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Any one else suspect that Obama wins a second term?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    Roger that!

    Aaaaaaaand here come the retards!
    Welcome home Denny
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #62
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      Welcome home Denny
      Thanks bro!


      • #63
        If people would just wake up and realize this country is in need of serious reform in ALL aspects of government. People need to open their eyes and realize Ron Paul is the only one talking about ending wars, stopping the spending, and revitalizing the greatness this country once had. And please, save the "unelectable" argument. If you get involved, you vote, and spread the word he CAN get elected, and most definitely defeat big ears.

        WAKE UP America. If you want you and your kids to have any kind of future.


        • #64
          "Wake up America" has got to be one of the most annoying phrases used as of late. Don't expect any success when using that in a conversation.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
            How about making a drinking game where you say cringe inducing things like "Bush Brain" or "The Obama"?

            Which Regan are you talking about, the comedic genius Brian Regan or Donald Regan - the secretary of treasury/chief of staff under Reagan?
            If your going to quote me and comment. At least stick to something.

            Regan .....Figure it out, should be easy since I was speaking about any president changing anything in our favor.

            Drinking game? sorry, I don't drink.

            So do you have the answer? What president made any change to our benefit?

            What president has changed or reversed anything any previous president has fucked up? Democrat or republican?


            • #66
              I think he's looking more electable every day with all the blunders of the usual gaggle of buffoons. The media is piss scared of him so they know the best thing they can do is deny him coverage. They want him swept under the rug since they know they can't trip him up.


              • #67
                Originally posted by tazz007 View Post
                If your going to quote me and comment. At least stick to something.

                Regan .....Figure it out, should be easy since I was speaking about any president changing anything in our favor.

                Drinking game? sorry, I don't drink.

                So do you have the answer? What president made any change to our benefit?

                What president has changed or reversed anything any previous president has fucked up? Democrat or republican?
                I was sticking to something - hacky posts and cliche talking points render your argument null and void. The only time it is passable is if you're the originator that coined the phrase in the first place.

                I said it before, Eisenhower was the last completely honest man we had as president. Reagan was decent too.

                And it is ReAgan, not Regan.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
                  Obama lost his reelection yesterday when he announced that he would delay the decision on the oil line from Canada. All the Republican nominee needs to do is hammer that home. Proof that the left doesn't necessarily care about getting off of middle eastern oil and absolute proof that Obama doesn't care about jobs near as much as he wants people to believe.
                  Agreed. I recently felt that the door for the GOP was just slightly ajar, but now I think it's been pushed wide open.

                  Ultimately, the current state of our economy is the GOP best weapon in 2012. I hope someone within the party will have enough gravitas to successfully exploit it to it's fullest.

                  Two terms of Obama just hurts to think about.


                  • #69
                    Since Bush signed a directive in August 07' that granted near dictatorial powers to the office of the president in the event of a national emergency declared by the president. I think at just the right time, maybe when the election is close. They will pull a false flag terror, set-up and call for a national emergency and Berry will not step down and will claim dictatorship of the USA. I hope I'm wrong and we can get RP in, cause if you do the research, he is the only one that is a true Constitutionalist which is the foundation of this nation. Which we NEED back as the Law of the Land, because it isn't now.
                    This confirms again that the right/left paradigm is all smoke and mirrors.

                    I think we can turn things around and get another shot, just need to look further than the mainstream media.
                    I just hope & pray more and more people start to do their own research, look at govt. documents, and start actually thinking for themselves as apposed to believing what they've been taught and told their whole lives through tv, groups, etc. I just started doing this a few months ago, we need need get our nation back in the hands of the People.


                    National Security Presidential Directive-51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20National Security Presidential Directive-51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (NSPD-51/HSPD-20) (PDF 33KB, TXT 19KB), National Continuity Policy, issued May 4, 2007, emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive national program involving all government levels and the private sector for integrated and scalable continuity planning. NSPD-51/HSPD-20 prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides continuity guidance for the States, territories, tribal and local governments, and private sector organizations.

                    This Directive designates the Secretary of Homeland Security as the President’s lead agent for coordinating overall national continuity operations and activities, and provides continuity planners with substantive new guidance designed to enhance the Nation’s continuity capabilities. It also directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to assist with the practical implementation of policy guidance through the development and promulgation of continuity planning requirements and guidance for Federal and non-Federal government jurisdictions and private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators.

                    National Continuity Policy Implementation PlanThe National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan (NCPIP) (PDF 1MB, TXT 262KB), dated August 2007, provides continuity program implementation guidance for NSPD-51/HSPD-20. It provides directive guidance to assist Federal organizations in developing continuity plans and programs, to include the identification of Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) and Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs), that support the eight National Essential Functions (NEFs)—the most critical functions necessary for leading and sustaining our Nation during a catastrophic emergency.

                    Guidance in the implementation plan helps ensure that our nation’s continuity efforts and resources will be coordinated and leveraged to ensure essential government functions and services will be provided to the nation’s citizens under all conditions. This plan directs more than 75 critical actions to ensure the effectiveness and survivability of our Nation’s continuity capability.

                    The NCPIP highlights the importance of partnerships with the other branches of the Federal Government, other levels of government, and the private sector to include:

                    •Federal Government: Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch
                    •State, territorial, tribal, local governments; and
                    •Private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators

                    Last edited by Up0n0ne; 11-23-2011, 08:27 AM.
                    2 Chronicles 7:14
                    If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

