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    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    More tautologies! I need more tautologies!
    Semantics. I need more semantics.

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  • 03shadow4v
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    I only use it whan I'm balls-deep in your mother's anus.
    ^ most solid quote I've ever seen on here

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  • racrguy
    More tautologies! I need more tautologies!

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  • The King
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
    Never once were they destroyed. Not even close. Beyond your realm of understanding, sure. Can't remember if it was you I told this to, but eh. See, you're more like an insect than a thinking, sentient human being. And I'm not even trying to insult you. Its just the truth. An insect can only see or deal with what is right in front of it, or what its preprogrammed to do. And that's all. Some other moron feeds you some bullshit and you just take it and run with it. I know I've tried to tell you this before, but what you subscribe to isn't science. It doesn't even follow the scientific method. That's whats so sad about all your ravings and religion bigotry. Its the fact that you don't even realize that you're a complete hypocrite cause you're just following a religion of your own. You are exactly what you're always talking shit about. Exactly. I know you don't even care that you're a complete hypocrite, but maybe hearing it from enough people over time will help you to eventually... I don't know... maybe actually learn something about what you're talking about?
    LOL @ racrguy believing his baby-step internet posts are capable of destroying any argument on this forum at large, much less in this corner of it.

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    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    They've already been countered and destroyed in other threads you've been a part of. I'd recommend you go read those threads and quit spouting tautologies.
    Never once were they destroyed. Not even close. Beyond your realm of understanding, sure. Can't remember if it was you I told this to, but eh. See, you're more like an insect than a thinking, sentient human being. And I'm not even trying to insult you. Its just the truth. An insect can only see or deal with what is right in front of it, or what its preprogrammed to do. And that's all. Some other moron feeds you some bullshit and you just take it and run with it. I know I've tried to tell you this before, but what you subscribe to isn't science. It doesn't even follow the scientific method. That's whats so sad about all your ravings and religion bigotry. Its the fact that you don't even realize that you're a complete hypocrite cause you're just following a religion of your own. You are exactly what you're always talking shit about. Exactly. I know you don't even care that you're a complete hypocrite, but maybe hearing it from enough people over time will help you to eventually... I don't know... maybe actually learn something about what you're talking about?
    Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 09-23-2011, 09:41 PM.

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  • 90GT50
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    You get a parking violation,
    And a maggot on your sleeve.
    So shave you face,
    With some mace,
    In the dark.
    Savin' all your food stamps,
    And burnin' down the trailer park.

    90GT50 and I posted under the God name in Canada for a year or so before it got banned back in like 2004. Good times.
    I forgot all about that.

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  • 03shadow4v
    Originally posted by The King View Post
    Whining about whining, what tender feelings hath little Superpooh......

    Your joke could have been funny in some circles, had you not turned all bitchy afterward like some spoiled little princess.
    dude nobody trolls as hard as you ....i wanna be just like you when i grow up

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post

    You just can't counter the argument and that's the only thing you could come up with to say.
    They've already been countered and destroyed in other threads you've been a part of. I'd recommend you go read those threads and quit spouting tautologies.
    Last edited by racrguy; 09-19-2011, 06:44 PM.

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    You just can't counter the argument and that's the only thing you could come up with to say.

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  • racrguy
    You're trying too hard to troll.

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    It does make sense to me. In the context it was intended for. If it doesn't to you, (in the context it was intended for) then once again, please stop commenting on other's religions, when you so devoutly follow your own. See that's the difference between you and me. I don't really want to believe anything. I simply use my own experiences and senses to make my own assumptions based on logical deduction and scientific fact (or even lack thereof). You really want to believe what you do, so you'll say anything to defend it. If that weren't true, then you'd be open to any possibility. Which you've already made it clear that you're not. And if you think that everyone you talk to about this can't see that, you're sadly mistaken.
    Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 09-17-2011, 07:51 AM.

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
    And you're trying to make me think that what... you do? ROFL! You crack me up man. You have my pity if you can't grasp the sarcasm in that pic. Its quite obvious that isn't what the guy actually thinks they're saying. He's just pointing out the numerous inconsistencies and holes that we're presented with in considering these things. And, as I usually end up having to say: That isn't to say that they'll always be there. But right now, if you can't see them staring you in the face, you're more of a religious zealot than the ones you're always pointing out. Sad but true. And if thus, then you have no business at all making comment in a "theology" forum.
    I get the picture, it's just that I doubt your ability to look at it and laugh. You're the kind of person that would look at it and say "THAT MAKES SENSE TO ME!"

    And no, every single atheist I've ever met thinks anything in that picture is true. Even the people that don't know they're atheist (hard core agnostic people who don't believe in god, yet they cling to the "I don't know" stance, even though that would still make them atheist)

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    And you're trying to make me think that what... you do? ROFL! You crack me up man. You have my pity if you can't grasp the sarcasm in that pic. Its quite obvious that isn't what the guy actually thinks they're saying. He's just pointing out the numerous inconsistencies and holes that we're presented with in considering these things. And, as I usually end up having to say: That isn't to say that they'll always be there. But right now, if you can't see them staring you in the face, you're more of a religious zealot than the ones you're always pointing out. Sad but true. And if thus, then you have no business at all making comment in a "theology" forum.
    Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 09-10-2011, 04:20 AM.

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
    This pretty much sums it up.
    And this post, along with the picture proves that you've got no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

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    This pretty much sums it up.
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