Except for the fact that none of your text book definitions fit anything I was saying. You said that I was a socialist, communist dictator. That means that I A) keep all the resources, B) distribute them equally C) control everything. So do I keep all resources or distribute them all equally?
And I can be king without royal blood as that bloodline has to start somewhere. On my island, it'd be me. I'm king, my offspring would be royalty due to being my descendants.
Last edited by racrguy; 11-18-2011, 11:54 PM.
Reason: Changed the picture
You're wasting your time arguing with him. He's not capable of understanding what you're telling him. He doesn't even understand how a monarchy works or gets its start.
And there's the answer. You can't debate it, you fucked up, enjoy your pictures. Would you like your juice box as well?
And I've already proven you wrong with your own words, yet you keep with the same lines ad nauseam. I started using the pictures after I grew tired of chasing you in circles and continually proving you wrong at every turn.
Originally posted by StanleyJustinTaliwhacker95View Post
You're wasting your time arguing with him. He's not capable of understanding what you're telling him. He doesn't even understand how a monarchy works or gets its start.
When you're wrong, that means you're wrong. You say I'm a socialist AND communist. I can't be both. Try again. Even your definitions state that they are different levels. And you don't seem to know how a monarchy starts. Do you think those kings just started out as that?
Full of hot air as usual, I see. Well, lets see you back it up. Tell us what you know about monarchies. Or even just the nobility. This should be funny.
When you're wrong, that means you're wrong. You say I'm a socialist AND communist. I can't be both. Try again. Even your definitions state that they are different levels. And you don't seem to know how a monarchy starts. Do you think those kings just started out as that?
Yes, you can, and I've already explained why. Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it any less true.
Yes, you can, and I've already explained why. Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it any less true.
Then since I'm the one who is brain damaged, be kind and explain to me how I could possess everything centrally AND give it all out equally. That's kind of like if I own all the tacos but give them out to everyone. Hmm actually, that kind of makes sense if I did that but doesn't make sense as then I'd no longer have it.
Then since I'm the one who is brain damaged, be kind and explain to me how I could possess everything centrally AND give it all out equally. That's kind of like if I own all the tacos but give them out to everyone. Hmm actually, that kind of makes sense if I did that but doesn't make sense as then I'd no longer have it.
Since you're brain damaged, why don't you ask Lea to help you understand it. I hear she's got a degree in teaching waterheads.
/facepalm. The fact that that one can retire due to disability in no way means that one is being paid for service rendered. It means they are paying you due to the fact that, according to the government, you're not competent to work. Whether that be physically or mentally. Therefore you are literally getting paid to do nothing. Getting paid to do nothing would, by definition, be "unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done".
You are so wrong it's not funny and I, as a former soldier, wish you would give it a rest. FF is getting paid for service rendered. End of story. Thanks.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
George Orwell
You are so wrong it's not funny and I, as a former soldier, wish you would give it a rest. FF is getting paid for service rendered. End of story. Thanks.
Except I'm not wrong. Please go read the definitions given in the thread and get back with me.