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Book of Revelations

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  • #61
    Originally posted by jasonw_2005 View Post
    Oh u mean the one where we are the retarded offspring of 5 monkeys having buttsex with a fish squirell on a planet that was created when 2 pieces off dust that magically were somehow already here collided with each other. Yeah I've heard that one.

    how can you justify believing in supernatural god based on faith, and not believe in magic dust?

    did you know there are other books that the apostles wrote that didn't get put into the bible? like the book of enoch? read it sometime. it was the earliest text we have found that humans have ever written. you'll see why it wasn't included in the bible even though it was written by the great grandfather of noah.

    Originally posted by jasonw_2005 View Post
    And I'm gonna lol at the look on ur face when it all comes true.
    how christian of you.


    • #62
      Originally posted by sc281 View Post
      The crux of my argument is I feel it hasn't been proven even though it is a scientific theory because we cannot even see past the primordial cloud to the center of the universe to know for sure. You can calculate the trajectory of galaxies to get the direction they're coming from.

      Lot of evidence to support the claim, but no proof as of yet.

      noun \ˈprüf\
      Definition of PROOF
      a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning
      obsolete : experience
      : something that induces certainty or establishes validity
      archaic : the quality or state of having been tested or tried; especially : unyielding hardness

      the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact; the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning; experience… See the full definition

      Say what now?

      This was a point of contention by theorists, hence "inflation" was added to it to plug that hole.

      You mean observed expansion? How convenient that the expansion observed by Hubble just so happen to coincide with what the big bang theory says

      Yours is that since it is a theory, and a scientific theory is accepted fact, that I am mistaken.

      Scientific theories are fact until they're proven wrong.

      My counter was the Steady State Theory, the theory that the big bang theory debunked, as evidence of my argument that accepted fact has been proven wrong before, and will be again.

      This about sums up my interpretation of events. The tangent of the definition of theory was a misstep and misunderstanding on my part, as I was trying to prove my reasoning as to why the big bang theory is a guess.

      Having said that, we can revisit this in ten years or so when we have the capacity to see into the cloud and get more information to confirm or deny this theory.
      We don't need to be able to see into the cloud in order to prove or disprove the big bang theory. Maths, can you use them?
      See the parts in red.

      Edit: The big bang theory is the best explanation we've got right now. That's not to say that we won't find a better answer later, that's the best thing we have right now.
      Last edited by racrguy; 10-25-2011, 08:25 PM.


      • #63
        Originally posted by The King View Post
        Again you cannot pose a effective counter-argument. The Big Bang theory does indeed touch upon from whence the matter that the universe is comprised of came, that being the blind acceptance that one moment there was nothing, and the next there was a "singularity" that magically appeared from this nothing.

        You misrepresent yourself by accepting that your beliefs are universal fact.
        Isnt this the same as what you believe in based on the book of Genesis? Why condescend someone that basically believes the same as you?


        • #64
          If God Created Everything, Who Created God?


          • #65
            Originally posted by UserX View Post
            If God Created Everything, Who Created God?
            DUH! God is eternal, but matter cannot be.


            • #66
              Originally posted by BERNIE MOSFET View Post
              So, you accept that it is expanding? But, you don't believe that it was proven to be expanding?

              The theory is about the expansion of the universe...
              Well yeah. Then again physics shows us that it is possible for things to expand without being forced there by some gigantic explosion. I'm not saying that isn't the way it went down, cause it may very well be. Just saying that there is no argument between science and religion here. Not really. Not unless you're just talking to knuckle heads on both sides.

              Originally posted by racrguy View Post
              That's why they're trying to find it, to prove that it exists so they don't have to speculate anymore.
              Obviously. Yet somehow you still manage to come in here touting the big bang theory as though its set in stone law of the universe. Clearly, it isn't. Is it expanding, sure. Was it the result of a massive explosion? Possible. Does that mean that we call on pseudo science to fill in the gaps? Absolutely not. If there is one thing I've learned about atheists, its that they love them some pseudo science. Like you, they'll just say "Eh, I think that's a valid enough assumption" and just go with that. I refuse to accept any assumption.


