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Tobacco Firms Sue FDA

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  • #16
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
    And when its determined that they smoked, they are not eligible for any taxpayer funded aid.
    1) Did they help pay the taxes? If so then we need tax breaks for smokers so they are not contributing to benefits that they will never see. Also, they paid the taxes on the cigarettes and a pack a day adds up to a lot of taxes.

    2) If you are found to have a history of McDonald's, you should not receive benefits.

    3) If you have a history of not working out strenuously at least 3 times per week you shall not receive benefits.

    4) If you have consumed a carb in the week prior to your medical issue, and said carb was not backed up by at least a 5k run, your benefits will be void.

    5) If you are white and go out in the sun, be prepared to pay in cash for any cancer related issues unless you are a smoker, in which case you have paid your smoking tax and will be eligible. If you fall into this category your children might be eligible for free lunches.

    '95 GT
    I fucked the Olsen twins before they were famous.


    • #17
      Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
      So let's paint car crash victims onto new cars so everyone can see the dangers of automobile driving. Or have the story of a drunk driving fatality printed on every beer can.

      It's way over the top for the government to force a company to do that. That's the difference between America and all the shitty, overbearing governments in the world... isn't it?
      Right. Everyone knows how against smoking I am, but this is a legal product that government is trying to impose a severe anti-marketing tactic. The tobacco, alcohol and gun companies have done more than their fair share of "compromising" how they handle their marketing. Either outlaw the mother fuckers or let these LEGAL businesses conduct their LEGAL practices and sell their LEGAL products.


      • #18
        lol, they had that shit in Egypt too. Everybody smoked.

        Another thing about the cigarettes over there... they weren't the fire-safe stuff we get over here now. I can't remember when that all started, but I kinda forgot how cigarettes used to burn back in the day.


        • #19
          So are they going to go to brothels next and make the ladies hand out pictures of herpes and such. Or make them tape a picture to their thigh of some nasty infections. I kinda agree that maybe they shouldnt be able to advertise and make all the cool adds to suck kids into smoking but this shit is stupid. If you are a grown ass adult and want to smoke so be it.
          Whos your Daddy?


          • #20
            i've been saying it for years. i dont smoke, have no desire to smoke but i support the tobacco companies.

            the federal government is acting ridiculous, just like Britain circa 1773.
            ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

