genetics vs. genetics? pretty solid comparison IMO
woah woah woah..... So you're saying sexual preference is a genetic lottery, like a recessive redhead gene? If its pre-determined by genes, well then it's no longer a "preference", it's more of a "condition", or "disorder".
why would somebody CHOOSE to be homosexual? I didn't choose to be hetero
Ehh, I'm not following. Other species do not mate for pleasure, either. It's for survival. Their sexual behavior is only labeled by us. To them it might be practice, or something they do to assert dominance or their place in the pack.
I absolutely choose the opposite sex. It's not my genes, it's a preference. If I chose to try some taliwhacker, it's not genes that influenced me, more like Jim Beam.
So if someone grows up dating the opposite sex, gets married, has five kids. Then at 65 years old they say they're gay and like to bump similar uglies, it's a genetic mutation? Or you're saying they were always gay, but fought through it? Nah, I don't think so.
You're wasting your time trying to convince those fools. They really love them some gays. Probly gay themselves. What they're too stupid to realize is, gays are on the end of a lose/lose situation. If its genetic, then its obviously a defect. Seeing as how nature would OBVIOUSLY have a man stick his thing in a woman for reproduction, instead of another man. Unless there is some abnormality where these men can reproduce... lol. So if its genetic, its only a matter of time until it can be treated once the proper medical advances are made. If its not a defect, then its very clearly a choice or a preference. They don't have a point.
Ehh, I'm not following. Other species do not mate for pleasure, either. It's for survival. Their sexual behavior is only labeled by us. To them it might be practice, or something they do to assert dominance or their place in the pack.
I absolutely choose the opposite sex. It's not my genes, it's a preference. If I chose to try some taliwhacker, it's not genes that influenced me, more like Jim Beam.
So if someone grows up dating the opposite sex, gets married, has five kids. Then at 65 years old they say they're gay and like to bump similar uglies, it's a genetic mutation? Or you're saying they were always gay, but fought through it? Nah, I don't think so.
yes, I think they were gay and fought it for societal reasons... other intelligent species like dolphins and other primates have sex, including homosexual sex, for pleasure.
I think homosexuality is a genetic mutation for population control.
so when you get drunk do you have homosexual urges? maybe you think homos choose to be gay because you're choosing to be straight? (no offense )
You're wasting your time trying to convince those fools. They really love them some gays. Probly gay themselves. What they're too stupid to realize is, gays are on the end of a lose/lose situation. If its genetic, then its obviously a defect. Seeing as how nature would OBVIOUSLY have a man stick his thing in a woman for reproduction, instead of another man. Unless there is some abnormality where these men can reproduce... lol. So if its genetic, its only a matter of time until it can be treated once the proper medical advances are made. If its not a defect, then its very clearly a choice or a preference. They don't have a point.
so do you WANT genetically inferior people to reproduce? if a gay dude wants to stick his wang in another dude, how is it hurting you? he's not going to reproduce, he's not going to compete with you for finding a mate, and he's going to have a lot of disposable income to help the economy
so do you WANT genetically inferior people to reproduce? if a gay dude wants to stick his wang in another dude, how is it hurting you? he's not going to reproduce, he's not going to compete with you for finding a mate, and he's going to have a lot of disposable income to help the economy
There haven't been any genetic links found in regards to homosexuality, but when they do tests on the brain the synapses fire differently than those of heterosexuals.
Sure why not. And as long as we're FORCE-FEEDING deviant lifestyles, lets toss in mandatory incest, beastiality, paraphilia and pedophilia history lessons! After all, they're people too and they have rights.
The point is, where does it fucking stop?
And don't start screaming that I'm a homophobe. I'm not. My point is, keep your business behind closed doors and I'll do the same with mine. The job of the schools is not to force-feed lifestyle education; their job is to provide the opportunity to the students to get a basic education.
so do you WANT genetically inferior people to reproduce? if a gay dude wants to stick his wang in another dude, how is it hurting you? he's not going to reproduce, he's not going to compete with you for finding a mate, and he's going to have a lot of disposable income to help the economy
It doesn't hurt me until they start using school time to promote a gay agenda. Then it's using tax dollars to pass an agenda that I disagree with and indoctrinating my child to believe it's okay
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.
I agree that this should be a college level class. Taking a moral stance one way or the other, in regard to this issue, does a disservice to the population.
Sure why not. And as long as we're FORCE-FEEDING deviant lifestyles, lets toss in mandatory incest, beastiality, paraphilia and pedophilia history lessons! After all, they're people too and they have rights.
The point is, where does it fucking stop?
And don't start screaming that I'm a homophobe. I'm not. My point is, keep your business behind closed doors and I'll do the same with mine. The job of the schools is not to force-feed lifestyle education; their job is to provide the opportunity to the students to get a basic education.
This guy knows.
Originally posted by SSMAN
...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
It doesn't hurt me until they start using school time to promote a gay agenda. Then it's using tax dollars to pass an agenda that I disagree with and indoctrinating my child to believe it's okay
I guess when they teach about Germany in the 1940s they are promoting a Nazi agenda?