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Someone shot at the whitehouse

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 2011GT View Post
    ...... Why do I doubt this.
    ........ cause you don't watch the news?


    • #17
      DC is a shit hole. period. it was probably gang related


      • #18
        I would have thought those snipers would just pick off anyone doing that. I mean what the hell are they up there for, if not situations just like that?


        • #19
          There you going wondering again...


          • #20
            They probly didn't shoot cause obuma made them take the bullets out so they wouldn't hurt anyone. Cause guns are bad.


            • #21
              Originally posted by StanleyJustinTaliwhacker95 View Post
              I would have thought those snipers would just pick off anyone doing that. I mean what the hell are they up there for, if not situations just like that?
              They aren't going to be able to have eyes on everything. Hell, simply keeping your eyes on a known target is exhausting enough.


              • #22
                I feel bad for these patsy's they find to pin these farce's on that have mental disorder's, to push their agenda, propaganda, and lie's.

                They might want to watch the documentary before they say that Ortega-Hernandez watched it, and came to the conclusion that obama is the kingpin. When it clearly doesn't, and where can I can I get an AK47 for $550?
                Obsessed with obama, charged with attempting to off the pres. or staff, and obama was 2,000 mils away.
                So someone left Idaho, drove to D.C. popped off 2 random rounds at the WH hoping to hit the pres. or staff, drove a couple miles away, got out of his truck and left the truck with the AK inside and just walked away?
                LOL really, really?

                NYT Tries to Blame Political Film for White House Shooting
                Kurt Nimmo
                November 21, 2011

                On Sunday, The New York Times said Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, the schizophrenic accused of shooting at the White House, watched Alex Jones’ The Obama Deception.

                Ortega-Hernandez bought the semi-automatic rifle he allegedly used to fire on the White House from a man named Jake Chapman. William Yardley writes for the Times:

                The AK-47 that Mr. Ortega is accused of using to fire on the White House was registered to Mr. Chapman, who said in an interview that he is known to friends as “the gun guy.” He said that he sold the gun to Mr. Ortega in March for $550 and that he believed it was the first gun Mr. Ortega owned.

                Mr. Chapman, 21, said he had not heard Mr. Ortega talk of taking violent action. But more than a year ago, he recalled, Mr. Ortega and others watched an antigovernment film on the Internet called “The Obama Deception,” which was written, directed and produced by Alex Jones, a Texas-based conservative talk show host who has espoused a number of conspiracy theories involving the federal government. (Emphasis added.)

                The insinuation is obvious – Ortega was influenced by Jones’ film and Jones is a dangerous anti-government conspiracy theorist.

                In 2009, the establishment media attempted to link Jones to the murder of police officers in Pittsburgh. The ADL said the convicted shooter, Richard Poplawski, had posted on and supported Alex Jones. In fact, Poplawski was a critic of Alex Jones.

                The Ortega story jives with the lone wolf narrative now unfolding in New York. Earlier this year, Obama cautioned Americans to be vigilant and on the lookout for lone wolf terrorists.

                In addition to Jones, Christian leaders are taking heat for Ortega’s alleged shooting incident because the mentally deranged Ortega allegedly believes Obama is the anti-Christ.

                From the Christian Post:

                Conservatives and faith leaders warned Christians to be more careful of how they criticize political opponents after court documents revealed that the suspect in the White House shooting, Oscar Ramiro Ortega- Hernandez, believed President Barack Obama to be the “antichrist.”

                Chilling the free political speech of Christians and others is particularly important for the establishment now that the 2012 election season is gearing up. It is also important to link anti-government opinion to the incident.

                2 Chronicles 7:14
                If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Up0n0ne View Post
                  and where can I can I get an AK47 for $550?
                  Sporting Arms has a few variants for $550 or less.
                  Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                  HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
                    Sporting Arms has a few variants for $550 or less.
                    Good info, thanks!
                    2 Chronicles 7:14
                    If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


                    • #25
                      A little update:

                      Who Is Oscar Ortega-Hernandez and Why Did He Allegedly Try To Kill Obama

                      Chicago Chivalry
                      By gwill, November 17, 2011 at 6:24 pm There are interesting facts surrounding Oscar Ortega-Hernandez and this case. At this point in time, we are left with more questions than answers.

                      Ortega-Hernandez was born on October 2, 1990. Nothing exceedingly interesting here, just added it since it's the same month I was born.

                      He is from Idaho Falls, Idaho. His family reported him missing from Idaho Falls last month. Incidentally, out of all the small towns in this country, the city of Idaho Falls decided to conduct a full simulated terrorism drill just two weeks ago.

                      He has a tattoo of the word "Israel" on the left side of his neck. Who does this? Is he an Israeli? Is he Mossad? Maybe he had a girlfriend named Israel and wanted to show his stupidity love by tattooing her name on his neck. *

                      He reportedly also has a tattoo of three dots on his wrist. Google "prison tattoos."

                      He was able to get off multiple shots AT NIGHT at a substantial distance from a car. I'm not a professional marksman, but I think it would be formidable for a reportedly mentally challenged individual to get off multiple accurate shots from his distance on a clear sunny day, much less at night.

                      Authorities found a Romanian Cugir SA semi-automatic assault rifle with a large mounted scope in his car. Again, I'm not a professional marksman, but I don't think this is a BB gun. I have a feeling this gun can do some damage to adult elephants. By the way, this weapon has been encountered in numbers in Iraq.

                      Authorities also found three magazines loaded with 7.62 x 39 mm cartridges in his car. I'm not familiar with these rounds, but I do know I don't want to get hit by one.

                      Bullet impacts were found on the second and third stories of the White House, which are the residence floors of the First Family. Did he know the windows to target?

                      How was it possible for a reportedly mentally challenged person to fire multiple high-caliber rounds into the White House from Constitution Avenue and escape the immediate security area without being detained?

                      Earlier in the day before he fired on the White House, Ortega-Hernandez was stopped by police officers in Arlington, VA at around 11:00 AM. At the time, the officers asked to search his car but Ortega-Hernandez refused. The officers took photos of Ortega-Hernandez and allowed him to go on his way.

                      More facts will undoubtedly filter out as this case proceeds.

                      *UPDATE: Ortega-Hernandez has a child named Israel.

                      2 Chronicles 7:14
                      If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

