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No jobs if you're legal

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  • No jobs if you're legal

    HOUSTON - Blacks and whites systematically excluded citywide from construction jobs by corrupt local contractors and bribery-riddled Mexican construction gangs.

    An explosive allegation by whistle blower and author Ricardo Charles has triggered calls from our viewers to dig deeper.

    Since the airing of three FOX 26 reports, we've been inundated by tips, emails and phone calls.

    "You really hit it on the head and it really goes deeper. I'm glad you had the nerve to expose that. It seems like if you can't speak Spanish you can't get a job. This is crazy," one viewer said.

    "It is true they are bringing in friends, family and relatives and they are fixing the paperwork," another viewer reported.

    While common place for years, viewers claim use of low-paid, undocumented Mexican workers is now beyond rampant on job sites around the Houston area.

    "If immigration ever runs through my work site here, management will say, 'Oh well, the contractor does all the paper work, they are going to take the fall,' but the bad part about it is these people know about it!" said a viewer who works in the port of Houston.

    As for discrimination, viewers say if a Houstonian doesn't speak Spanish, getting a construction job can border on the impossible.

    "When I went to apply for a job the girl told me behind the counter that if I wasn't bilingual I couldn't get a job. There’s no matter if I had 10 years concrete experience or twenty years of welding," a discouraged viewer reported.

    Read more:
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2

    My brother has been experiencing the discrimination for 10 years. His job record sucks, so he has to settle for shitty jobs sometimes. The descrimination is blatant and rampant.
    Last edited by line-em-up; 10-02-2011, 08:44 AM.


    • #3
      welcome to 2001


      • #4
        this stuff has gotta stop! these companies should not hire anyone that doesn't speak english and can prove they are legal tax paying citizens!


        • #5
          Half the job postings in this town state "bi-lingual is a plus" but they don't say what language. Funny part is they could mean English if it wasn't written in it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            HOUSTON -bribery-riddled Mexican construction gangs.

            god bless.
            It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


            • #7
              Shocking! lol Just one more step for the mexicans to take back Texas that the evil "immigrants" stole. hah


              • #8
                Not surprised, I haven't seen a white construction worker, or fed-ex driver, ups driver, usps driver, or dhl driver in a good while. These must be the jobs whitey won't do that I always hear about.
                2 Chronicles 7:14
                If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


                • #9
                  shit wouldn't be happening with marvin zindler around to expose it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Up0n0ne View Post
                    Not surprised, I haven't seen a white construction worker, or fed-ex driver, ups driver, usps driver, or dhl driver in a good while. These must be the jobs whitey won't do that I always hear about.
                    I see plenty of white drivers...

                    ...only a few white construction dudes though.
                    Originally posted by MR EDD
                    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                    • #11
                      How this is news to anyone is beyond me....

                      I've told Smurfette that we should just annex Mexico at this point and split it up into several states.

                      Think of the tax base increase and large influx of access to natural resources.

                      Between the illegals here, them sending the cash back home and the drug trade, we're supporting half the damn country already.

                      Let's just make it official, get the taxes, and get started with the fence on the new much smaller border with Guatemala and Belize.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                        How this is news to anyone is beyond me....

                        I've told Smurfette that we should just annex Mexico at this point and split it up into several states.

                        Think of the tax base increase and large influx of access to natural resources.

                        Between the illegals here, them sending the cash back home and the drug trade, we're supporting half the damn country already.

                        Let's just make it official, get the taxes, and get started with the fence on the new much smaller border with Guatemala and Belize.
                        There is no way in hell the tax base increase would offset the MASSIVE increase in welfare and the amount of entitlements that we would be forced to pay for that crooked-ass third world country. Fuck 'em.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Up0n0ne View Post
                          Not surprised, I haven't seen a white construction worker, or fed-ex driver, ups driver, usps driver, or dhl driver in a good while. These must be the jobs whitey won't do that I always hear about.
                          Jobs white people wont do....i fucking hate that saying. Its a complete load of bullshit, who do those dipshits think built this country? White people, they did those jobs for decades.

                          The reason they dont do them anymore is that the wages have gone to shit from access to slave labor and any tax paying american cant earn a living doing those jobs. The illegals come up here, do the work dirt cheap and have ranches and shit back in mexico cause the dollar is worth so much more. Oh and they get to call white people lazy and over paid, fuck that! I really wish this country would stand up for itself, either be an american or get the fuck out!


                          • #14
                            Hell I picked cotton, dug ditches, built fences, picked vegetables and so forth, things that "white people won't do."
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              HOUSTON - Blacks and whites systematically excluded citywide from construction jobs by corrupt local contractors and bribery-riddled Mexican construction gangs.

                              An explosive allegation by whistle blower and author Ricardo Charles has triggered calls from our viewers to dig deeper.

                              Since the airing of three FOX 26 reports, we've been inundated by tips, emails and phone calls.

                              "You really hit it on the head and it really goes deeper. I'm glad you had the nerve to expose that. It seems like if you can't speak Spanish you can't get a job. This is crazy," one viewer said.

                              "It is true they are bringing in friends, family and relatives and they are fixing the paperwork," another viewer reported.

                              While common place for years, viewers claim use of low-paid, undocumented Mexican workers is now beyond rampant on job sites around the Houston area.

                              "If immigration ever runs through my work site here, management will say, 'Oh well, the contractor does all the paper work, they are going to take the fall,' but the bad part about it is these people know about it!" said a viewer who works in the port of Houston.

                              As for discrimination, viewers say if a Houstonian doesn't speak Spanish, getting a construction job can border on the impossible.

                              "When I went to apply for a job the girl told me behind the counter that if I wasn't bilingual I couldn't get a job. There’s no matter if I had 10 years concrete experience or twenty years of welding," a discouraged viewer reported.

                              Read more:
                              Originally posted by FastFox View Post
                              If I own the company, take NO money from any form of government and sell nothing to any form of government, then I should have the right to hire or not hire for any reason I want. Those reasons could be race , color, sex church, veteran status, or maybe the fact that I just don't like how you look. If a customer who wants to buy a widgit says, "I won't buy from him because he is bald headed" , or any other reason, that is OK. It should work both ways. If you take government money or sell to the government, then all bets are off. It's just like smoking. If a cafe owner has a big sign outside that says "SMOKING ALLOWED", that should be his right. However, the customer does not have to eat there. And, if you don't like smoking, don't work there.
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              I agree with this
                              Looks like you got what you asked for
                              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

