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Bachmann just lost

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  • #16
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    Except that more often than not black families were split up and sold off. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.....

    Including being a racist bigot.
    You want a racist bigot? Look at your boy Barry and the Dems. Civil Rights protections do not apply to whites according to the WH
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #17
      Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
      You want a racist bigot? Look at your boy Barry and the Dems. Civil Rights protections do not apply to whites according to the WH
      Not my boy, I hate that som'bitch too. Why is it that when someone proclaims a dislike for one person, they automatically like the other person? Way to jump to conclusions, FF.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
        And yet you scoff at Ron Paul for some colorful statements regarding fiscal policy that he's incapable of enacting without the help of congress and the senate...

        You keep making that assertion but there's really nothing behind it. Someone like Bachmann will do far more harm long-term for the GOP than she will good.
        He's a nut. I've always said he's better than Obama. Stick to least you're psuedo factual.


        • #19
          The White House.... Home of the inept, idiotic, and insane....


          • #20
            she is all rhetoric, she bitches about obama (with reason) but she has yet to lay out any plans on what she is going to do differently. so far the only candidate to offer up any plan on the economy is ron paul... and like it or not, at least he has put for a plan.


            • #21
              She's a dingbat, we elect her and we deserve to fail as a nation.
              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


              • #22
                Originally posted by Cannonball996 View Post
                she is all rhetoric, she bitches about obama (with reason) but she has yet to lay out any plans on what she is going to do differently. so far the only candidate to offer up any plan on the economy is ron paul... and like it or not, at least he has put for a plan.
                Ron Paul is marginalized by Fox News. They continue to air faked polls, faked videos, reversed polls, label him a "cook", and a "fringe" candidate.

                If Murdoch's 1984 machine is telling our Republican base he has no chance, then he actually has NO chance.
                US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                • #23
                  Man, woman, Repubican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, none of these assholes have any idea how to fix our current economic, social, or diplomatic situations. And even if someone did have all the answers, some moron against this persons ideas would just find a way to keep it form happening.

                  I really feel like this country is heading down a path we can't come back from.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                    Man, woman, Repubican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Right Wing, Left Wing, none of these assholes have any idea how to fix our current economic, social, or diplomatic situations. And even if someone did have all the answers, some moron against this persons ideas would just find a way to keep it form happening.

                    I really feel like this country is heading down a path we can't come back from.
                    You sound like me in 1979.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                      You sound like me in 1979.
                      So we have been pretty much stuck in the mud for 30+ years. No surprise there.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                        So we have been pretty much stuck in the mud for 30+ years. No surprise there.
                        More like we got stuck with another Carter. I don't remember ever feeling this way when Reagan, or even Clinton was in office.


                        • #27
                          These views mirror my own.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mstng86 View Post

                            I really feel like this country is heading down a path we can't come back from.

                            I worry that we're living in the twilight of a golden era, that our nation like many before it, is going to collapse under the weight of it's own empire and government.

                            To win elections our representatives have to appeal to the lowest common denominator while whoring themselves out to big business. IMO big business has shown that it is as inefficient and just as greedy as big government.

                            Too many hands in the cookie jar and not enough cookies.

                            The biggest problem by far, US. You, me, everyone on this board, everyone you know, every adult in America. We don't educate ourselves enough, and we don't do shit, and we won't do shit. We're complacent basically apathetic. The world's greatest nation is failing and we're all letting it happen.

                            Sure we might bitch on a message board, we might vote, but we won't do anything to make a real change. We accept what the talking heads tell us and do as we're told. Meanwhile the country steers further off course, doesn't matter if it's the Obama administration or the Bush administration or the next group of assholes.

                            We've all become a bunch of selfish pussies that won't stand up and do whatever it takes for a real change, a real correction, because we worry too much about our "stuff."

                            Stuff is more important to us than the future, than our children, than our country. Gotta keep with the status quo until it's too late. It won't be until this country falls back into some Grapes of Wrath shit until we rise up and do something. Until then we'll be too preoccupied with Idol, credit card bills, survivor, Kim Kardashian's sex life, a big fucking tv, or whatever bullshit.

                            We did this to ourselves, we deserve it.
                            US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Hobie View Post

                              Every country/empire has it's golden age, and it is usually a minimal time in history. The 50's and 60's may have been ours. The generations before ours worked hard for what they had and made sure their kids didn't suffer the same, which in turn has created a country with people that expect everything to be given to them.

                              Now I am not saying we are all that way, but everyone has some kind of feeling of entitlement, whether it is driving a car, food on the table, or money. We all feel entitled to things that aren't necessarily deserved, mainly materialistic. There in lies a huge part of our problem. We feel entitled to that house, but we don't really deserve it. We didn't earn the $150k it is being sold for, but we can get someone to loan it to us. You will always feel entitled to something, but you should also realize you should still have to work for it.

                              I recently saw a movie on HBO about immigrants becoming American citizens. They interviewed a woman who was from Korea and she talked about how great it is to be here. The first example she gave was that, in Korea, she would not have been able to buy a house or get her educations, but here in America, she can have all that because someone gave her a student and house loan. The interviewer asked "so that is the greatest thing about America, Debt?" The woman really didn't have much to say after that. This just shows how quick you fall into the entitlement psyche.


                              • #30
                                We need more focus on fiscal issues at the moment. Social views just distract from the bigger issue.

                                Conservative candidates scream about gay marriage while Queen Barack says "let them eat cock" and the rest of us are getting fisted by a government that is spending out of control and has no intention of stopping.

