Originally posted by Forever_frost
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Bottom line is this: Which "intel" do you believe? "Intel" got us into Iraq. "Intel" has killed how many of our men and women? "Intel" has fucked us a great many times, and as such it is suspect. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that it is one thing to say they have a nuclear bomb, or will have it tomorrow. In the meantime we have spent BILLIONS of dollars and wasted THOUSANDS of lives in pursuit of "world peace". Where does it stop? After our country is completely bankrupted and countless Nobel prize and future presidents and breakthrough producing scientists are killed? It has to stop at some point, and I for one would prefer that be sooner rather than later.
Hell, I heard the pygmies in the bush of Australia are developing a nuke so let's head our asses over there as well! It has to be so because I read it on the internet!