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If you shoot an attacker, aren't you presuming guilt?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
    I'm talking out of my ass, and don't have any law to prove my stance. So I'm going to tell you to do it yourself.

    Fixed for the Fucking Moron. A goddamned POLICE OFFICER posted RIGHT FUCKING ABOVE YOU, that it IS the law, and self defense is exactly that. A defense to prosecution. What is so hard to understand? You better have proof, or your word and internet "legends" mean jack shit. Everyone else here has proven what they've said with facts. You don't get a pass, you can do the same or concede that you are wrong.

    Someone attempts to steal your car. You shoot him. The DA may charge you with murder. They also may have ample evidence to not even bother with it. But the fact remains, they CAN charge you with murder. The burden of proof lies with the one using justifiable force. You have to prove you were in fear of your life, or that he was stealing your car. If you can't prove that, bam. You get charged with murder. Jesus Christ.

    And for the record -- the verbage "punishable by death", in no way shape or form means YOU are the one to administer the killing. Perhaps that's why you're fucking confused. But I'm betting on you just not having a living brain cell in that empty head of yours.
    Originally posted by BradM
    But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
    Originally posted by Leah
    In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


    • #32
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      It really hasn't ever been a question, Justin.
      Only in your mind eric, only in your mind. Wait that doesn't really work cause Justin isn't my real name. Is talisman your real name? Wait it probably is. You probably had it changed to suit your Dungeons and Dragons playing lifestyle. According to everyone else around here though, eric is your real name. Hey did you ever marry that girl that came to see you when you were in the hospital, and then you came and cried that she wouldn't leave and let you get some rest?

      Yeah guy like you should probly jump on that.

      Originally posted by Bassics View Post
      man the schizophrenic are out in force.

      Let me see, you want me to look up a law that doesn't exist to prove that i am wrong in saying no such law exists...

      if it is plain and right there beside you, then simply quote it. Just the reference number in the penal code is plenty. Show us. Put down the 40 and the child porn and back up your insane ranting for a change.
      For the third and final time, I'm not going to educate you. That's up to you. Also I'm much too lazy to sit here and like scan in those images and highlight it and upload it and post it here. I'm not going to do it so you may as well quit asking. Now you'll tell me that its probably available online on the DPS. gpv website or something, to which I'll say again: If it is you can just as easily do it yourself. So do it yourself.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Bassics View Post
        Let me see, you want me to look up a law that doesn't exist to prove that i am wrong in saying no such law exists...



        • #34
          Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
          That law is in direct contradiction with others that I'm sure you're aware of. For example, if a woman is being raped, she is not necessarily going to suffer bodily harm. Yeah usually that's the way it goes, but under the right circumstances it could easily go down with her only get psychological trauma out of it. Yet the official CHL handbook, issued by the state of Texas, (distributed for free at the DPS) says its a killable offence. It obviously doesn't say "killable offence" but it makes it clear in no uncertain terms that when you draw, you draw to kill or you don't draw at all. So that pretty much establishes that.
          Yeah, this.

          I'm very well aware of what it says. If you'll note, pages 57-64 come from Chapter 9: Justifications Excluding Criminal Responsibility - the same statutes I linked in my previous post. The only part in the handbook that discusses defense of a third person is on page 61, Section 9.33, which falls under the defense to prosecution. It doesn't say it is legal, just defensible. There is no contradiction unless you don't understand how this works. It appears you do not.
          Men have become the tools of their tools.
          -Henry David Thoreau


          • #35
            Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
            Wait it probably is. You probably had it change to suit your Dungeons and Dragons playing lifestyle.
            Maybe, but one thing is for sure, he knows the proper syntax for a filepath in Linux...


            • #36
              Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
              Only in your mind eric, only in your mind. Wait that doesn't really work cause Justin isn't my real name. Is talisman your real name? Wait it probably is. You probably had it changed to suit your Dungeons and Dragons playing lifestyle. According to everyone else around here though, eric is your real name. Hey did you ever marry that girl that came to see you when you were in the hospital, and then you came and cried that she wouldn't leave and let you get some rest?

              Yeah guy like you should probly jump on that.

              You're the dumbfuck that's registered on another site talking about D&D. We've already seent the link.


              • #37
                Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                You probably had it change to suit your Dungeons and Dragons playing lifestyle.
                Coming from the virgin loser that couldn't figure out how to run Dungeons and Dragons on Linux. Ironic, isn't it? I think I get it. The insults you pathetically attempt to throw out, are admissions of your own pathetic life. I mean, because if it makes you feel like the loser you are, surely it will make someone else feel bad.

                What's wrong, Justin? The supervirgin boards, err PickupArtist boards slow today? Did you ever get that D&D problem worked out? You were one confused pencil dick over that issue. The kind people there pointed it out in black and fucking white, and you still didn't understand. Much like you don't understand the laws surrounding murder.
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • #38
                  Well, I guess that will depend on your interpretation of the law then. Just as judges often "interpret" the law. It says "defensible". You see "Yeah only if some lawyer doesn't try to send me to prison". I see "If some mother fucker comes up in my house and tries to steal shit when I'm home, he's a dead man"


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                    Also I'm much too lazy to sit here and like scan in those images and highlight it and upload it and post it here.
                    There are little buttons with numbers on them right above the keyboard letters you are currently using. I assumed someone with your grand intelligence could accomplish that, and in a few keystrokes prove your intellectual superiority.

