was written at the same time as the Muslims were invading Jerusalem so I would think that has some influence on how it was written. Does not make it right that there are a few extremist out there that want to follow it but I don’t think it shows the majority of the people over there.
          A few extremists? Ell ooh ell. Pray tell what type of muslims are in control of Iran?

          Originally posted by SSMAN
          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


          • #50
            On my phone, don't feel like quoteing but i have deployed in Iraq and Kuwait and to quite a few other places in the middle east. Keep beleiving that even a decent percentage of Muslim countries people hate the united states just "because".
            ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


            • #51
              Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
              On my phone, don't feel like quoteing but i have deployed in Iraq and Kuwait and to quite a few other places in the middle east. Keep beleiving that even a decent percentage of Muslim countries people hate the united states just "because".

              You may have a point there...sadly those arent the people running the show, however.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Tyron Shulaces View Post
                You may have a point there...sadly those arent the people running the show, however.
                Stop the nonsense, he knows things that other people have no access of knowing, therefor knows more than anyone else.

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by stevo View Post
                  Stop the nonsense, he knows things that other people have no access of knowing, therefor knows more than anyone else.

                  i by no means know everything. im probably one of the less intelligent people on this forum. your just naive, i have common sense, and first hand experience.
                  ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                    i by no means know everything. im probably one of the less intelligent people on this forum. you're just naive, i have common sense, and first hand experience.
                    I fixed that for ya..

                    As for the first hand experience, I'm still waiting for you to inform us about you serving in Iran...

                    Originally posted by SSMAN
                    ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by stevo View Post
                      I fixed that for ya..

                      As for the first hand experience, I'm still waiting for you to inform us about you serving in Iran...

                      Your trying too hard.
                      Thought I cleared that up by saying Iraq etc etc.. not "in" Iran but I was on the 11th meu, and we regularly would fly into their airspace provoking them. The pilots would laugh about it, talking about radio chatter telling them to leave their airspace.
                      ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                        Your trying too hard.
                        Thought I cleared that up by saying Iraq etc etc.. not "in" Iran but I was on the 11th meu, and we regularly would fly into their airspace provoking them. The pilots would laugh about it, talking about radio chatter telling them to leave their airspace.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by stevo View Post

                          I know. Your such a good Guy for helping with my grammar. It would be even worse if not for my auto correct. LOL
                          maybe I am just a hopeless peace loving type. I just want us all to get along!!!
                          ازدهار رأسه برعشيت