              • #67
                Well, I'm not going to jump into the argument on beliefs because I have mine and no one here on a CAR MESSAGE board can convince me to change them.

                Back on topic, we are in some VERY troubling times. EVERYTHING that we have come accustommed to is about to change wether we want it to or not. There's no getting around that fact. We are in a situation where it is practically impossible to pay down our debt and MANY other countries are in the same boat as we are. The world wide debt is in excess of the amount of money in this world. REALLY bad times are near, and there are SEVERAL things going on that do correlate with the Bible wether you like it, or agree with it or not. You can't deny that FACT. And if you deny these facts then you are going to be one of those that will be crawling on your hands and knees to one of us begging for help.

                God help us.
                Annoying people, one post at a time!


                • #68
                  As a Catholic, I love these threads. Well, reading them. Neither side is going to change each other's opinion, but the tail chasing still ensues.

                  To each their own and we'll know for sure when we're dead.
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                    Isnt this the same as what you believe in based on the book of Genesis? Why condescend someone that basically believes the same as you?
                    Nope, I don't go into the affairs that are reserved to God. Since the Big Bang Theory is a construct of man, it is indeed accepted blindly when there is no proof (as required by man) to back up the explanation of it's "genesis". There is no condescending of anyone, the condescension is reserved for misrepresenting a theory as fact.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      If you want to avoid redundancy quit saying redundant things, then I won't have to repeat myself for the newcomers.
                      I never said anything about wanting to avoid redundancy, I find it boringly humorous in your case.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                        Well yeah. Then again physics shows us that it is possible for things to expand without being forced there by some gigantic explosion. I'm not saying that isn't the way it went down, cause it may very well be. Just saying that there is no argument between science and religion here. Not really. Not unless you're just talking to knuckle heads on both sides.

                        Obviously. Yet somehow you still manage to come in here touting the big bang theory as though its set in stone law of the universe. Clearly, it isn't. Is it expanding, sure. Was it the result of a massive explosion? Possible. Does that mean that we call on pseudo science to fill in the gaps? Absolutely not. If there is one thing I've learned about atheists, its that they love them some pseudo science. Like you, they'll just say "Eh, I think that's a valid enough assumption" and just go with that. I refuse to accept any assumption.
                        I'm not going even bother with breaking apart this failure of a post. Suffice to say I lol'd.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
                          Well, I'm not going to jump into the argument on beliefs because I have mine and no one here on a CAR MESSAGE board can convince me to change them.

                          Back on topic, we are in some VERY troubling times. EVERYTHING that we have come accustommed to is about to change wether we want it to or not. There's no getting around that fact. We are in a situation where it is practically impossible to pay down our debt and MANY other countries are in the same boat as we are. The world wide debt is in excess of the amount of money in this world. REALLY bad times are near, and there are SEVERAL things going on that do correlate with the Bible wether you like it, or agree with it or not. You can't deny that FACT. And if you deny these facts then you are going to be one of those that will be crawling on your hands and knees to one of us begging for help.

                          God help us.
                          Post up those so called FACTS from the bible. I await your reply anxiously.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            Post up those so called FACTS from the bible. I await your reply anxiously.

                            Here are just a handful of the things the bible says will be heading our way in the end of times.

                            •Meteor storm
                            •Lack of drinking water

                            1. Was not the swine flu dubbed a pandemic by the W.H.O.? (Source = W.H.O. website)
                            2. Over the last 15 years, the earth has seen a large amount of deadly quakes, more so than in previous years. (Source
                            3. Hasn't this year been the worst year on record for severe weather in the U.S.? (Source
                            4. Here in Texas we have had one of the worst years for fire outbreaks on record. (Source Texas Forest Service)
                            5. The record drought along with an increase in Ethanol production has caused food prices to increase throughout the world which is starting to cause more famines. We here in the good ol USA will be seeing famine before too long if this drought does not end. Food prices are already sky rocketing and there is no end in sight. (Source NY Times)
                            6. So far the only objects in space that have been hurling towards us, with potentially devastating consequences are CMEs. We have not even hit the peak of the solar cycle yet and we have already seen quit a few, pretty powerful CMEs thrown at us. (Source
                            7. If you haven't heard about all the water wells drying up then you must have your head in the sand. (Source The Texas Water Development Board)

