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Adam Carolla Breaks Down Occupy Movement: ‘F**king Self-Entitled Monsters’

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  • Adam Carolla Breaks Down Occupy Movement: ‘F**king Self-Entitled Monsters’

    Can someone go in and add the video clip to a post? I'm at work and it's not letting me.

    Some people have a way of breaking down an issue, laying it out in its simplest, most rudimentary form. Comic and podcaster Adam Carolla did just that recently when he unleashed what many conservatives will hail an acerbic yet painfully accurate debunking of the Occupy movement and its self-ascribed motivations. The nearly ten minute long lampooning of America’s new “f–king self-entitled monsters“ who ”think the world owes them a living” is peppered with very strong language, still, Carolla’s observations are worth listening through to the end.

    Among the many highlights in Carolla’s rant, he asks why the top “1 percent” of America paying 50 percent of all income taxes in the country is not good enough for the Occupiers. He also observes how “envy” never before existed among Americans the way it does now, and that it, along with “shame” plays a crucial role in the Occupiers’ motivation and self-justification.

    Reflecting on how things used to be “back in the day,” Carolla states:

    “You took guys who built something, and you said ‘there’s a guy who accomplished something.‘ You didn’t say, ‘that guy didn’t pay his fair share.’ That guy paid millions of dollars last year, and you paid shi*t and you’re pissed at him?”

    You can listen to Carolla’s podcast below. We caution again, he uses very strong language:

    Regarding the “envy” of Occupiers, the media personality notes that people used to look up to those who “accomplished” something and built businesses.

    “It’s this envy and shame, and there’s gonna be a lot more of it,” he warns. “It used to be back in the day, a father was walking his son and they’d see a guy go buy in his Rolls Royce. There goes Mr. Jenkins. Look up to him.’ What do we do now? Oooh, look at him. Does he need that car? Why does he need to drive that car? Let’s throw a rock at it.”

    “That’s not gonna help you get out of your Chevette,” Carolla adds sarcastically.

    Reflecting on a time when people were rewarded for their actual accomplishments rather than for nothing at all, Carolla laments, “We’re dealing with the first wave of participation trophies…everybody’s a winner, there are no losers.”

    He rhetorically asks why the “slowest, fattest guy on the team” would deserve an MVP award. In the process of rewarding those undeserving, Carolla says that “we created a bunch of f**king self-entitled monsters.”

    “We’re dealing with the first wave of those f–cking a**holes now,” he blasts in reference to the Occupy protesters. The kind who believe “my own fecal matter doesn’t stink.”

    Carolla also strongly suggests that the Occupiers need to “find a mirror” and figure out why they are not “doing better” in life rather than look at others.

    For the most part, Carolla maintains that while Capitalism does veer of course at times, it is the “best system.”

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        I listen to his podcasts, he is great. His views are on par for a lot of things, ESPECIALLY this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
          I listen to his podcasts, he is great. His views are on par for a lot of things, ESPECIALLY this.
          Run for President?


          • #6
            ass douche's! LOL


            • #7
              The worst part of this is that self entitlement is a mental illness. Instead of being treated it is worshipped by the libtards.


              • #8
                love it.
                ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                • #9
                  Spot on accurate. Too bad i am lumped in with the generation he is descibing.


                  • #10
                    I'm surrounded by this shit every day, he couldn't be more spot on.


                    • #11
                      he's a smart dude


                      • #12
                        He hits the nail on the head!


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Meh, never been an adam corola fan. When he talks in his whiny sounding voice I just get the impression that he lightly skimmed over some material and is now trying to make a point about something he really doesn't know about. I guess that's just a typical comedian, but its easy to spot when they start trying to be comedic about politics. Other than that, I guess I have to agree with him on this one. heh
                            Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 12-02-2011, 03:51 AM.


                            • #15
                              holding back my comments about the OWS ppl til I saw it myself, I finally did.
                              Now these aren't the OWS ppl in the US , but the UK however.
                              I took a second to look around the varied displays here by the beautiful st. Paul's cathedral in london that they have managed to make look like ass with the tent city built outside.
                              Anyways..... the brief is that it's totally bogus. There must be a laundry list of complete BS goals they have, virtually all of which are impossible to accomplish by this group.
                              I'm not a hater of protesters, and I believe in the fact that only one motivated individual can change the world . This isn't it though, they're just a group of homeless losers basically or hippies.

                              Again I am judging them as a group, a first hand witness of their posted goals, and in the UK. However I doubt there are significant differences with the US ones.

                              IMO ...... total sham. Glad they found a legal way to remove many of them in the US I heard recently. Waste of space is the only real accomplishment achieved. Possibly some attention to the numerous causes they have.
                              I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt.. and mostly only because they seemed committed. Typically something I would respect with exception in this instance.

