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Moore's Beach Monster

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  • #16
    Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
    Not a very smart douche either. The basic origin of life somehow escaped him in his infinite wisdom.
    Just how did the basic origin of life escape me exactly?

    And, uhhh, I'm not the one saying we evolved from a rock, smartguy...


    • #17
      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


      • #18
        Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
        It's a well known fact that creatures living in the sea don't evolve as quickly or with the complexity that land creatures have. Why? Because most creatures started out in the sea, evolved to the point that they needed to, and stuck. Look at sharks. It's believed that they have hardly evolved and have existed since the time of the dinosaurs if not before. Look at crocodiles, while reptilious and require oxygen, it's also believed that they have not evolved...why? They didn't need to. Evolution is done out of necessity, not "just because." Good job with the pre-emptive insult by the way.
        Hey, I'm just telling you what Darwin said about dinosaurs living with man disproving his theory.

        And if something evolved from the ocean to walk on land or fly, please show me the transitional fossils. Darwin said that if his theory were true, there should be endless amounts of transitional fossils and that they will surely find them in the very near future. And yet today, we've found none whatsoever.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BrianC View Post
          Just how did the basic origin of life escape me exactly?

          And, uhhh, I'm not the one saying we evolved from a rock, smartguy...
          Origin of life began in water. Evolution begins and goes on for millions of years before organisms made their way to land. Therefore, the species that remained in the sea had already evolved to the point they needed to unlike the species that had migrated to land, which needed to evolve further to cope with their new habitat.

          You're just the guy that says a magical entity put all life on earth in seven days. More specifically human life started out with two people only that lived in a tropical paradise where snakes talk. So, how are things going in Narnia?
          "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


          • #20
            Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
            maybe its because you usually come off like a condescending know it all asshole? just a thought.

            god bless.
            At times, definitely! That's what makes it fun! And I only do it when I'm being treated condescendingly. You talk to me in person and I'm nothing like that. I only do it on here to dish out what's being given and for the entertainment value. If someone will have a civil and respectful conversation with me on here, I'll do the same.

            What I find interesting is that you all go off on me for my beliefs and yet one of your moderators believes almost exactly the same way as I do, maybe dead on the same actually. I know, because we've discussed beliefs a lot - he's a good friend. It's funny, because he'll ask me to post on forums periodically to watch me make people look stupid, because he doesn't want to say what he's thinking - he'd rather see me do it instead. LOL

            Now, I'll admit, I should not be a jerk about this stuff even though the people here go off on me when I'm being civil just because I believe differently than they do. However, the Bible does say to be salt and light to the world, and if you haven't noticed, pouring salt in an open wound hurts like hell, so irritating people is part of what salt does. Jesus said He did not come to bring peace but to bring a sword and to divide families and friends. He came to start a doctrinal war, literally, and people have been martyred for it for centuries.

            I figure it this way... if I'm not pissing off some people (when I'm being civil, that is), then I'm not working hard enough. The truth itself should piss people off no matter how nice I am. The truth is, when people see someone come in here and post up something which threatens their way of life and their beliefs, they get pissed off and respond. I'm not the only one who gets hammered in here periodically for posting up stuff people don't like.

            Life's not fair. Get over it. If you don't like what I post then don't read it and don't respond to it. Telling me I am a condescending ass is basically joining in with the same behavior, so welcome hypocrits. At least I admit I'm purposely being a condescending ass to those who are treating me that way.


            • #21
              Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
              Origin of life began in water. Evolution begins and goes on for millions of years before organisms made their way to land. Therefore, the species that remained in the sea had already evolved to the point they needed to unlike the species that had migrated to land, which needed to evolve further to cope with their new habitat.
              Please allow me to correct your worldview for you there, buddy. Textbooks say that it rained for millions of years ON THE ROCKS which created the primordial ooze. You believe humans evolved from ROCKS. Please, learn your own beliefs better. Thanks.

              You're just the guy that says a magical entity put all life on earth in seven days. More specifically human life started out with two people only that lived in a tropical paradise where snakes talk. So, how are things going in Narnia?
              Again, pot calling the kettle black... You believe we evolved from a rock by chance when the odds are astronomical for such a thing to happen, and virtually impossible, and you're saying I'm an idiot for claiming an eternally existing designer created everything? Wow... you really are deluded...


