Originally posted by poopnut2
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God said the people before the flood were unimaginably evil, which means they were sinning like crazy. But also, we are told in the Bible that the Law of Moses had not come yet to inform people of what sin was. And so it says that where there is no law, there is no trespass. In fact, Paul says that he was spiritually alive before he learned about the Law to know what sin was, and then he says he died spiritually. In other words, ignorance is bliss in a sense. You can plead ignorance in God's court, it would seem. However, that's not quite as it seems. It sounds like the people before the flood DID know they were doing evil and rebelling against God, because in the New Testament, it says the spirits of the people before the flood were in prison, and Jesus made proclamation to them after He rose from the dead. I'm guessing He offered forgiveness and salvation to them, because otherwise, He was going down there to rub it in their faces that they were stuck in prison. LOL And that just doesn't sound like Him.
So, this is how I understand it. God says that one must be perfect to enter heaven, meaning that they are without sin. The people before the flood may have not been condemned to hell for being evil, because it says they were only "in prison", whatever that means. We can't know for sure what that means. But it sounds like those people could not go to heaven since they still had evil in them, but Jesus came down and offered them forgiveness to get rid of the evil so they could join Him in Heaven. That's my guess. No way to know for sure, though.
Hope that answers your question thoroughly enough.