                    I admit i failed at trying to help you make me look stupid. I only succeeded in making you look more stupid. Damn you for that, i really tried!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                      Well, I guess that will depend on your interpretation of the law then. Just as judges often "interpret" the law. It says "defensible". You see "Yeah only if some lawyer doesn't try to send me to prison". I see "If some mother fucker comes up in my house and tries to steal shit when I'm home, he's a dead man"
                      Good luck with that. If you ever do shoot someone, this post can be found, subpoenaed, and any good DA will nail your ass to the wall for premeditated murder.
                      Originally posted by BradM
                      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                      Originally posted by Leah
                      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                        Well, I guess that will depend on your interpretation of the law then. Just as judges often "interpret" the law. It says "defensible". You see "Yeah only if some lawyer doesn't try to send me to prison". I see "If some mother fucker comes up in my house and tries to steal shit when I'm home, he's a dead man"

                        The reality of how this shit works is not open to interpretation. You are naive to think your interpretation has any weight with the legal system. What I'm telling you is not my interpretation, but how the legal system interprets things - how it works. Do you see the difference?
                        Men have become the tools of their tools.
                        -Henry David Thoreau


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                          Coming from the virgin loser that couldn't figure out how to run Dungeons and Dragons on Linux. Ironic, isn't it? I think I get it. The insults you pathetically attempt to throw out, are admissions of your own pathetic life. I mean, because if it makes you feel like the loser you are, surely it will make someone else feel bad.

                          What's wrong, Justin? The supervirgin boards, err PickupArtist boards slow today? Did you ever get that D&D problem worked out? You were one confused pencil dick over that issue. The kind people there pointed it out in black and fucking white, and you still didn't understand. Much like you don't understand the laws surrounding murder.
                          Haha you're still grasping at straws eh? And you still don't understand how google works? Well they can't all be winners I guess. Wait, I think I know what you do. You just read like the first line of someone's post, then you inject your pitiful little opinion in, making yourself look like a fool to everyone who actually read the post and just doesn't care to argue with you or point out your foolishness. You'll want to know how I came to that assumption, but I'm doubt you'll read this far. I'll explain it to your thickheaded ass one more time, but after that you're on your own. StanleyTweedle was a lecherous character on a SciFi TV show back in the early 2000's. So can that tiny little pea sized thing you call a brain, possibly calculate the odds that someone, somewhere, might create a screen name based on that fact? Yeah probly not. I'm probly wasting my breath aren't I.

                          I know you didn't read past the first line of that post, but seeing as how I do that job for a living, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Just like you wouldn't expect me to understand the intricate delicacies of scrubbing the trucker shit off the toilet down at the truck stop.

                          Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          You're the dumbfuck that's registered on another site talking about D&D. We've already seent the link.
                          Annnnd now you prove your ignorance about linux driver issues. That's ok. Linux isn't for everyone. Especially you.

                          Originally posted by Bassics View Post
                          Maybe, but one thing is for sure, he knows the proper syntax for a filepath in Linux...

                          Please. I've written some smaller apps for ubuntu and android. I've even contributed a lot of my personal time (for free of course) on KDE 4.2. Programmer here.
                          Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 11-09-2011, 05:27 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BERNIE MOSFET View Post
                            What I'm telling you is not my interpretation, but how the legal system interprets things - how it works. Do you see the difference?
                            Oh yes most certainly. I'm just on the side of the fence that won't consider how the legal system interprets things, when it comes to defending the lives of my family/friends/etc. Or putting a stop to theft/robberies where it looks like the life of some innocent person might be at risk from someone who deserves to die anyway. In short, I see what you're talking about when it comes to all the lawyer bullshit that a person may end up having to deal with once he decides to pull the trigger.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                              Haha you're still grasping at straws eh? And you still don't understand how google works? Well they can't all be winners I guess. Wait, I think I know what you do. You just read like the first line of someone's post, then you inject your pitiful little opinion in, making yourself look like a fool to everyone who actually read the post and just doesn't care to argue with you or point out your foolishness. You'll want to know how I came to that assumption, but I'm doubt you'll read this far. I'll explain it to your thickheaded ass one more time, but after that you're on your own. StanleyTweedle was a lecherous character on a SciFi TV show back in the early 2000's. So can that tiny little pea sized thing you call a brain, possibly calculate the odds that someone, somewhere, might create a screen name based on that fact? Yeah probly not. I'm probly wasting my breath aren't I.

                              I know you didn't read past the first line of that post, but seeing as how I do that job for a living, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Just like you wouldn't expect me to understand the intricate delicacies of scrubbing the trucker shit off the toilet down at the truck stop.

                              Annnnd now you prove your ignorance about linux driver issues. That's ok. Linux isn't for everyone. Especially you.

                              Please. I've written some smaller apps for ubuntu and android. I've even contributed a lot of my personal time (for free of course) on KDE 4.2. Programmer here.
                              Wow, you envisioned this all by yourself.

                              I can promise you, that anyone who has read these posts is quite clear on who the idiot is. That would be you, dood.


                              • #45
                                I just realized this air-biter is probably a valuable case study to any psychoanalyst researching projection issues.

                                Jeez, textbook.