              • #22
                Really? You're referencing comedians for your science? Wow... I bet you get your news from John Stewart too. lol

                You may want to post scientists' statements or research rather than comedians, but hey - to each his own...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BrianC View Post
                  Please allow me to correct your worldview for you there, buddy. Textbooks say that it rained for millions of years ON THE ROCKS which created the primordial ooze. You believe humans evolved from ROCKS. Please, learn your own beliefs better. Thanks.

                  Again, pot calling the kettle black... You believe we evolved from a rock by chance when the odds are astronomical for such a thing to happen, and virtually impossible, and you're saying I'm an idiot for claiming an eternally existing designer created everything? Wow... you really are deluded...
                  Haha. Actually we believe the basic building blocks of life are from simple elements and due to extreme volcanic activity (heat) this created chemical bonds between the elements forming proteins...the essential building blocks of life. Impossible, right? Except that when it can be duplicated in a seems less impossible.

                  Look at basic human reproduction. Take a microscopic sperm, mix in an egg, heat it up for a few months and POOF, you have an ultra-complex organism. No hocus pocus there.
                  "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BrianC View Post
                    Really? You're referencing comedians for your science? Wow... I bet you get your news from John Stewart too. lol

                    You may want to post scientists' statements or research rather than comedians, but hey - to each his own...
                    You posted a link with cryptozoology in the address.

                    I just posted a video that shows many cryptozoologists and their awesome beliefs. Comedians are the hosts. Just because Oprah narrated a show on discovery, it doesn't mean she did the research.
                    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                    • #25
                      Yet again, BrianC proves he knows about as much about evolution as he does asthma. Lying his way through yet another argument. Give it up Brian, you are so confused, ignorant, and stubborn you really need to stay away from the topic of evolution in its entirety.

                      Please don't respond to this with yet another 10 paragraph unguided diatribe about how smart your wife tells you you are and how much she knows about the topic...because that still doesn't qualify you to speak on the subject.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Superwho View Post
                        You are a moron. Atheists don't usually come in here for the same reason that someone who's never owned a motorcycle would never go into the motorcycle forum.
                        Actually they do come in here, case in point is this very thread. Some post cognizant arguments, some post foolish rants like you did.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by The King View Post
                          Actually they do come in here, case in point is this very thread. Some post cognizant arguments, some post foolish rants like you did.
                          I tried the cognizant, thought out, thoroughly researched approach with BrianC on the old board. It didn't work, he couldn't keep up.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The King View Post
                            Actually they do come in here, case in point is this very thread. Some post cognizant arguments, some post foolish rants like you did.
                            Rant? LOL. New screen name, same easily baited DB!!!
                            Slow moving projects
                            1964 C10 350/700r4
                            1992 LX 5.0


                            • #29
                              Out of curiosity I went to this "trueauthorities" homepage to see what this site is really about. From what I saw, the site is broken up into three sections:Cryptozoology, Creationism VS Evolution, and.....wait for it....wait for it.........dinosaurs.

                              After a quick giggle, I clicked on the "about" tab at the bottom left, and it took me to this.

                              " approaches the origin of life and the various fields of science from an Intelligent Design (Creation) perspective. More specifically, we believe the Bible to be God's inspired, inerrant word given to man, where in the end it alone stands as the "True Authority." Such does not require blind faith, however, where sound science is disregarded. Rather, our goal has been and always will be to provide objective articles of logic and consistency, using only relevant arguments and information for our topics of focus: creation vs. evolution, dinosaurs, and cryptozoology.

                              This site has been designed to be as simple and practical as possible, while maintaining a sophisticated design in order to please our viewers both in appearance and information. May become a powerful tool of education and discovery for you, as together we engage to discover the truth that, as far as it depends on us, must be pursued."

                              Sounds like a completely un-biased site to me. I'm tempted to read some of the stuff out of the "dinosaur" section.
                              "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BrianC View Post
                                This clearly was not resolved years ago since the article I referenced was from December 2010 and the writer of the article disproves that this is a beaked whale which was the claim years and years ago which supposedly "settled" this matter. Try again...
                                Moore's beach monster skull

                                Side view

                                Beaked whale skull

                                Another, but from the side
                                "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson

