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GOP Candidate Poll
Originally posted by Yale View PostI like Ron Paul. He's the only real constitutionalist, and the Tea Party in its current incarnation can suck my dick. They've done what the Republican Party has done lately to shoot themselves in the foot, and that's give the whole enchilada to social conservatives. We don't need to focus on social issues, we need to focus on fiscal issues, but we can't stop putting the cart in front of the horse, because we're entitled. Just ask us, we'll tell you.
I voted RP. He scares the crap out of people, especially the usual politicians saying what they need to stay in office. RP can say some crazy stuff, but he'll never loose the core support because they KNOW HIM. In this tabloid media, blogger, look at me, sensationalist society, thats all the sheople will hear. I'm just afraid that the general public will always feel he's out of left field. He'll get the spin, and his pure and often realist thinking will not be understood.
I don't care who wins the election, just fix us. I want our dollar to be worth something, so pay down the damn debt!!!
Originally posted by Denny View PostA different person in Office won't change our course. A different government will.
BTW, there is not one person on here that makes a difference in a Presidential Election.
Ron Paul has won every poll on every board I visit. This is the smallest and most "Fox News Republican" type of board I post on. I was really surprised he won here too.
All of these polls on the big boards have over 1000 responses. Funny how he always loses the polls posted on FNC.
One they even said he had ZERO votes, that was a poll with 54 total votes from who knows where, the reason he had zero, he wasn't even given as an option to vote for, lol.US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer
They really don't like him over there on FNC and O'Reilly has a huge hard-on to make Ron Paul out to be totally insane. That should tell you something....
I'd vote for Christie if he was running, but for me it would be a tough call between him, west and paul. The only real reason I'm partial to paul is that I want about half of the government (if not more) permanently shut down, and I want the fed audited then shut down.
I want banks bitch slapped back down into what they really are, which is nothing but a piss ant little security company for keeping your money safe. Not global megacorps. They don't deserve to be global megacorps cause they don't provided a valuable enough service. They think they're Exxon or Microsoft or something when they're really Bob's Doughnuts.
Originally posted by Torinoman View PostHow many people would vote for Chris Christie from NJ if he were included?
He seems like a no bullshit man. He isnt afraid of reporters and tells it like it is. From what I have seen in his New Jersey quest, he has done well.
My next picks is between West and Bachman.
Romney can suck my dick with his bullshit Romney care. He can say he is sorry but he made the dumbest fucking decision trying to mandate healthcare.
To those concerned Ron Paul on the radio today in Iowa talking about the economy...
Originally posted by Torinoman View PostHow many people would vote for Chris Christie from NJ if he were included?
Ron Paul is it. None of these other jokers have a clue, other than maintain the status quo and expect different results. The rest of you will eventually get it.
I chose Paul because everyone else on that list pretty much sucks. Right now Allen West would be my top choice but he seems interested in staying in Congress for the time being.I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.
Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.
No Rick Perry?
Out of that list I like Bachman the most but Jon Huntsman has the best shot of winning. He was an Obama appointee, after working for Reagan and Bush. The democrats can't bash him on anything without the GOP throwing the ambassadorship back at them. Unfortunately he's very moderate, which is good for winning elections but stinks when you are fighting hard core liberals. Travis Pastrana even came out this weekend in support for him, as a fellow motox rider. When the biggest name in extreme sports, who also happens to race Nascar puts your name out there people pay attention.
We don't need a moderate, we need Bachman or Paul.