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GOP Candidate Poll

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  • #46
    If Rick Perry decides to run, he will be a favorite. For all his shortcomings, he would have good national appeal. It's hard to argue with our economy (housing, unemployment) compared to the rest of the country. Should a governor get some credit? Sure. He's also gone head-to-head with Barry on several issues, and comes across as a hard-ass when dealing with Washington.


    • #47
      Fighting politics by using politics will do nothing but set you up for disappointment.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Denny View Post
        Fighting politics by using politics will do nothing but set you up for disappointment.
        Unfortunately, it's the system we have.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BP View Post
          No Rick Perry?

          Out of that list I like Bachman the most but Jon Huntsman has the best shot of winning. He was an Obama appointee, after working for Reagan and Bush. The democrats can't bash him on anything without the GOP throwing the ambassadorship back at them. Unfortunately he's very moderate, which is good for winning elections but stinks when you are fighting hard core liberals. Travis Pastrana even came out this weekend in support for him, as a fellow motox rider. When the biggest name in extreme sports, who also happens to race Nascar puts your name out there people pay attention.

          We don't need a moderate, we need Bachman or Paul.
          Huntsman's campaign was over before it started. He is like a case of the driveling shits. No fire, no passion, and far too mushy to get a following.

          Bachmann makes me really nervous. Her social conscience far supersedes the economic panic she should be in.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
            Unfortunately, it's the system we have.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Denny View Post
              And a violent one at that.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Denny View Post
                You've been in the desert waaaay too long. ;-)


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                  You've been in the desert waaaay too long. ;-)
                  Any action that does not guarantee results are a waste of time.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Denny View Post
                    Any action that does not guarantee results are a waste of time.
                    Then I guess stay at home. I'll keep voting.

                    By the way, there are NO guarantees...


                    • #55
                      My vote isn't counted anyway.


                      • #56
                        I can't get behind Bachmann for two main reasons.

                        1.) Her facts are wrong in many of her speeches. Either she is letting her passion run through her thoughts and is absent of the ability to filter it properly, or she is an idiot savant who should never be allowed to handle foreign policy.

                        2.) Her husband.

                        I wish Ron Paul could get the media coverage he deserves. He needs to be our President.

                        I'm still looking into Huntsman. He is a very intelligent, civil man. He has foreign policy experience.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                          I can't get behind Bachmann for two main reasons.

                          1.) Her facts are wrong in many of her speeches. Either she is letting her passion run through her thoughts and is absent of the ability to filter it properly, or she is an idiot savant who should never be allowed to handle foreign policy.

                          2.) Her husband.

                          I wish Ron Paul could get the media coverage he deserves. He needs to be our President.

                          I'm still looking into Huntsman. He is a very intelligent, civil man. He has foreign policy experience.
                          I honestly don't know much about her husband, but she does come across as a little "flighty". She's a bit off the cuff, as I think Ron Paul has been. Sometimes it's better to think whatever you like, but don't verbalize it, especially when everything you say will be scrutinized in depth.

                          She's good for the party, because she's not afraid to say anything, but probably not presidential material.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                            I wish Ron Paul could get the media coverage he deserves. He needs to be our President.

                            I'm still looking into Huntsman. He is a very intelligent, civil man. He has foreign policy experience.
                            Don't count on it.

                            Hunstman is a RINO. He was appointed by Obama. He is basically trying to give a nice slant to politics and is wanting to reach out to the left, who in their own right refuse to reach back across and continue to run further to the left. It's ok for them to be fringe, but if a conservative does it then they are cast as a nut (ie - Ron Paul).


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                              If Rick Perry decides to run, he will be a favorite. For all his shortcomings, he would have good national appeal. It's hard to argue with our economy (housing, unemployment) compared to the rest of the country. Should a governor get some credit? Sure. He's also gone head-to-head with Barry on several issues, and comes across as a hard-ass when dealing with Washington.
                              And he'll get in there... and do nothing. Cause that's what he is. A big nothing.

                              Christie does need to lose some weight to help his credibility on certain issues. The time for fatasses being prez was over about 70 years ago.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                                And he'll get in there... and do nothing. Cause that's what he is. A big nothing.

                                Christie does need to lose some weight to help his credibility on certain issues. The time for fatasses being prez was over about 70 years ago.
                                I'm just telling you what's going to happen. He's not my guy, but I can see it coming.

