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What is wrong with Obamacare?

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  • #16
    From what I heard, the Supreme Court still hasn't decided if they want to hear it or not
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #17
      The only part of it I agree with is the removal of the ability for them to deny coverage based on Pre-existing conditions. Probably just means that they will find something else in your background that would disqualify you though to get around it.
      How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
        The only part of it I agree with is the removal of the ability for them to deny coverage based on Pre-existing conditions. Probably just means that they will find something else in your background that would disqualify you though to get around it.
        It will more likely just cause everyone's rates to be higher than they already are. As long as everyone's rates go up, then no one is singled out.


        • #19
          The administration pulled the plug on a big part of Obama-care today, actually. His "long-term care insurance" plan, went into the shitter after it was found that it would never sustain itself financially.


          • #20
            Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
            The only part of it I agree with is the removal of the ability for them to deny coverage based on Pre-existing conditions. Probably just means that they will find something else in your background that would disqualify you though to get around it.
            Do you understand "pre-existing conditions"? These are DIAGNOSED and UNTREATED problems. This happens when someone has diabetes then drops insurance coverage for say a year then tries to jump on again. This is the pre-existing insurance companies do not cover. If they kept insurance or had a lapse of less than 62 days (had credible coverage) then the new insurance is forced to pay. Often times people are sicker due to the fact they didnt get treatment and now it will cost exponentially more to cover the illness. Untreated blood pressure that has now caused kidney failure shouldnt be a new insurance policy problem

            This prevents people from jumping on coverage just because they are sick. You cant have someone with no insurance knowing they have cancer or something and getting insurance to pay for it because its going to be expensive. No insurance company could be in business. You cant just get insurance all of a sudden because you get sick. THe same goes for car insurance. Would it be fair for an insurance company to start a new policy on a car you wrecked today?


            • #21
              Originally posted by The Geofster View Post
              The only part of it I agree with is the removal of the ability for them to deny coverage based on Pre-existing conditions. Probably just means that they will find something else in your background that would disqualify you though to get around it.
              Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
              Do you understand "pre-existing conditions"? These are DIAGNOSED and UNTREATED problems. This happens when someone has diabetes then drops insurance coverage for say a year then tries to jump on again. This is the pre-existing insurance companies do not cover. If they kept insurance or had a lapse of less than 62 days (had credible coverage) then the new insurance is forced to pay. Often times people are sicker due to the fact they didnt get treatment and now it will cost exponentially more to cover the illness. Untreated blood pressure that has now caused kidney failure shouldnt be a new insurance policy problem

              This prevents people from jumping on coverage just because they are sick. You cant have someone with no insurance knowing they have cancer or something and getting insurance to pay for it because its going to be expensive. No insurance company could be in business. You cant just get insurance all of a sudden because you get sick. THe same goes for car insurance. Would it be fair for an insurance company to start a new policy on a car you wrecked today?
              Yeah but you gotta understand that these lowlife scum will hunt down anything they possibly can, and show the non-medical scientist courts some bullshit using pseudo science just to save a buck. Meanwhile, you die cause you didn't tell them you stubbed your toe in the 3rd grade. Don't tell me they don't do it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
                Do you understand "pre-existing conditions"? These are DIAGNOSED and UNTREATED problems. This happens when someone has diabetes then drops insurance coverage for say a year then tries to jump on again. This is the pre-existing insurance companies do not cover.
                Not exactly. There is no industry standard for that term. Different insurance companies in different states can/do use the term indifferent context. In one state you could have had asthma 5 years ago that cleared up and it still be a pre-existing condition, while in another state it won't. Or you can have a current issue that IS being treated and it is still pre-existing.
                Originally posted by grove rat
                shiiiiiit.. i love em thick


                • #23
                  well if your a shitty driver does auto insur have a right to deny a claim because you caused the accident and had three tickets before you where with them? no and hell no, pre-existing maybe higher rates (reasonable) but not denied!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Bad A$$ Coupe View Post
                    well if your a shitty driver does auto insur have a right to deny a claim because you caused the accident and had three tickets before you where with them? no and hell no, pre-existing maybe higher rates (reasonable) but not denied!
                    Really? So you're telling me if you bring a beat up car to an insurance company, they should be forced to spend money to repair a car that they've received no revenue on and have to immediately start spending money on? How does that make sense?
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                      Really? So you're telling me if you bring a beat up car to an insurance company, they should be forced to spend money to repair a car that they've received no revenue on and have to immediately start spending money on? How does that make sense?
                      Lets look at me - i am the beat up old car you are talking about.

                      I have a pre-existing condition that prevents me from getting insurance. The answer is always "no" from the insurance companies. I can't argue with their decision, but i think that a smart insurance company would see me in a different way.

                      What i would like is to have the option to exclude the pre-existing condition from coverage - so if a happen to saw off a finger in the garage and have to rush to the emergency room i'd be covered - but the answer remains "no" because i have condition "x", which has NOTHING to do with my finger.

                      We are ALL getting older, and shit happens (it really does - you'll get old one day and understand). Think before you jump up on that soapbox. You may find yourself one day in my shoes


                      • #26
                        There ought to be a law where if they do find a pre-existing condition, they have to give you all your money back because its their own fault for not finding that before they let you sign on. I mean if they're going to be that way, then they don't need to be collecting money from you do they? They're sitting there saying they found a pre-existing condition, so who's fault is that, that you weren't denied coverage to begin with? Theirs. So they need to pay for the error. Cause after all, no one can say I wouldn't have just thrown all my money in a mattress and saved it for this day.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by mikeb View Post
                          Lets look at me - i am the beat up old car you are talking about.

                          I have a pre-existing condition that prevents me from getting insurance. The answer is always "no" from the insurance companies. I can't argue with their decision, but i think that a smart insurance company would see me in a different way.

                          What i would like is to have the option to exclude the pre-existing condition from coverage - so if a happen to saw off a finger in the garage and have to rush to the emergency room i'd be covered - but the answer remains "no" because i have condition "x", which has NOTHING to do with my finger.

                          We are ALL getting older, and shit happens (it really does - you'll get old one day and understand). Think before you jump up on that soapbox. You may find yourself one day in my shoes
                          I see nothing wrong with that, but there are many other things that can develop that the insurance company can get creative with to associate almost anything to a pre-existing condition.

                          Fatigue caused you to be careless with the saw. You were fatigued because of a lack of sleep. Your lack of sleep came from a restless night with your ehmroids. You had hemroids before we insured you and listed them as a pre-existing condition that wouldn't be covered.


                          • #28
                            Other than the core concept of this program being a a socialist tenet, there's nothing wrong with it.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by 3.90x3.62 View Post
                              Other than the core concept of this program being a a socialist tenet, there's nothing wrong with it.
                              I just can't wait to see the quality of doctors we will be turning out in the future. I'm thinking somewhere along the line of today's public school teacher.


                              • #30
                                What is right about? Answer that and you'll figure out how wrong it is, quickly.

