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Loss of home mortgage interest deduction

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  • Loss of home mortgage interest deduction

    Sucks for non-debt free people.
    class joke
    char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
    double Peas, Carrots;
    string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)

  • #2
    Nah, there's still the standard deduction.


    • #3
      Doubt this will make it through but it won't change much if it does.

      When they cut out all the other consumer interest deductions in the 80s people still racked up consumer debt.

      If they did pass it it would cost me about 6K over just taking the standard and I don't I'll be buying down to compensate for the loss in deduction.
      Originally posted by Denny
      I call dibs on Don's balls!


      • #4
        Any bastard that signs that bill shall hang from the nearest fucking tree.....


        • #5
          At this point there is nothing to this. The panel (which has Democrats and Republicans) is charged with finding ways to cut the national debt and balance the budget. They are making tons of proposals. None of these proposals are even bills that are being considered by Congress. There is no guarantee that any of these proposals will make it into any legislation. It certainly won't happen during this lame duck session..

          At least they're trying to move the feds towards some fiscal responsibility.

