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County Displays Crucified Santa on Courthouse Lawn

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  • #16
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    Instead of tearing it down, how about going through the proper channels and voicing your opposition instead of barbarically removing it. There's a way to civilly handle things.'
    Yes. There is a way to civilly handle things. Like not hanging Santa on a crucifix on the fucking court house lawn.

    For the record, I don't lie to my kids. But if a paret so chooses to do so, it's their right. They aren't your children. Just like religion. It's not your place to say religion is a lie. If someone so chooses to believe, who fucking cares? It's not your life, and not your children. Therefore you have no say.

    Yes, Christmas is over commercialized. Who fucking cares? There is absolutely nothing wrong with kids believing in Santa, or the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, or anything else. It has no effect on me, because I'm an adult and live my life to my choosing, and nobody else's. You must have had a fucked up joyless childhood. Why rip that away from kids you don't parent, have no authority over, etc? How does that have any affect on how you choose to live your life?

    We had this same discussion about gay people. It's ok then, but it's not ok for a innocent kid to believe in Santa fucking Claus?

    Hypocrite, party of one; your table is ready.
    Originally posted by BradM
    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
    Originally posted by Leah
    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


    • #17
      Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      Yes. There is a way to civilly handle things. Like not hanging Santa on a crucifix on the fucking court house lawn.

      For the record, I don't lie to my kids. But if a paret so chooses to do so, it's their right. They aren't your children. Just like religion. It's not your place to say religion is a lie. If someone so chooses to believe, who fucking cares? It's not your life, and not your children. Therefore you have no say.

      Yes, Christmas is over commercialized. Who fucking cares? There is absolutely nothing wrong with kids believing in Santa, or the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny, or anything else. It has no effect on me, because I'm an adult and live my life to my choosing, and nobody else's. You must have had a fucked up joyless childhood. Why rip that away from kids you don't parent, have no authority over, etc? How does that have any affect on how you choose to live your life?

      We had this same discussion about gay people. It's ok then, but it's not ok for a innocent kid to believe in Santa fucking Claus?

      Hypocrite, party of one; your table is ready.
      I never said it wasn't ok for them to believe in Santa, but to complain about them being traumatized over a lie is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Do you tell your kids Santa is real? If you do, congratulations, you lie to them. You know it is false, yet you keep the story going. But, hanging Santa from a crucifix is wrong and should be torn down. Yet if we hang another mythological being from a cross, it's all good and should be treated with reverence. They're one in the same.

      If I'm ever cursed with children will I perpetuate the story of Santa? Damn right I will, but there's also the ability to "keep it real."

      Oh, and if something is not true, then it's a lie, I'm just going to throw that out there. And I've seen absolutely no testable evidence regarding the validity of any religion, so it is my place to say it's a lie.

      I'm not trying to say that kids can't believe in santa, or that parents can't teach their kids about santa. What I'm saying is when you come across some conflicting view with yours, handle things like an adult, through the proper channels instead of getting all mad and destroying something. Remember, it's that guys right to put that there (who went through the proper channels to get it placed there,) just like it's a christians right to put up a nativity scene, or scream about how god hates fags, and god loves IED's. That's one of the things you must accept in a free world, conflicting viewpoints. Either you can be an adult about it, or you can be childish and no one will take you seriously.


      • #18
        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        Notice I'm not advocating the message, just the right/wrong aspect of it being shown. If your kids can't handle it, maybe you should teach them that not everyone agrees with your particular ideals.
        Interesting that even you mentioned that their parents should teach them rather than a complete stranger.
        Originally posted by racrguy
        What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
        Originally posted by racrguy
        Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dave View Post
          You can't be serious? By putting a Santa on a crucifix, they are killing Christmas. Not my Christmas, but every child's Christmas. You want your kid seeing a dead Santa? That's pretty morbid. I'm not a parent or even religous and I would've torn that shit down in a second. There is a good message there, but it's an innapropriate way to express it in a public forum. So it falls under the "freedom to destroy shitty art" clause in the bill of rights.
          Oh, he's serious. Make no mistake of that. He's the new durantula. Probably the old one too. Along with 5.0, and who needs 8.


          • #20
            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
            I'm not trying to say that kids can't believe in santa, or that parents can't teach their kids about santa. What I'm saying is when you come across some conflicting view with yours, handle things like an adult, through the proper channels instead of getting all mad and destroying something. Remember, it's that guys right to put that there (who went through the proper channels to get it placed there,) just like it's a christians right to put up a nativity scene, or scream about how god hates fags, and god loves IED's. That's one of the things you must accept in a free world, conflicting viewpoints. Either you can be an adult about it, or you can be childish and no one will take you seriously.
            I'm all for conflicting viewpoints on things THAT MATTER. Just being a dickhead because you can tends to get an equivalent response from people.

            This reminds me of the time when the guy asked Buzz Aldrin if the moon landing was hoax. Dude got punched in the fucking mouth. I guess Buzz Aldrin should have been "an adult" though and "respected his views".

            Part of what is wrong with this country is that some views are so fucking stupid that they don't deserve to be respected. But they are anyway, so every dumbfuck is a scientist now, he's got an opinion that matters.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
              I'm all for conflicting viewpoints on things THAT MATTER. Just being a dickhead because you can tends to get an equivalent response from people.

              This reminds me of the time when the guy asked Buzz Aldrin if the moon landing was hoax. Dude got punched in the fucking mouth. I guess Buzz Aldrin should have been "an adult" though and "respected his views".

              Part of what is wrong with this country is that some views are so fucking stupid that they don't deserve to be respected. But they are anyway, so every dumbfuck is a scientist now, he's got an opinion that matters.

              I remember that shit. It was fucking HILARIOUS. I guess that was an artistic way of answering "No." lolz


              • #22
                Man there has to be a video of that somewhere... i want to see tit

                Here it is

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                "And a pmmmgnhph!..."

                He got what he deserved.


                • #23
                  A bit of a stretch? No. Not at all. They are children. They aren't well versed in the ways of the world. They can't tell fact from fiction. You didn't come out of the womb knowing the difference either.

                  I don't tell my kids anything about Santa. They get that from their mother. My oldest is old enough to know better now. My youngest just turned 4, and if she wants to believe in Santa, so be it.

                  As for religion, no, it's not your place to say its a lie. It's an OPINION, for one. Neither side can prove anything. Making it opinion. It's your right to have an opinion. And it's your right to tell YOUR kids your opinion. But it's absolutely, under no circumstance, your place to tell children that aren't yours one thing or another. You aren't their parent. You don't foot the bill for them. Therefore its not your place to so much as speak to them.

                  Like Al said, I don't have a problem with conflicting viewpoints. You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want. But when you start imposing your views on my children, and other people's children, don't cry wolf when someone kicks you in the teeth so to speak. When it comes to my kids, I protect them, period. Physically, emotionally, from someone's ideals, whatever the case calls for. When they are adults they are free to make their own decisions. I don't force anything other than responsibility, morality, kindness, doing the right thing, and chores down their throats.
                  Originally posted by BradM
                  But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by StanleyJustinTaliwhacker95 View Post
                    Man there has to be a video of that somewhere... i want to see tit

                    Here it is

                    "And a pmmmgnhph!..."

                    He got what he deserved.

                    I posted it before you edited your post and didn't even embed it correctly.

                    What do I win?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by vadertt View Post
                      I posted it before you edited your post and didn't even embed it correctly.

                      What do I win?
                      Seeing as how most of the time "embedding disabled by request", jack dick.

                      But I bet they'd get all bent out of shape if I displayed crucified politicians on the courthouse lawn. But why should they? After all, its just my beliefs...

