Overprinting to compensate for our government's overspending. Then they give incentives and push the "American Dream" on citizens so they go in debt for them to create more money to offset their overspending, but they just took that extra money and overspent more- maintianing a deficit. So now most everyone is severely in debt along with the government.
Now during all of this, our overspending went into unnecessary purchases and also inflated the prices of just about everything all while the purchasing power of the dollar deminished. There has not been one time where the dollar gained purchasing power since 1971 (maybe even earlier). This does not count the dollar index, I'm just talking about the dollar's purchasing power.
Now, to offset the weakened dollar, we all resort to buying things that are cheaper (because we still have the urge to buy worthless crap). It is now a set characterisitc of an American that has been instilled in us over the last few decades.
Third-world counties see our need for the cheaper shit and flood our markets with the crap... from cars to rubber dog shit. We scoop all of it up on the cheap and put our own industries out of business. Now our biggest industry is the service sector and we are slaves to our suppliers, who in turn lend us the money we spend in order to go into more debt to buy from them again.
Now during all of this, our overspending went into unnecessary purchases and also inflated the prices of just about everything all while the purchasing power of the dollar deminished. There has not been one time where the dollar gained purchasing power since 1971 (maybe even earlier). This does not count the dollar index, I'm just talking about the dollar's purchasing power.
Now, to offset the weakened dollar, we all resort to buying things that are cheaper (because we still have the urge to buy worthless crap). It is now a set characterisitc of an American that has been instilled in us over the last few decades.
Third-world counties see our need for the cheaper shit and flood our markets with the crap... from cars to rubber dog shit. We scoop all of it up on the cheap and put our own industries out of business. Now our biggest industry is the service sector and we are slaves to our suppliers, who in turn lend us the money we spend in order to go into more debt to buy from them again.