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Rick Perry

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  • Denny
    Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
    But, think about it. If you and the others who won't vote because you feel like it's a waste of time were to vote and convince 2 or 3 of your friends to vote, you WILL make a difference.
    Just how many people on here hold an electoral vote?

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  • line-em-up

    Originally posted by Blackout View Post
    fucking right. why bother. i fucking hate both party's sure i could throw my vote away to a independent or something like that but it's not going to matter who we get in office. we are to far in the shitter to have any hope of getting things back to the way they were before bush 2.0 came in office.
    But, think about it. If you and the others who won't vote because you feel like it's a waste of time were to vote and convince 2 or 3 of your friends to vote, you WILL make a difference.

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  • jw33
    Originally posted by mardyn View Post
    Perry is an arrogant, self serving, lying, smug, ass-wipe... if he dropped off the face of the planet tomorrow, we (and especially Texas) would be far better off.

    That's what scares me, he would fit right in in Washington... Just like Romney, big corporations will buy him in a heartbeat.

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  • Blackout
    Originally posted by Baron View Post
    You know, all yhis shit we are having to deal with came along betweenn the bushes, so to speak.
    well kinda. the defaecate was fucked up by the end of George H W Bush's presidency and by the end of Clinton's side show of a presidency was over it had picked back up. then George W Bush came in to office and in all fairness to him alot of shit happened mostly due to Clinton's democrat bull shit and well we know how that went. now Obama is in office. i thought at first some of his ideas were good on paper but at the time not needed. now we find out all the bull shit he talked about on the road to the white house was just that. my brake down of it all is

    Bush 1.0 = Not a bad president.
    Clinton = Jerry Springer in DC.
    Bush 2.0 = Not right for the job. " i just didn't care for the man after his reelection"
    Obama = A bunch of hot fucking air. get the fuck out!
    and if perry wins = were fucked!

    how could anyone want to vote for a man who actually said that Texas needs to become their own independent country away for the USA. WTF!!!!

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  • mardyn
    Perry is an arrogant, self serving, lying, smug, ass-wipe... if he dropped off the face of the planet tomorrow, we (and especially Texas) would be far better off.


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  • jakesford
    God I hope not, Perry is a career politician that has never had an original thought in his life. I would rather see Barry in office with a republican house. At least then it would just be 4 more years of nothing.

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  • Baron Von Crowder
    Originally posted by Blackout View Post
    fucking right. why bother. i fucking hate both party's sure i could throw my vote away to a independent or something like that but it's not going to matter who we get in office. we are to far in the shitter to have any hope of getting things back to the way they were before bush 2.0 came in office.
    You know, all yhis shit we are having to deal with came along betweenn the bushes, so to speak.

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  • BP
    Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
    My wife had an interesting question last night... if he did run and lost... would he still be our Governor.. or would he have to step down prior to running?
    There isn't anything in the constitution that says he has to resign as governor to run for POTUS. He's not a congressman though, he's a governor. He actually has to show up and work or the state will fall apart. Traditionally governors always resign as soon as they are nominated or decide to take the election seriously, as do most other public officials that have real jobs.

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  • The King
    Originally posted by Blackout View Post
    fucking right. why bother. i fucking hate both party's sure i could throw my vote away to a independent or something like that but it's not going to matter who we get in office. we are to far in the shitter to have any hope of getting things back to the way they were before bush 2.0 came in office.
    Things don't have to go back to the way they were before Bush 2.0 took office to get better.

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  • Blackout
    Originally posted by stevo View Post
    Be useless and not vote?

    fucking right. why bother. i fucking hate both party's sure i could throw my vote away to a independent or something like that but it's not going to matter who we get in office. we are to far in the shitter to have any hope of getting things back to the way they were before bush 2.0 came in office.

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  • stevo
    Originally posted by Blackout View Post
    the way i look at it if Obama wins we keep losing if Perry wins we lose. so no matter what were fucked. so ill just do what i always do when the presidential election comes up.
    Be useless and not vote?


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  • Blackout
    the way i look at it if Obama wins we keep losing if Perry wins we lose. so no matter what were fucked. so ill just do what i always do when the presidential election comes up.

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  • Denny
    Originally posted by dblack1 View Post
    Bachman doesn't stand a chance in hell.

    I wish she would get out of the public eye because she sure isn't helping pull the independents in like the republican party needs.
    She's been fed a line of Palin shit through people purposely trying to intervene with the GOP run.

    IMO, anyone but Paul is another wasted 4 years. Fuck this political two-party discussion, as they're all the same in different packages.

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  • dblack1
    Bachman doesn't stand a chance in hell.

    I wish she would get out of the public eye because she sure isn't helping pull the independents in like the republican party needs.

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  • SlowLX
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    He'll get the nod if he gets in. I would want Paul to run for Governor of Texas, if that's the case.
    I still think the man is a little too out there with some of his ideas for POTUS, but as Gov....FUCK YEA I'd love to see that.

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