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As i self medicate, this idea will turn our economy around

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  • As i self medicate, this idea will turn our economy around

    Wipe all consumers debt.

    You wan to see the ultimate stimulus? Wipe every Americans debt slate clean, with all that extra money Americans would spend do much it would boom our economy with production like no other.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by 78X View Post
      Wipe all consumers debt.

      You wan to see the ultimate stimulus? Wipe every Americans debt slate clean, with all that extra money Americans would spend do much it would boom our economy with production like no other.
      Believe it or not, a "national debt holiday" has been contemplated.

      Not as good as my (ok really Lew Spellman's) housing idea.
      Originally posted by davbrucas
      I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

      Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

      You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


      • #4
        Hopefully they let me know when this happens so I can go buy a ton of shit. Lulz


        • #5
          So all the companies that extended credit can just suck it? Yeah, great idea.
          When the government pays, the government controls.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
            So all the companies that extended credit can just suck it? Yeah, great idea.
            First thing I thought when I read that also.

            Try a role reversal. How about you cut off the hand outs to the do nothings and pay nothings and reverse that money back to the "we the people" that fund it to begin with. Do it for one year. If you have a job the .gov will cut YOU a check also. No job no .gov check, starve, go without, pound sand. The unemployed will become employed, the tax payers will get some extra jingle to pay down their own debt and all will be better, during that time of course.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #7
              The people that are over their heads in debt now will just get that way again, I'd wager.
              "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


              • #8
                Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
                The people that are over their heads in debt now will just get that way again, I guarantee.


                • #9
                  Wouldn't work. The companies that are owed this money would then write that debt off. Their shares would plunge. Guess who owns those shares? The households who have the debt, via pension funds and other investments. So you would relieve debt and at the same time destroy wealth. The net result would be zero, at least in theory. In practice it would probably spark a financial crisis.

                  This is one thing that amuses me so much about the Democrats and their campaign to tax companies. Those dollars will just come out of the shareholders' pockets in the end, they are the ones who own the company. So it is just another tax on the people.
                  Last edited by Broncojohnny; 08-09-2011, 08:40 AM.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    Wouldn't work. The companies that are owed this money would then write that debt off. Their shares would plunge. Guess who owns those shares? The households who have the debt, via pension funds and other investments. So you would relieve debt and at the same time destroy wealth. The net result would be zero, at least in theory. In practice it would probably spark a financial crisis.

                    This one thing that amuses me so much about the Democrats and their campaign to tax companies. Those dollars will just come out of the shareholders' pockets in the end, they are the ones who own the company. So it is just another tax on the people.
                    True redistribution.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                      First thing I thought when I read that also.

                      Try a role reversal. How about you cut off the hand outs to the do nothings and pay nothings and reverse that money back to the "we the people" that fund it to begin with. Do it for one year. If you have a job the .gov will cut YOU a check also. No job no .gov check, starve, go without, pound sand. The unemployed will become employed, the tax payers will get some extra jingle to pay down their own debt and all will be better, during that time of course.
                      YES!!! This works in all other countries!!! look at powerful african countries... look at the powerful USSR, look at CUBA... lets cut off all help to the elderly, poor, and illegals... I mean the elderly f-them right there dried up. poor who needs them we should gas them like hilter did the jews..... and the illegals dont let me get started because all they do is come here and sit around and have babies... we should all be nazis.... but wait, i am american, i am poor and i am in dept, so does that mean i will be gassed too? if i am then 6 people will be gassed because my bussiness wont operate and they will be left without a job...

