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Evolution: The Grand Experiment

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  • #46
    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
    For the most part, Christians disregard the Old Testament unless something in it supports their argument or agenda.
    isn't that why the Jews hate us?
    "We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln


    • #47
      Originally posted by asphaltjunkie View Post
      isn't that why the Jews hate us?
      Jews believe the old testament. They don't believe that Jesus was the son of god so they disregard the new testament.
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #48
        Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
        For the most part, Christians disregard the Old Testament unless something in it supports their argument or agenda.
        New Christians are introduced to salvation through the New Testament, and then lead a life according to it. Usually takes a while before they understand, or even take the time to understand the Old Testament. Many don't.


        • #49
          Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
          For the most part, Christians disregard the Old Testament unless something in it supports their argument or agenda.
          Totally incorrect. The Old Testament contains a detailed foretelling of the events in the New Testament. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament, so your statement would mean that Christians would be disregarding God by disregarding the Old Testament. Your (once again) blanket statement fails.


          • #50
            Originally posted by The King View Post
            Totally incorrect. The Old Testament contains a detailed foretelling of the events in the New Testament. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament, so your statement would mean that Christians would be disregarding God by disregarding the Old Testament. Your (once again) blanket statement fails.
            Oh please quit trying so hard.

            No kidding sherlock. The new born get a very small dose of the Old Testment. Just enough to get the reason for Jesus. After that...not so much. Most dont even understand it when they read it.


            • #51
              Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
              Oh please quit trying so hard.

              No kidding sherlock. The new born get a very small dose of the Old Testment. Just enough to get the reason for Jesus. After that...not so much. Most dont even understand it when they read it.
              There's no trying whatsoever. Simply because you can't understand the Old Testament doesn't mean anything to the rest of us.


              • #52
                Originally posted by The King View Post
                There's no trying whatsoever. Simply because you can't understand the Old Testament doesn't mean anything to the rest of us.
                Let me guess...There was no sweet-n-low for your coffee this morning.

                If you had took the time to read what I said, "new christians/new born" is what I was speaking of. I promise. Go re read.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
                  The saved cannot be possessed.
                  Not true. Look at Pentecostals. I can easily prove they are allowing a demon to possess them to speak in tongues. A very low level possession, but possession nonetheless.

                  I've seen people cast out demons from tongues speakers and the person can't speak in tongues after that. The only time you see that type of "tongues" spoken in the Bible is the Corinthian church (which was full of Pagan practices such as speaking in tongues, which the Roman guards did in guard meetings even before Jesus was born). And Paul reprimands them for speaking in that type of "tongues". He says he wishes they would speak one intelligible word in the "tongues" he speaks in. Why? Because Paul was using the real gift of tongues which allows him to speak in a language in which he is not educated to people who speak that language for the purpose of sharing the gospel.

                  Read Foxx's Book of Martyr's. You'll see many accounts of missionaries who say they walked up to a person whose language they didn't speak and yet they could speak and understand it perfectly for the span of one conversation - and every time it happened, the person got saved. This happened to a friend of mine on a mission trip. She walks up to a Spanish speaking guy on a beach and she doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. She spoke to the guy for half an hour about Jesus and the guy got saved. She walked away and couldn't speak Spanish or understand it at all. So, she had the gift of speaking and interpreting "tongues" (i.e. - other languages, which is what "tongues" means). Tongues is just the old Enlgish way of saying "languages".

                  If you change every instance of "tongues" in the Bible to "languages", it makes way more sense. The gift is the gift of interpreting languages and speaking languages. That's all it is. That's why Paul could go around to all of these different nations and teach the people about the Gospel. He had the gift of languages. 1 Corinthians says that the church meets for "edification" and then it says that the tongues they were speaking were not edifying, but prophesying was edifying. So, if the purpose of church is edification and tongues is not edifying, then you should never see someone speaking in tongues in church, unless they are using it to give a message in another language because the people in that church don't speak the speaker's language.

                  There are many other ways to prove our modern "tongues" is not from God too, but that's a good start. If you can get your hands on a book called "Demons in the Church", it discusses this and other things in detail. Interesting book by Ellis H. Skolfield.

                  I found this guy on YouTube discussing it too. I only watched a couple of his videos, but he seems to understand the issue. It would be informative for you if you want to learn about this: I think that's video 3, though, instead of 1.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                    Leading cause of cancer is stress? Wow. You are one delusional propagandist.
                    Dude, I am just repeating what the medical community says their research shows. So you're calling mainstream doctors "delusional propagandists", not me. lol Nice job.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
                      Let me guess...There was no sweet-n-low for your coffee this morning.