                            So how about that? Hard proof, along with sources stating that an old book has some parrallels with things going on in todays world. Now this could just all be a coincidence, I will admit to that possibility. It is also up to you to decide on what you believe. I am not one of those people who will scorn you and tell you that you're gonna go to hell if you don't repent and go to church. It's your decision, your life, and that's what is so great about this country. I just don't know how much longer we will be able to make decisions like that on our own. But I respect yours, the least you could do is to respect mine.
                            Annoying people, one post at a time!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
                              Here are just a handful of the things the bible says will be heading our way in the end of times.

                              •Meteor storm
                              •Lack of drinking water

                              1. Was not the swine flu dubbed a pandemic by the W.H.O.? (Source = W.H.O. website)
                              2. Over the last 15 years, the earth has seen a large amount of deadly quakes, more so than in previous years. (Source
                              3. Hasn't this year been the worst year on record for severe weather in the U.S.? (Source
                              4. Here in Texas we have had one of the worst years for fire outbreaks on record. (Source Texas Forest Service)
                              5. The record drought along with an increase in Ethanol production has caused food prices to increase throughout the world which is starting to cause more famines. We here in the good ol USA will be seeing famine before too long if this drought does not end. Food prices are already sky rocketing and there is no end in sight. (Source NY Times)
                              6. So far the only objects in space that have been hurling towards us, with potentially devastating consequences are CMEs. We have not even hit the peak of the solar cycle yet and we have already seen quit a few, pretty powerful CMEs thrown at us. (Source
                              7. If you haven't heard about all the water wells drying up then you must have your head in the sand. (Source The Texas Water Development Board)

                              So how about that? Hard proof, along with sources stating that an old book has some parrallels with things going on in todays world. Now this could just all be a coincidence, I will admit to that possibility. It is also up to you to decide on what you believe. I am not one of those people who will scorn you and tell you that you're gonna go to hell if you don't repent and go to church. It's your decision, your life, and that's what is so great about this country. I just don't know how much longer we will be able to make decisions like that on our own. But I respect yours, the least you could do is to respect mine.
                              I do not respect your beliefs, as there's absolutely no basis in reality. They all revolve around a book that was written over a millenia ago.

                              And as far as your points, all of those things have been happening since the beginning of recorded history, save the ethanol/food production. And that's manmade. So tell me, what's happening now that hasn't been happening, oh, forever? I'd also like to point out that Meteors are not CME's. Meteors are meteors, and CME's are CME's. You cannot have a meteor that is also a CME, nor a CME that is also a meteor.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                                I do not respect your beliefs, as there's absolutely no basis in reality. They all revolve around a book that was written over a millenia ago.

                                And as far as your points, all of those things have been happening since the beginning of recorded history, save the ethanol/food production. And that's manmade. So tell me, what's happening now that hasn't been happening, oh, forever? I'd also like to point out that Meteors are not CME's. Meteors are meteors, and CME's are CME's. You cannot have a meteor that is also a CME, nor a CME that is also a meteor.
                                You obviously have a reading comprehension problem as you missed all of the points showing those items have broken records recently. I even stated......

                                "So far the only objects in space that have been hurling towards us, with potentially devastating consequences are CMEs."

                                So as you see, I in fact pointed out that the CMEs were not meteors and the CMEs were the only thing in space being hurled at us. Once again, a lack of reading comprehension.

                                You have no respect for others so this conversation is over. If you come knocking on my door when SHTF you WILL be met with a lead greeting party, no questions asked. Have a nice day.
                                Annoying people, one post at a time!

