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Something everyone can get behind

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  • Something everyone can get behind

    With the threat of another government shutdown looming, the topic of military pay is once again making the news. Thankfully, the last two times the issue came up, a shutdown was avoided and military servicemember’s pay was unaffected. But, issue is that the threat caused undue stress on military servicemembers and their families.

    How the hell is this not already law?

    Efforts to Protect Military Pay Stalled

    September 23, 2011 • Terry Howell

    Con*gress*man Fights His Party to Pro*tect Mil*i*tary Pay

    With the threat of another gov*ern*ment shut*down loom*ing, the topic of mil*i*tary pay is once again mak*ing the news. Thank*fully, the last two times the issue came up, a shut*down was avoided and mil*i*tary servicemember’s pay was unaf*fected. How*ever, the real issue is the threat con*tin*ues to cause undue stress on mil*i*tary ser*vice*mem*bers and their fam*i*lies.

    Ear*lier this year Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) intro*duced the “Ensur*ing Pay for Our Mil*i*tary Act of 2011” to make sure that pay for mil*i*tary mem*bers is never used as a bar*gain*ing chip. His bill cur*rently has 203 co-sponsors rep*re*sent*ing mem*bers from both par*ties. How*ever, his bill has been lan*guish*ing in the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee and Trans*porta*tion and Infra*struc*ture Com*mit*tee.

    “The mil*i*tary ought to be off the table. They should not be one of the poker chips to try to vote for a bill they oth*er*wise wouldn’t vote for,” Gohmert said.

    In an attempt to force it to a vote, Gohmert has cir*cu*lated a dis*charge peti*tion which requires 218 sig*na*tures. This is highly unusual and a polit*i*cally risky move for a mem*ber of the major*ity party. Gohmert said he’s will*ing to risk future appointed posi*tions in the con*fer*ence in order to get a vote on the bill.

    Gohmert’s bill would take lever*age — the equiv*a*lent of polit*i*cal black*mail — away from both par*ties and the admin*is*tra*tion, which is why it is cur*rently not get*ting to the house floor for a vote.

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    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

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    Whats with all the uh.. asterisks?


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      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


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