                      If you had took the time to read what I said, "new christians/new born" is what I was speaking of. I promise. Go re read.
                      My reply was to Dr. Dave's post, and your simpleton remarks after the fact add nothing as usual. Learn to follow the old advice of "put brain in gear before putting mouth (or in your case keyboard) in motion". Can you comprehend that?
                      Last edited by The King; 12-08-2010, 03:20 PM.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by The King View Post
                        My reply was to Dr. Dave's post, and your simpleton remarks after the fact add nothing as usual. Learn to follow the old advice of "put brain in gear before putting mouth (or in your case keygoard) in motion". Can you compregend that?
                        Dr. Dave is right. I agree with him. You are so proud of your achievements that you cant see the "lower/common man".

                        You ever heard the phrase, "Too Heavenly minded to be any earthly good?"
                        Last edited by BlackSnake; 12-08-2010, 07:26 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by The King View Post
                          lol If I were in need of an exorcism, I'd most certainly go the professional route and have a priest perform the ritual.
                          Dude, I wouldn't let a priest perform an exorcism on me. They use holy water, which is absolutely absurd and a practice brought in from Pagan mysticism back in the 800s if I'm not mistaken. They say things such as "the power of Christ compels you" and they command the demons out themselves, not necessarily in Jesus' name and authority. It's very simple to get a demon out of someone if you know who you are in Christ and you understand that it's Christ commanding the demon out, not you and not your authority. When I work with multiples and have to command demons out, which is required and happens many times in one session, I never say "I command". I say "you are commanded". Ellis Skolfield explains why you do this in The Shining Man. Any true born again Christian can do it. You don't need to be a priest or pastor. Only difference between them and you is that they have a degree, and demons do not respond to degrees. lol So your logic is flawed in going to a priest or pastor for that type of thing. And it's not some big production like they make it out to be on movies. It usually is no problem when working with multiples. At worst I've sometimes seen them throw up when a lot of demons came out, but that's about it. Commanding out demons isn't nearly as hard as you believe it is. And as long as a Christian understands their authority and protection in Christ, they will not be possessed or attacked. I was attacked by a demon one time, and once I dealt with it, I learned how to make sure that type of thing never happened again.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by exlude View Post
                            Wait wait wait, I missed this the first time around and didn't get a chance to laugh at it.


                            Evolution has been observed and has been tested. Not yet replicated on our own, but then again, neither has life. Doesn't mean it can't be. BrianC's logical fallacies FTL.
                            Oh really? Show me one single example where evolution (not micro-evolution which is adaptation, because that doesn't cause animals to turn into different animals completely) has been observed and tested. Show me where we've observed one animal turning into a completely different animal and how we tested it.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by BrianC View Post
                              Not true. Look at Pentecostals. I can easily prove they are allowing a demon to possess them to speak in tongues. A very low level possession, but possession nonetheless.

                              Lets be reasonable here...If God is in possesion of me through salvation, how then can demons posses the same possesion? Our bodies are called "the temple of the lord." Would our God dwell in the same house as demons do?

                              And tongues? Start a new thread. Tongues is nothing more that a "act" put on by believers that need more than faith. It will take me some time to go through it verse by verse to show you, but I might do that.
                              Last edited by BlackSnake; 12-08-2010, 07:39 AM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by exlude View Post
                                Holy crap it would be scary if you were in the hospital, deathly ill, and the doctor walked up without any medical information, tools, not even a medical degree...but instead a degree in Theology and a Bible.
                                I don't think he was diagnosing or curing cancer with his statement. lol

                                And I explained how cancer is caused by stress. Scientists have proven that stress causes the body's pH to go acidic instantly, and this causes cortisol production to increase.

                                Scientists have also proven that cancer cannot exist in a body which is alkaline instead of acidic, because cortisol production is lowered and cancer cells are identified and flushed out of the body. It's very simple. Again, just read Dr. Day's book I'm Not Afraid of Cancer Anymore. She's a medical doctor who got cancer and decided to research it and figure out how to cure it and she did and it worked for her. She figured out the causes and how to eliminate the causes. Stress reduction was one of the most effective ways to eliminate the acidic pH, at which point cancer cannot grow in the body anymore. It's pretty simple. Read up on it before you go spouting out absurd uneducated opinions again.