                      what to do, yea, pay the high interest on the loans, you took them out, and you pay high taxes while the REAL rich dont pay anything or at least a small fraction of the money they are really making, thats the thing SOME middle class THINK they are a part of the wealthy. YOUR NOT, you think because you make over 100k a year and have your little 250k home your someone... your no better than the guy making 15k renting an apt.... do you think the REAL rich pay high interest loans, do you think they pay high taxes, no, but we do!!! so yes lets cut all goverment aid to our own people, go pick fights with other counrties and aid them right..... let the buffets and gates have the real breaks............ oh and the Barrack did not mess this economy up...... its been happening for a very long time................... sorry for my grammer and runons i am ranting

                      sorry just tired of hearing all this SH!T


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bad A$$ Coupe View Post
                        while the REAL rich dont pay anything
                        Lost you there.
                        Originally posted by lincolnboy
                        After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bad A$$ Coupe View Post
                          YES!!! This works in all other countries!!! look at powerful african countries... look at the powerful USSR, look at CUBA... lets cut off all help to the elderly, poor, and illegals... I mean the elderly f-them right there dried up. poor who needs them we should gas them like hilter did the jews..... and the illegals dont let me get started because all they do is come here and sit around and have babies... we should all be nazis.... but wait, i am american, i am poor and i am in dept, so does that mean i will be gassed too? if i am then 6 people will be gassed because my bussiness wont operate and they will be left without a job...

                          what to do, yea, pay the high interest on the loans, you took them out, and you pay high taxes while the REAL rich dont pay anything or at least a small fraction of the money they are really making, thats the thing SOME middle class THINK they are a part of the wealthy. YOUR NOT, you think because you make over 100k a year and have your little 250k home your someone... your no better than the guy making 15k renting an apt.... do you think the REAL rich pay high interest loans, do you think they pay high taxes, no, but we do!!! so yes lets cut all goverment aid to our own people, go pick fights with other counrties and aid them right..... let the buffets and gates have the real breaks............ oh and the Barrack did not mess this economy up...... its been happening for a very long time................... sorry for my grammer and runons i am ranting

                          sorry just tired of hearing all this SH!T
                          OK. First off the "Rich" don't pay high interest loans because they don't have to take loans. They pay cash. The only reason why a wealthy "rich" person would take a loan as if their cash could be put elsewhere to generate more money to overcome the interest payment.

                          Second. Being poor is a life-style choice. If someone dropped out of highschool, got a girl pregnant and married at the age of 17..that was their choice..and that person/family has to live with those decsions. This is a book of a discussion in itself.

                          Third. Buffet, Gates, Perot and others have EARNED their money the old fashion way. They have worked their ass off for it, and they finally got to a point of getting their money to work for them. All of them had to take a HUGE RISK to get to where they are now. How many people do you know willing to take a $100,000 loan and invest it into a new type of business on the off chance that someone will want it's services? That's what these people have done, they took out loans and invested it in a new business that they hoped would work. These guys have had their failures as well. The "Rich" pay their dues, and they don't need to be taxed more because of their success.

                          Fourth. The economy has been fucked every since the Fed came into existance, and past Presidents (more Democrapic than Rebuttlican) have put their own agenda's in place to screw the economy over long term. You can blame the Government all you want, but who elected these people into office? Our GrandParents/Parents/Us.

                          Fifth. I agree with you that we just need to cut people off the Government tit and fuck them. I am tired of supporting people that are too fucking lazy to get up and get a job. There are lots of jobs out there..both white collar and blue collar, but people refuse to go out there and gosh - "work" for a change, instead they sit at home and collect government paid benifits that came that do work. Fuck them, I'm tired of paying for them.

                          Sixth. It's estimated that 46% of Americans did not pay into the Federal Income Tax for 2010. These 46% do not want to pay into the tax system, and will continue to vote for elected officials that will keep it that way. When this number reaches's game over. Say hello to the USSA.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                            Lost you there.
                            well if i make billions and get tax breaks because i am a billionare it is nothing...

                            in all honesty this country is great but has been going to shit, they say times were great back in the day.... im glad i wasnt around i am a brown american so i wouldnt have fit in....

                            i dont know but i guess we all just got to keep on truckin.......


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bad A$$ Coupe View Post
                              well if i make billions and get tax breaks because i am a billionare it is nothing...

                              in all honesty this country is great but has been going to shit, they say times were great back in the day.... im glad i wasnt around i am a brown american so i wouldnt have fit in....

                              i dont know but i guess we all just got to keep on truckin.......
                              This guy is a real student of the tax code.

