Kali is full of fuck. Do a little research next time.
NOVATO, Calif. -- What started with a simple traffic stop Tuesday morning ended with a teen under arrest after officers spotted a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the back seat of his SUV.
The big question that remained for police, the military, and many residents in Novato was how the teenager was able to get his hands on the destructive weapon.
Police said the bizarre incident began when the 15-year-old boy driving a blue Dodge Burango down Novato Boulevard was blasting loud music at around 9:40 a.m. Tuesday morning, which led officers to pull him over.
After the stop, officers saw the AT4 rocket propelled grenade or RPG launcher sitting unconcealed in the back of the vehicle. The single-shot, recoil-less weapon was developed in the early 1980s and is made in Sweden and the United States.

NOVATO, Calif. -- What started with a simple traffic stop Tuesday morning ended with a teen under arrest after officers spotted a rocket-propelled grenade launcher in the back seat of his SUV.
The big question that remained for police, the military, and many residents in Novato was how the teenager was able to get his hands on the destructive weapon.
Police said the bizarre incident began when the 15-year-old boy driving a blue Dodge Burango down Novato Boulevard was blasting loud music at around 9:40 a.m. Tuesday morning, which led officers to pull him over.
After the stop, officers saw the AT4 rocket propelled grenade or RPG launcher sitting unconcealed in the back of the vehicle. The single-shot, recoil-less weapon was developed in the early 1980s and is made in Sweden and the United States.