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Government to receive archive of every tweet ever sent

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  • Government to receive archive of every tweet ever sent

    Tweets, emails and other electronic communications can be considered “government documents” and must be preserved. The National Archives handles official government materials, while the Library of Congress’ mandate is to deal with anything that may have long-term historical interest.

    “We’re basically in the same situation as the National Archives, only on a much larger scale,” said Bill Lefurgy, digital initiatives program manager at the Library of Congress national digital information infrastructure and preservation program. “We tend to have a much larger perspective in terms of what we collect.” He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris Tuesday morning to talk about the library’s digital mission.

    But how much digital information are we talking about? How about all of the tweets from Twitter’s archives?

    “We have an agreement with Twitter where they have a bunch of servers with their historic archive of tweets, everything that was sent out and declared to be public,” Lefurgy said. The archives don’t contain tweets that users have protected, but everything else — billions and billions of tweets — are there.”

    Using new technical processes it has developed, Twitter is moving a large quantity of electronic data from one electronic source to another. “They’ve had to do some pretty nifty experimentation and invention to develop the tools and a process to be able to move all of that data over to us,” Lefurgy said.

    The Library of Congress has long been the repository of important, historical documents and the Twitter library, as a whole, is something historic in itself.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    <---------------- Doesn't tweet for this and other reasons. If you post it on a public site, it should be public domain. If you send an email, it should either be your private information or the company's (if a company email) information.


    • #3
      I'm sure there is a lot they can sift through, but seeing as how any website that wants to can set up its only little message board or instant messaging system, they've got their work cut out for them. I guess they'll catch some of the dumb criminals...


      • #4
        You're under the impression a person will be reading this. They already have programs that look for certain words
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          True, but it needs to be fed what its reading, in one way or another. You can just go around twitter and use something else if you want to and you won't have to worry about them listening in.

