no offense but read the Bible. Historically speaking, use a timeline if you will... it all comes together. Ancient "said cities" that the bible speaks of have been unearthed and proven to have existed.
i'll us this as an example...
The tombs where Caiphas was buried have been exumed. Now for those who dont know Annas was the father in-law of Caephas. The Scripture tells us that immediately after His arrest, Jesus was led to Annas (John 18:13) for a preliminary examination. Well Annas was perhaps the most powerful and influential man in Jerusalem. He served as the High Priest from 7-15 A.D. Even after he was removed from offce in 15 A.D. he still retained the title. See Luke 3:2, John 18:19, 22; 24 an Acts 4:6 where he is called the "High Priest" even though he was not actually the High Priest. So great was his influince over the priestly party that 5 of his sons as well as his son in-law Caephas (John 18:13) and his grandson Mathiias each served as the High Priest.
What im trying to explain is that when Jesus was bought before them, He was tried and found guilty for His Great Crime. As soon as Jesus had made His great claim, the High priest gave the verdict (mathew 26:65) Afer the period of silence, the High Priest spoke again. read mathew 26:63 This time CAEPHAS PLACES JESUS "under oath" ("I adjure thee") , the most solemn and weightiest oath of all, namely, "by the living God."
Caephas' tomb was exumed, proven by archaeogical analysis to have existed during this "timeline." Caephases tomb has been proven to have existed. Correction. The tomb where he was buried exists. During these times that the Word of God speaks of.
Read the Bible to come up with your own conclusion. The Great Book is based on "Fact" in an archaelogical stand point. The Bible is not a "fairy-tale" or as you said ealier.... Biblical fiction.
Josephus, do your research now, was a JEWISH HISTORIAN hired by the Romans as a transcriber to document everything as it unfolded during Jesus' trial. he was a "neutral" stand point if you will during the "trial"
his trancriptions exist to this day. he was a "court reporter" of sorts...
Where did ya get geologically from?! i mentioned geographically.
i'll us this as an example...
The tombs where Caiphas was buried have been exumed. Now for those who dont know Annas was the father in-law of Caephas. The Scripture tells us that immediately after His arrest, Jesus was led to Annas (John 18:13) for a preliminary examination. Well Annas was perhaps the most powerful and influential man in Jerusalem. He served as the High Priest from 7-15 A.D. Even after he was removed from offce in 15 A.D. he still retained the title. See Luke 3:2, John 18:19, 22; 24 an Acts 4:6 where he is called the "High Priest" even though he was not actually the High Priest. So great was his influince over the priestly party that 5 of his sons as well as his son in-law Caephas (John 18:13) and his grandson Mathiias each served as the High Priest.
What im trying to explain is that when Jesus was bought before them, He was tried and found guilty for His Great Crime. As soon as Jesus had made His great claim, the High priest gave the verdict (mathew 26:65) Afer the period of silence, the High Priest spoke again. read mathew 26:63 This time CAEPHAS PLACES JESUS "under oath" ("I adjure thee") , the most solemn and weightiest oath of all, namely, "by the living God."
Caephas' tomb was exumed, proven by archaeogical analysis to have existed during this "timeline." Caephases tomb has been proven to have existed. Correction. The tomb where he was buried exists. During these times that the Word of God speaks of.

Josephus, do your research now, was a JEWISH HISTORIAN hired by the Romans as a transcriber to document everything as it unfolded during Jesus' trial. he was a "neutral" stand point if you will during the "trial"
his trancriptions exist to this day. he was a "court reporter" of sorts...
Where did ya get geologically from?! i mentioned geographically.