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Who would you bring back as President

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  • #31
    i know one thing for sure. if people dont get their shit together and vote for the man the party chooses we get obama back. fuck voting for someone who has no chance. i just dont want another dem in the white house period. i'll vote for a fucking monkey if it will get rid of obama .

    what i dont get is people hate big business and raise hell because they make money but turn around and cheer because their investments are paying off. i haven't heard anyone who owns exon or mobil stock complain.


    • #32
      Chuck Norris, oh wait he hasn't been president.............yet
      .223 > 911


      • #33
        Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
        i know one thing for sure. if people dont get their shit together and vote for the man the party chooses we get obama back. fuck voting for someone who has no chance. i just dont want another dem in the white house period. i'll vote for a fucking monkey if it will get rid of obama .

        what i dont get is people hate big business and raise hell because they make money but turn around and cheer because their investments are paying off. i haven't heard anyone who owns exon or mobil stock complain.
        Post like this is what keeps people in the establishment rotating in and out of the office.


        • #34
          it's always been the lesser of two evils denny . sad but that is the hand we are dealt . i cant imagine what another 4 years of obama will bring. i'd like to vote for "none of the above " but that will just make it worse . if you've got a better answer i'm all ears . not too fond of any of them that are running but what are you going to do ? we damn sure cant let obama win again .
          what i would truly love to see is all of congress voted out and replaced .


          • #35
            You're going to get the same results. Does anybody get it?

            Why would you rather have Romney, Perry or Cain over Obama? What will get better?


            • #36
              so we just give up and leave it be ??? there has to be a better alternative than that .


              • #37
                Ya, but y'all are too pussy to do it. Too pussy! Ya buncha pussies!

                If everyone votes for what they think is best (not just who they think the masses will beat one chump, just to get in another chump), then you'll be yeilding the same results.

                Over and over and over and over.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Denny View Post
                  You're going to get the same results. Does anybody get it?

                  Why would you rather have Romney, Perry or Cain over Obama? What will get better?
                  It will have to be a "grass roots" effort, like the Tea Party. We didn't get here in 10 years, so we won't get outta here in 10 years. It's a start, though, however slow it appears. I won't give up faith until the November election. If Barry gets back in, then I'll panic.

